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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Those structures I previously reported have now gone up completely, and they are actually extra nets for the ride.


New numbers have gone into the former front row line to let riders know which row they are in.




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It's getting rougher, there's shimmying even on straightaways, and its just not very good.


Yea, I noticed the same thing when I rode it today. Still, the front gives the best overall ride in my opinion, while in the middle and back the shimmying is very noticeable. On the plus side, the wait was only 15 minutes at 11:00am today. ...Not to mention 3 walk-ons in the single rider line at The Mummy.

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Good news, it appears soft openings have begun for the GP that purchased the package deals back in February. They are even lined up ready to go into the Forbidden Journey dark ride. It should be interesting hearing how the rest of the GP react that are at the park today, if they aren't allowed to go in. ...Which I'm hearing is probably the case.


Edit: It appears they will be closing the area again at 10am, so it will be a 2 hour soft opening this morning.

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I think you're all over-estimating how much of a problem this is going to be.


I don't really think so. I think this could be a nightmare for Customer Relations.


I'd be willing to bet that the ride itself having downtime is going to be a much bigger "nightmare" than people confusing the new land as a theme park.


People are dumb...but not nearly as dumb when it comes to spending their money. You aren't giving enough credit to the majority of guests who spend years researching/planning their big orlando trip. Or taking into account that even if people do get confused/upset, the majority probably won't care after they realize that their kid is still happy.


There will most definitely be people who do try to complain about it, but I really don't believe it is going to be as bad as everyone thinks.


That is true about people planning their Orlando trip for a long period of time. But what about the Harry Potter fanatics that are purely making the trip to the Orlando area simply because of this attraction, or seriously, just for this attraction. I think my nightmare statement was a little dramatic, but that kind of stuff could cause some headaches. If people get fanatical over some movies and some books, imagine how riled up they can get.

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I'm here at IOA. Yes, the people who bought the packages are inside Potterland. Everyone else is standing here pissed off wanting in. A Universal employee is hapily telling everyone that it opens in June (kudos to the employee for taking the crap people are dishing and keeping a smile).


I came by just to see if it opens to general public. If it does this morning, bonus. If not, oh well, maybe next time. We speculate too much and are let down when our speculation turns out unfullfilled.

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I'm here at IOA. Yes, the people who bought the packages are inside Potterland. Everyone else is standing here pissed off wanting in. A Universal employee is hapily telling everyone that it opens in June (kudos to the employee for taking the crap people are dishing and keeping a smile).


I came by just to see if it opens to general public. If it does this morning, bonus. If not, oh well, maybe next time. We speculate too much and are let down when our speculation turns out unfullfilled.


Why would you speculate that they would let you in without buying the package? That would be a great way to make the paying customers upset. How would you feel if you paid extra for a Harry Potter package and then they let everybody else in?

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^Why would they be upset? I wouldn't be. With their package, they are staying four nights at one of the hotels, 3 day admission to the parks, Universal Express passes each day, breakfast at 3 Broomsticks, and a two hour "ERT" in WWOHP. I think that's pretty good to tell you the truth.

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I'm here at IOA. Yes, the people who bought the packages are inside Potterland. Everyone else is standing here pissed off wanting in. A Universal employee is happily telling everyone that it opens in June (kudos to the employee for taking the crap people are dishing and keeping a smile).


I came by just to see if it opens to general public. If it does this morning, bonus. If not, oh well, maybe next time. We speculate too much and are let down when our speculation turns out unfulfilled.


Why would you speculate that they would let you in without buying the package? That would be a great way to make the paying customers upset. How would you feel if you paid extra for a Harry Potter package and then they let everybody else in?


The speculation comes from the rumored "Soft opening" of Potterland. Rumors have been going crazy on the net and even the local Orlando news this week. It's caused people to hang out there all week and posting on twitter as potterwatch. I agree, if I paid big bucks to get in and others were in for free, I'd be pissed.


I really don't care. I have the day off from work and headed down just to see if it was going to open to the general public. It's fun to see all the people who are getting pissed that it's not open. I saw one local who was yelling at an employee ranting "you have to let us in today, the internet said it would be open!"


People expect a soft opening. That's where speculation comes in. As for me, I hit the Hulk and Spidey in no time and headed home to the air conditioner. It's too hot to stand out there and wait for possibly nothing.

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^Why would they be upset? I wouldn't be. With their package, they are staying four nights at one of the hotels, 3 day admission to the parks, Universal Express passes each day, breakfast at 3 Broomsticks, and a two hour "ERT" in WWOHP. I think that's pretty good to tell you the truth.


But it's not ERT if the GP gets in, too.


I don't know. I think I'd be more upset if I paid for a Harry Potter package and the area isn't up to 100% functionality, which I doubt it is. Back in February, they were touting the land as being OPEN, but kudos to Universal for making good with the package guests.

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The speculation comes from the rumored "Soft opening" of Potterland. Rumors have been going crazy on the net and even the local Orlando news this week. It's caused people to hang out there all week and posting on twitter as potterwatch. I agree, if I paid big bucks to get in and others were in for free, I'd be pissed.


I really don't care. I have the day off from work and headed down just to see if it was going to open to the general public. It's fun to see all the people who are getting pissed that it's not open. I saw one local who was yelling at an employee ranting "you have to let us in today, the internet said it would be open!"


People expect a soft opening. That's where speculation comes in. As for me, I hit the Hulk and Spidey in no time and headed home to the air conditioner. It's too hot to stand out there and wait for possibly nothing.


"You have to let us in today, the internet said it would be open!" Wow. People are dumb.


I suspect Universal will have plenty of soft opening opportunities for the folks who paid through the teeth for a vacation package. How did the crowd over there look? If it's as many as I suspect, I don't think Universal would need to even bother with a GP soft open before the grand opening. I mean, what's the point of a soft open? I'm not a brilliant expert, but I can only think of two reasons:


1) As a sort of beta test for new attractions- put some stress on them with actual guests and see how the procedures, staff, and hardware hold up. That helps avoid a Disneyland opening day incident.


2) To build buzz for your attraction.


#1 is handled by the vacation package crowd, assuming that there are enough people to put a little bit of stress on the attractions. #2 is completely unnecessary, considering the amount of press that WWoHP continues to get. Are there other reasons for a soft open? If not, Universal has nothing to gain and much to lose (especially if someone sneaks a camera onto Forbidden Journey and posts to Youtube) by doing a soft open.

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But it's not ERT if the GP gets in, too.


^^But the GP wouldn't have till after 10 am, if at all. That would be a 2 hour time frame where only the people with the package deal got in. ...Though I don't believe Universal ever had any intentions of having the GP experience WWOHP today.



I don't know. I think I'd be more upset if I paid for a Harry Potter package and the area isn't up to 100% functionality, which I doubt it is. Back in February, they were touting the land as being OPEN, but kudos to Universal for making good with the package guests.


I agree.

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Annual pass holders...its not a key to the city. If I had to buy a package and pay more than you paid for your annual pass to get access for just 4 days and I hear you complaining about being an annual pass holder and you want in I would really let loose. If you want in buy a package like the rest of the people who did...


Thats just my take on it.

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It's fun to see all the people who are getting pissed that it's not open. I saw one local who was yelling at an employee ranting "you have to let us in today, the internet said it would be open!"


My new quote of the week.


You have no idea how frustrating it is to have a refurbishment listed on the resort's main site, your park's main site, and yet people still complain that "the internet" said it was open. I guess people just have a hard time distinguishing the difference between a fan site and a corporate site.. Sure, the fan sites pull data from the park's sites and calendars when it is there, but it is always changing...


I really feel for the gate keepers, if you will, at IOA... They surely are in for long shifts....

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The speculation comes from the rumored "Soft opening" of Potterland. Rumors have been going crazy on the net and even the local Orlando news this week. It's caused people to hang out there all week and posting on twitter as potterwatch. I agree, if I paid big bucks to get in and others were in for free, I'd be pissed.


I really don't care. I have the day off from work and headed down just to see if it was going to open to the general public. It's fun to see all the people who are getting pissed that it's not open. I saw one local who was yelling at an employee ranting "you have to let us in today, the internet said it would be open!"


People expect a soft opening. That's where speculation comes in. As for me, I hit the Hulk and Spidey in no time and headed home to the air conditioner. It's too hot to stand out there and wait for possibly nothing.


"You have to let us in today, the internet said it would be open!" Wow. People are dumb.


I suspect Universal will have plenty of soft opening opportunities for the folks who paid through the teeth for a vacation package. How did the crowd over there look? If it's as many as I suspect, I don't think Universal would need to even bother with a GP soft open before the grand opening. I mean, what's the point of a soft open? I'm not a brilliant expert, but I can only think of two reasons:


1) As a sort of beta test for new attractions- put some stress on them with actual guests and see how the procedures, staff, and hardware hold up. That helps avoid a Disneyland opening day incident.


2) To build buzz for your attraction.


#1 is handled by the vacation package crowd, assuming that there are enough people to put a little bit of stress on the attractions. #2 is completely unnecessary, considering the amount of press that WWoHP continues to get. Are there other reasons for a soft open? If not, Universal has nothing to gain and much to lose (especially if someone sneaks a camera onto Forbidden Journey and posts to Youtube) by doing a soft open.


I really, really doubt from how far along everything has been for awhile and their decision to book vacation packages that they DIDN'T plan on it being open already. I think Universal is backed up against the wall here, they have to honor their packages yet not everything is ready.

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So, the Alveys and Westcoaster were in on the package holder event today. They were tweeting on #potterwatch along with others giving out some pretty good ride spoilers such as,


westcoasternet: The whole sequence where you get possessed by Voldemort and thrash around a bit was kind of rough. #potterwatch


ScottSmitty: Man, Harry Potter was so AWESOME! I especially loved when Optimus Prime came in and him and Harry fought King Kong. #potterwatch


birdonaline: #potterwatch Rode Forbidden Journey! Don't want to give it all away, but we flew over San Francisco on broomsticks!


wdwnt: Rode Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, ride has Doc Octopus & Green Goblin trying to shoot down guests on broomsticks #potterwatch


MMonkeyoverlord: I didn't understand the section of Forbidden Journey where hagrid was beating harry with his broom #potterwatch


wdwnt: Rode Harry Potter, KUKA arm suspends you as giant ape tries to swat you down. Took picture in Harry Potter's hand at the exit. #potterwatch


coasterrumors: Sorry, but FJ shut down today cause we peed our pants. Guy next to us was grunting like he was making a...different mess. #potterwatch


scooterb23: I was very confused by the ride scene where Ferris Bueller's dad walked through the door, and a bright white light shone #potterwatch


Haha, just had to get some fresh air on this board where everything is much happier than OthUr sites. If any of the site mods actually did get to go and were't f-in with people, let us know how it went!

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Don't forget:


coasterrumors: Weirdest thing. We got kicked out for buying some first-year wizard a shot.


tyhedrick: Being an IOA fanboy, I was let down with FJ. There were too many spiders and it was very dark and scary.


coasterrumors: Oh sweet jesus Hagrid is naked and what the hell is doing with that broom???
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Hello, I know I don't post much, but I read quite avidly, I have a quick question.


I know that they are doing the opening in the morning for the resort guests who had the packages...I was informed earlier today that now it is anybody who are staying in the resorts, yet will not be guaranteed a ride on FJ. Does anybody know if this holds fact? or any news on the developing soft openings, or if they still are only allowing the Package holders entrance. Thanks! Can't wait to go when it really does open! Only a few weeks, I live down the road, but if they are allowing all resort guests at least entrance, I'm inclined to just get a one night stay so I won't have to wait hours on end just to SEE the stores. Thanks!

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^It has been confirmed that all on-site guest get early entry into WWoHP each day they are there from now till June 18th. As for FJ, I would get there as early as possible because the ride was only open for an hour Friday morning and a half hour this morning. So don't waste time with the shops first thing, if you really want to ride it.

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Can I please have those four minutes of my life back.


That was a terrible video, and I'm now even less excited for this ride than I was before (which I didn't think was possible).


Dark ride or not, either film something better or don't bother posting. You couldn't even understand the audio!!!

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