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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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.. in regards to the comparison of the staying power of Star Trek to HP and the question of whether HP has a big enough 'following'.. don't you think the HP genre has a much wider base? I mean we are talking about a very broad range of kids age-wise around the world.. for a pretty long span. Over 10 years. Highest grossing book series, highest grossing movie series. That's a lot of people .. And you don't expect younger generations to read these books? It's not like "She stops writing and people stop buying the books and watching the movies altogether."


It's not like this is the first time Universal has built a themed area based on a movie or book series that is complete/near complete...


And even if people don't like the HP series specifically.. who the hell doesn't like wizards and dragons in general???

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And even if people don't like the HP series specifically.. who the hell doesn't like wizards and dragons in general???


People who find Dungeons and Dragons irritating? People who aren't into that particular type of fantasy (or fantasy in general)? I would think there would be quite a few.


That being said, I'm looking forward to checking the new land out, but I'm not a Potter fan.

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And even if people don't like the HP series specifically.. who the hell doesn't like wizards and dragons in general???


People who find Dungeons and Dragons irritating? People who aren't into that particular type of fantasy (or fantasy in general)? I would think there would be quite a few.


That being said, I'm looking forward to checking the new land out, but I'm not a Potter fan.


It done right, a land shouldn't turn people off because of it's decoration. People still like Adventureland even if they don't like the Amazon or exotic lands because it covers the romance of discovery and The African Queen very well. Even if you're not a huge Buck Rogers fan you can still have fun in Tomorrowland because it has the universal theme of a brighter future and dreaming to do anything in it.


I think that's the problem Robb and others see with the HP land, there's no underlying theme to the land, just a very very very very very well decorated area that takes the story from an existing franchise.

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So for people who don't like dinosaurs, don't go to the Jurassic area.. people who don't like comic books, don't go to the comic book land.. gotcha.


And for those of you who don't like Dr. Seuss.. go to hell.


It looks to me to have a wizard/dragon theme, no? What is the theme of the comic book land? Or the Jurassic Park land? We are talking about a Universal park here, not Disney. Universal seems to just exploit movies and builds rides centered around them. I doubt people will be turned off by the HP portion of the park because of 'lack of theme', even if there is no 'learning moment'.


I do totally agree, and tend to lean towards the Disney parks for exactly what you and Robb are talking about.. but put in context, this land is just like everything else Universal has done at the park, and I think the theme of HP is equally approachable compared to the others in IOA.

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And even if people don't like the HP series specifically.. who the hell doesn't like wizards and dragons in general???

Raises hands. I **CANNOT STAND** stupid "unicorns and fairies" stuff. Never have.


I've never seen/read any of the Harry Potter Movies. Never seen/read any of the Lord of the Rings books. Would never even think about installing "World of Warcraft." Etc, etc....


But...having said that, I thought the original Lost Continent area is quite awesome, however you'd never see me wearing a Dueling Dragons shirt. That area was also very different. It was inviting to EVERYONE because you didn't need to know what it was before you went into it. So therefore, someone like myself who isn't into "Unicorns and Fairies" had the opportunity to get a taste of something I normally wouldn't be able to appreciate.


With Potterland, I feel that I'm already being alienated by it because I don't know the franchise. I don't know why, but the area just doesn't feel anywhere near as inviting to me as Lost Continent did.


The other lands at IOA don't seem to have this lack of appeal to me, even though I'm also not into comic books at all, for example, and I've never really seen a Dudley Do Right cartoon or a Popeye movie, I still enjoy those lands because they don't seem like they are made with the same deeper detail that only the fans would appreciate.


I think you're being quite immature with your "If you don't like dinosaurs, don't go into Jurassic Park." Get real dude. I'm not saying I don't like it so much I don't want to visit it. You're being totally unrealistic. What I'm saying is, and it's been totally lost in the last page or two...


Bottom Line...


I guess what I'm saying here is, Wizarding World is such a perfect opportunity to be able to "introduce" people to the world of Harry Potter who know absolutely nothing about the franchise. But everything I've seen so far, just like the Star Trek Experience, does NOT speak to that person, but instead speaks directly to the die-hard fan.


I'm not dissing the idea or saying what has been created doesn't look cool. Just saying that it seems like they may be missing out on a great opportunity to widen their audience.


--Robb "Do you guys get where I'm coming from?" Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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Wizarding World is such a perfect opportunity to be able to "introduce" people to the world of Harry Potter who know absolutely nothing about the franchise. But everything I've seen so far, just like the Star Trek Experience, does NOT speak to that person, but instead speaks directly to the die-hard fan.


Maybe we should wait a little more, since it has only been soft opened for a few hours. They could eventually, as things move on, try to appeal to the people that's not really into the Harry Potter world. We've only seen an small portion so far, not even 100% operational.

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I think I've just decided that it's better that I don't read this thread anymore since no matter what I say, no one seems to actually get where I'm coming from.


To all the Potter fans - enjoy your new land. To the rest of us who don't get it - your respones in this thread are a perfect example of why the franchise is so univiting to to the rest of us. It's not the franchise itself, it's the people who are into it. You guys are making it so I never want to read any of the books or see the movies.






--Robb "Potterheads are todays Trekkies..." Alvey

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^ I see where you're coming from there, Robb haha.


As someone who has only recently (the last book/movie or two) taken an interest in the series, I can understand where you're coming from. If I had still never looked at the series at all, and heard about this park, I probably would feel the same way. The Lost Continent was great for that, because just about anybody could walk in and take in the scenery and not have to have an entire back-story to understand what it was all about. This is a little bit different. If you have absolutely no idea about the series and no interest in the franchise, you'll probably walk in and be like, "Well this is cool, but what is going on?"


Now that being said, it's still going to do extremely well because there are so many Harry Potter fans who are bound to come check it out. Universal probably won't even have to make it more friendly to those who don't know the series, because it'll do so well regardless. It would be nice if they did open it to a wider audience, though.


Maybe we should wait a little more, since it has only been soft opened for a few hours. They could eventually, as things move on, try to appeal to the people that's not really into the Harry Potter world. We've only seen an small portion so far, not even 100% operational.


True, but think about it. If you didn't know anything about the series, walked in and were standing around in Hogsmeade, you'd still probably say "This is cool, but - Honedukes? Zonkos? Ollivanders? I have no idea what any of this is about." And there's honestly not much they can do about that, short of giving an audio-tour or something.

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Universal seems to just exploit movies and builds rides centered around them.

Strange that one of the world's largest motion picture studios would take this route, no? Next thing you know, Sea World will start exploiting the world's oceans or something.




For the record, I intend to visit Pottershire this year. And while I'm sure I'll enjoy it for what it is, I also expect to leave just as I arrived.....feeling like an "outsider" to the fandom of the franchise.


I liken it to the Great Movie Ride at MGM (or DHS, or whatever). It takes someone with a deeper appreciation for the history of film to truly enjoy that ride on all levels.

Edited by BeemerBoy
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I think I've just decided that it's better that I don't read this thread anymore since no matter what I say, no one seems to actually get where I'm coming from.


To all the Potter fans - enjoy your new land. To the rest of us who don't get it - your respones in this thread are a perfect example of why the franchise is so univiting to to the rest of us. It's not the franchise itself, it's the people who are into it. You guys are making it so I never want to read any of the books or see the movies.






--Robb "Potterheads are todays Trekkies..." Alvey


First of all I am not in any way a Potter fan, hell I just read one of the books. But I think you said yourselve that they are missing a big opportunity to introduce people to the franchise, and here I agree with you. The only thing I said is that they may eventually try harder to appeal to the non Potter fan.


True, but think about it. If you didn't know anything about the series, walked in and were standing around in Hogsmeade, you'd still probably say "This is cool, but - Honedukes? Zonkos? Ollivanders? I have no idea what any of this is about." And there's honestly not much they can do about that, short of giving an audio-tour or something.


Yeah I see what you mean that is really difficult to explain those things if you have not read the books and such, but in the end the land is built around magic and that sort of thing that is pretty well known.

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To all the Potter fans - enjoy your new land. To the rest of us who don't get it - your respones in this thread are a perfect example of why the franchise is so univiting to to the rest of us.


WTF! That's so harsh!

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As a fan, I can definitely see where Robb and others are coming from, with regards to the level of alienating detail in WWoHP vs. the rest of the Islands. I have no wish whatsoever to incur any Potter-bashing, so I'll simply say that, while I think the new land will appeal to the mass audience (a lot of whom have experienced and enjoyed some aspect of Pottermania), a heck of a lot of it will require deeper thought/a deeper knowledge of the product, to fully enjoy it. And, as John Wardley (arguably the king of story-based amusements) pretty much said on Season Pass a few weeks ago, that isn't really what being a themed land/ride in a theme park is about.


Trying to balance on the fence is difficult..

Edited by mwm1444
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Wizarding World is such a perfect opportunity to be able to "introduce" people to the world of Harry Potter who know absolutely nothing about the franchise. But everything I've seen so far, just like the Star Trek Experience, does NOT speak to that person, but instead speaks directly to the die-hard fan.


Maybe we should wait a little more, since it has only been soft opened for a few hours. They could eventually, as things move on, try to appeal to the people that's not really into the Harry Potter world. We've only seen an small portion so far, not even 100% operational.


Robb was pretty clear in stating that he can only judge based on what we've seen so far. And while I personally appreciate the detail, I too don't understand anything about Harry Potter so I'm still left scratching my head a little bit.


That is actually a big part of what makes the great rides/lands at theme parks what they are: the ability to tell the story just by being in line/going on the ride/being in the land. So far all I have seen is great detail with no explanation of the backstories.

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You know what I like about these threads when people state their opinions (and stop arguing) - It makes me look at something in a different light. Personally - I found the Potter series like Literary Crack Cocaine and couldn't get enough of them. Looking at the updates, I am excited about this part of IOA.


Reading Robbs post totally gave me a different perspective. If someone is unfamiliar with the series, this would definitely be confusing. His perspective makes me see just how big of a risk Universal is taking on this. I think it will do fine, and be wildly popular, but I hadn't thought about it in quite those terms.


Thanks Robb! I feel a tad bit better informed than when I logged on this afternoon.



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^ I agree! Robb's post actually got me thinking from another perspective and I found myself arguing against my own original point of view. It was nice, haha.


I still also think that this will do really well, but certain people will continue to feel left out unless, like I said, they go so far as to give an audio-tour or something. Which, to me, wouldn't be very much fun.

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Basically, to sum up what Robb said in my own words, for the Potter people that want to get more people to understand and like your Potter universe, imbrace this. As Robb said, this land is a great way to introduce a totally new group of people to what you love. I personally don't understand it, or really have an interest in learning about it, but I do have an interest in going to the new section of the park. However, the Potterheads are making me feel like I don't even want to check it out! This is a great opportunity here for you. Don't be dicks! People might actually show an interest in this Potter thing if you aren't dicks!

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I think people who don know about Harry Potter and visiting are still gonna wanna ride it! They know its a major attraction.. A guest will be like wow a huge castle, big line, there gonna know most likely its a MUST ride. I hate and i mean HATE Lord of The Rings yet If i went to a theme park and the had a 200million dollar castle/ride LOTR's thing I would want to ride. I have many friends that hate star wars but love star tours and think its cool. My Dad and Step mom have never seen any potter movies or books.... I showed them the Castle and they were like "wow I wish they had that when we were there"! Another friend of mine has seen like 2 movies and doesn't like them. they bore him, yet i showed him the land and walking through of Hogsmed(sp) and he wanted to go there. He thought it looked amazing, even watched like 3 more videos about it!


Im just saying maybe you don't like it. Sure some people wont. But i think this land has a much wider appeal then some of you think.



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I still enjoy those lands because they don't seem like they are made with the same deeper detail that only the fans would appreciate.

I'm not sure if that is necessarily a negative though. I mean, when you are doing any theme, it should be done properly as a matter of course, and true to the I.P. as much as possible...I mean, a good example would be Saw at Thorpe park, and am not into horror movies, but I thought the theme came across pretty well....A big scary warehouse littered with deathtraps and torture devices, so I sort of 'got' where they were coming from.


However, from what I have read, much of the theming and traps are actually based directly around stuff from the films. Now I don't actually necessarily appreciate this directly, but I guess it's a positive if a fan of the Saw films can come in and see these details and appreciate them...Similar thing is probably what is going on with WWoHP. The other thing to keep in mind is if the deeper detail wasn't there they'd begin to get negative feedback from the people who do have some knowledge of the story.


A few rides take this approach...For example on TOT I know that for the preshow the Imagineers did a lot of research to make sure they captured the exact style and mannerisims of a Twilight Zone episode. On Star Tours, I'm sure there would be lots of detail in the queue that star wars fans would specifically be able to pick out.


Horses for courses I guess. I guess the key is to create a sufficiently rich and visually appealing environment so that the majority of guests will be blown away, and if there is another layer of detail that hardcore fans can get something out of, then thats a plus too (I think Universal would have been forced to do this by JK Rowling anyway)


The other key is to make sure the storytelling gives enough background information for somebody who has no knowledge of the franchise to be able to get what is going on, and I guess this is a 'wait and see' for when the area is open to the GP....

In some ways, I'd expect this to be the case...The story for forbidden journey is that they are letting non wizards into the castle for the first time ever, where you go on adventure. The logical way to tell that story is to treat park guests as if they are actual outsiders that previously never knew about the secret world of witches and wizards, and explain what everything is about accordingly. But again, it's a wait and see.


I think Knottslover might have a point too though, if the actual ride experience for Forbidden Journey is significantly impressive then that could be enough for the GP...It's sort of how I feel about Indy, I don't follow the films, but geeze that ride is bloody amazing!

Edited by Gav
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For example on TOT I know that for the preshow the Imagineers did a lot of research to make sure they captured the exact style and mannerisims of a Twilight Zone episode.


That's an "OK" analogy, if there is enough familiarity with the franchise.


But, when they went to put in TOT in Tokyo, the Japanese had NO real concept of the "Twilight Zone" franchise, so they had to come up with a complete new storyline for the same ride. The difference being, the story of TDS TOT is told a hundred times better than the TZ story. Its' story is completely told in the queue, and pre-show IN JAPANESE. Yet, even with the known aspects of TZ to me, the Tokyo version tells a better, more complete, and interesting story (Japanese or not). Though the ride itself is the lamest of the 4!


It's sort of how I feel about Indy, I don't follow the films, but geeze that ride is bloody amazing!


That, I can certainly understand. Though, there has been nothing to to make me think that this ride will live up to the hype. The hype is more related to HP, than the actual ride itself, and what it is really capable of. Someday, I'm hoping, that this technology will be taken that extra step, and made into a reall "thrill" ride.


Yes, from what I've seen, the themeing is awesome. Time will tell. I'm still getting over the fact that Lost Continent (one of my favorite themed areas in a park anywhere) is pretty much decimated, and will eventually be completely removed.


And even if people don't like the HP series specifically.. who the hell doesn't like wizards and dragons in general???

Raises hands. I **CANNOT STAND** stupid "unicorns and fairies" stuff. Never have.


That is the funniest thing I've read on here in a long time!!!



I'll raise my hand on that one too!!! I also HATE the "unicorns and fairies" stuff!!!!!


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Honestly, I think that "Potterverse" is going to be a huge success and will definitely draw away some of Disney's family crowd. I don't think that the average guest is going to really care if the Potterverse tells a story or not. It has great theming and a couple of great rides. Cedar Point is probably a bad comparison, but none of their rides tell a story... But I do understand if an Enthusiast were to complain or desire more, we expect a lot out of theme parks, and Universal is expected to give a lot.

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