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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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this is going to be such a big winner for Universal.. Disney has always been the winner for pulling in the younger audience while universal appealed more to teens and adults... by building this Land will make IOA even more of a must do even for those with just young children as they will be demanding to go see Harry Potter Land.....


Big bonus to Universal...congratulations....

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Something I don't understand. When you're building a brad new themepark, why not build it with some room for expansion. Why cram it in, so you will have to take something out to add anything new. Didn't they expect to open any new attractions in the park?


On another note, its great to see the park finally getting something new. The concept art looks pretty cool. But I hope they leave Dueling Dragons as they are.

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I have to agree with Robb on this one. Take it as a wait and see approach(sp?). I'm sure Universal will do a wonderful job with this concept.All of the theming in each area of the parks is already great and I'm sure we won't be disappointed with the end results!

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Universal plans a 20-acre "Wizarding World," a little bigger than the average size of its themed "islands" at Islands of Adventure.


If it is going to be a 20-acre island, perhaps it will include the larger car park, as the one above could be what they refer to as the "park support" area. I'm not sure exactly what 20 acres looks like but i'm guessing it's about that size.


20 acres?

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20 acres ~= 280*280 meter square or 150*540 rectangle or 12 soccer playgrounds...


I think this must give you an idea...


But one should not forget that a part of Lost Continent is included into these 20 acres and we don't know its size...


In other words, we don't know anything about the size of the future expansion

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It's going to be one of the more interesting developments to follow in recent years as had been said for definate...


I'll be disappointed if most of the DD Q theming is removed and replaced with tacky stuff that just narrowly fits into the new theming, but that's mainly cos of being used to so-called 'Tussauds re-themes'...


But if the giant Hogwarts castle does come into existance, that'll be some site when completed, as would most of it actually...


Plus, at least they have plausible material for when they have HHN to make it even more eerie and woss-names...

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that should upset all the Disneyworld fans!



I'm reserving judgement until I see and hear more, but as a Disney fan, why would I be upset over this?


Maybe because Universal has the rights to one of the biggest kid-related franchises in recent history and Disney doesn't?

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Just watching the news in the UK, and there was a small feature about this announcement. It said, amongst other things, "a new theme park in florida based on the books", i think they were just basing this on the 'theme park within a theme park' quote though. And "it will include a hogwarts express roller coaster", new credit??

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that should upset all the Disneyworld fans!



I'm reserving judgement until I see and hear more, but as a Disney fan, why would I be upset over this?


Maybe because Universal has the rights to one of the biggest kid-related franchises in recent history and Disney doesn't?

What's the other one?


I mean, you don't think that if Disney really wanted the franchise, they would've made a bigger play at it? I still say that anytime ANY of the major parks in central Florida improve themselves, it is a win-win for the entire area.

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Am I the only one who HATES Harry Potter and am bummed out they're going to wreck the Lost Continent for it?


I'm so mad right now. Why such a big section of park? I know it will make them loads of cash, but not everyone wants Harry Potter crammed down their throat.


It better be one hell of an "island."

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Am I the only one who HATES Harry Potter and am bummed out they're going to wreck the Lost Continent for it?


I'm so mad right now. Why such a big section of park? I know it will make them loads of cash, but not everyone wants Harry Potter crammed down their throat.


It better be one hell of an "island."


I completely agree with you...

Sure, the LOst Continent wasn't the greatest island..But, I'd rather see that than Harry Potter!


This is mainly a money and crowds thing. Having a Harry Potter themed island will bring in loads of crowds...

Who knows...If they build a new ride with some new technology, I might change my mind..

But right now I'm doubting Universals decision

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I am not keen on Harry Potter, but - I think the theming and rides will be incredible - with effects and this "state-of-the-art attraction" they're being so hush-hush about.


Will be nice to see the Disney fans freaking out, though

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I don't care for Harry Potter, which obviously means nothing because the books are extremely popular. Re-theming the Lost Continent makes sense as they could re-use a lot of stuff. Still, I hope they don't sink too much into this because Harry Potter is not going to be that popular in 10 years.

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I heard rumors that Harry Potter may occupy the unused space beside the Royal Pacific Resort. There were rumors of a Lost Continent makeover, but the concept art seems to show more of a new land than a makeover.

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