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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Am I the only one who HATES Harry Potter and am bummed out they're going to wreck the Lost Continent for it?


I'm so mad right now. Why such a big section of park? I know it will make them loads of cash, but not everyone wants Harry Potter crammed down their throat.


It better be one hell of an "island."


I completely agree with you...

Sure, the LOst Continent wasn't the greatest island..But, I'd rather see that than Harry Potter!


This is mainly a money and crowds thing. Having a Harry Potter themed island will bring in loads of crowds...

Who knows...If they build a new ride with some new technology, I might change my mind..

But right now I'm doubting Universals decision


I'm really mad about this right now too. I really think they should reconsider tearing out part of LC for a homo with a wand(yes I hate Harry Potter).


The only way I could really see them doing this without completely destroying Lost Continent is making the fountain/Sinbad the Entrance to the new island.

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I'm really mad about this right now too. I really think they should reconsider tearing out part of LC for a homo with a wand(yes I hate Harry Potter).


I share your distaste for Potter (minus the homophobic comment), but this really does make sense for them to do right now. I just question the long term viability of this Island. It seems like they're trying to build up crowds RIGHT NOW, which I guess is what Universal needs. This might wind up being really smart for them if they can snowball effect off the inevitable initial success of this new Island.

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From the concept art, it makes it look like a whole new area and much longer and narrower than Lost Continent is IMO.


I find it hard to believe they'd just rip out a whole land for a new one, but we'll have to wait and see I guess.


And guys please don't turn this thread into OMG! HARRY POTTER IS EVIL AND I HATE HIM!!!!


If you don't like Harry Potter, then find another thread to spam in.

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Still, I hope they don't sink too much into this because Harry Potter is not going to be that popular in 10 years.


I imagine the opening of the land will come with the release of the film after the one due out this year is released....looking at release dates it seems 2009 would be a good guess at when the next film after this years will come out.... As regards popular in 10 years....well them books have been going for some time and with such a wide fan base all round the world I imagine you might be surprised....BTTF is only just being closed down... I know its only a ride compared to a land but thats over 20 years since the film.........

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As regards popular in 10 years....well them books have been going for some time and with such a wide fan base all round the world I imagine you might be surprised....BTTF is only just being closed down... I know its only a ride compared to a land but thats over 20 years since the film.........


The thing is that both the movies and the books are drawing to a close. The next book will supposedly be the last one. And that kid is getting to be way too old to play Harry Potter.


Harry Potter is a youth fad, and those are notoriously fickle. Still investing in what's popular right now might not be a bad strategy if they can draw in more visitors and build off that momentum.

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I heard rumors that Harry Potter may occupy the unused space beside the Royal Pacific Resort. There were rumors of a Lost Continent makeover, but the concept art seems to show more of a new land than a makeover.



Everything solid I have ever heard from people I know who work in the park have all pointed to Lost Continent for this project from the get go.


As for the how? Notta a clue if they are going that large scale. I wouldn’t think it to be impossible of an idea for IOA to level large sections of LC seeing how it is “in sorts” the largest waste of space compared to the other themed lands minus JP, but the areas in JP can also be used for a LC project.


I would expect bye byes to Poseidon’s and or Sinbad to open the path way to the back and sides of Dueling. (That would be a huge area of land if opened up. Other thing would be to find a away to theme a path to lead past Sinbad and build into the back lots.


I would be surprised if they used much of the land next to JP River Adventure. They really want a new E Ticket JP attraction, but they still have plenty of options for space without destroying future additions for that land.


As for the space by Royal and by I-4 isn’t that the area that is planned for the new resorts? They would not split up a themed land like that unless they built a new park. But IOA with some small tweaks does have more land then many think.


About time they admitted it.


The rumors I have heard, it' supposed to be something like this if true.

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From the concept art, it makes it look like a whole new area and much longer and narrower than Lost Continent is IMO.


I find it hard to believe they'd just rip out a whole land for a new one, but we'll have to wait and see I guess.


And guys please don't turn this thread into OMG! HARRY POTTER IS EVIL AND I HATE HIM!!!!


If you don't like Harry Potter, then find another thread to spam in.


Actually, no one's spamming, just having a discussion. No one's bashing anything all that's being said is the fact that some people are bummed about this. This is a forum and a place for discussion and this thread is not about who likes and doesn't like Harry Potter - it's about a huge change to Universal. You just need to calm down a bit I think, everyone is entitled to say how they feel about it. If you want to talk about Harry Potter himself you can certainly do that elsewhere too.


Not trying to be mean, just saying - it's cool, no harm intended

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All right after calming down a bit I thought about this more rationally.


This is a good move for Universal, but just like anything it'll have to be executed well. What I consider "executed well" on this project is NOT destroying what they already have(Lost Continent). I agree with Maverick that the plot of land below would be the ideal spot, but I added yellow lines to show what I think would be the best place to connect it to the rest of the park.


I still don't agree with this...but I'm gonna have to get over it.


...Crosses fingers that they don’t tear down Poseidon’s Fury...


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Actually, I'm kinda hoping for a couple kick a$$ coasters to pop up out of this. There's certainly more than enough themeing/ideas to choose from. It'd be cool to have one of those motorbike coasters (they look so cool!) and they could do broomsticks or something (probably already been mentioned before) which would be a lot of fun.


BUT I hope they leave DD alone - meaning, not changing the theme. I love the fire and ice thing... walking through the line and seeing all the frozen things and the whole choose to "freeze or burn" thing really is a cool build up for the ride.

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Lost Continent has always been my favorite island at IOA. The fact that it's not based off of anything, that it is strictly imaginative is what's so great about it. The building facades of Poseidon, Mythos, Dragons and even all the shops and restaurants is AMAZING and timeless.


There was so much thought and planning put into making that island what it was, it's a complete shame that they're (apparently) going to bulldoze parts of it. I won't even get into the fact that this move completely trumps the whole concept of the park, that being each themed section is divided by one common: the lake. Hence, "Islands."


That being said, I've never been a fan of Harry Potter. I watched maybe 30 minutes of one of the movies and thought it was hogwash (if you will...). I can see why the younger crowd will LOVE this, and it's probably a good move for Universal, RIGHT NOW. But unlike the Lost Continent in it's current form, it's not timeless. And God-forbid if they touch Dueling Dragons or re-theme it to HP...


As more information comes to light, maybe I will embrace the move, even with my disinterest in the whole Harry Potter theme. Throw in a good, technologically advanced dark ride and maybe even a themed coaster like Mystery Mine (now THAT would be cool!) and maybe me and others who also could give two licks about HP would be more inclined to go forward with an open mind.


But right now, I just fear that they're going to diminish the glory that is the Lost Continent. Good luck, Universal.

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From the concept art, it makes it look like a whole new area and much longer and narrower than Lost Continent is IMO.


I find it hard to believe they'd just rip out a whole land for a new one, but we'll have to wait and see I guess.


And guys please don't turn this thread into OMG! HARRY POTTER IS EVIL AND I HATE HIM!!!!


If you don't like Harry Potter, then find another thread to spam in.


Actually, no one's spamming, just having a discussion. No one's bashing anything all that's being said is the fact that some people are bummed about this. This is a forum and a place for discussion and this thread is not about who likes and doesn't like Harry Potter - it's about a huge change to Universal. You just need to calm down a bit I think, everyone is entitled to say how they feel about it. If you want to talk about Harry Potter himself you can certainly do that elsewhere too.


Not trying to be mean, just saying - it's cool, no harm intended


Actually I wasn't saying people couldn't dislike Harry Potter.


I WAS saying, please don't divert this discussion about the park, and make it something about Harry Potter being evil or whatever. Which seems to always happen anytime HP comes up.

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I laughed at Erik's comment about the lift hills, I was thinking the same thing the first time I read this. Yes, the Lost Continent is well themed but considering how well themed everything else is in IOA I trust the developers to do it justice. This could be amazing if done right.

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When i First read about this the first thing that came to mind was : B&M Flying Coaster entitled Quiditch. There could be a lot done with that but then i realized that the dragons were already right there. It will be cool to start seeing some plans for this. Being a coasterdork and a Harry potter dork i am quite excited to see how this is all played out

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I just question the long term viability of this Island.

I wouldn't be too concerned. Remember, we're talking about a place that based an "island" on such current culturally relevant figures as Popeye and Dudley Do-Right. And it's managed to survive.

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I'm not a big fan of Harry Potter, but I know the franchise sells well, so this should be a nice addition to Universal, and I'm sure they'll have to do a good job with the theme. I wouldn't want to see Lost Continent changed, though I could do without Sinbad, as I haven't done that show in years. Hopefully this island will contain more rides for the family to enjoy, though another coaster would be nice too. Perhaps they can get a Booster Bike themed to Harry's broomstick.


It's just nice to see IOA finally adding some new stuff, it's about time!

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I am trying to understand the whole "Harry Potter is a fad" argument. Couldn't you say the same thing about Dr. Suess? They built a whole island on that idea.


Harry Potter is going to be around for quite a while. Those books are well written, engrossing stories.


I know there are some parents in this forum - here is a question for you - how many books that you read as a child are still around and now you are reading them to your kids? Or even go to the kids section of a bookstore - you will see many of the same titles you read as a child. I have a feeling the kids that are reading these books now will surely be reading them to their kids in the future.


I am pretty excited about this announcement and looking forward to 2009/2010.

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From looking at things and the concept art, I bet my bottom dollar that the new land will go in the area behind the Flying Unicorn. I don't really see much being re-themed in the Lost Continent, except maybe the Sindbad show. There can be a Harry Potter show.


I never got into Harry Potter myself, but I'm excited to see how this land develops. How far is it until 2009?

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I just question the long term viability of this Island.

I wouldn't be too concerned. Remember, we're talking about a place that based an "island" on such current culturally relevant figures as Popeye and Dudley Do-Right. And it's managed to survive.

Agreed... I mean heck how much of Disney's properties are relevant now? I mean most of the properties that Disney has based many of their rides and attractions on over the past decade have had less life than Harry Potter already has. This is a great move for Universal (assuming they didn't pay too much) and will likely only do positive things for the park.


Oh and those dismissing this as a youth fad... What other series has parents rushing in at midnight and purchasing a copy for every other member of their family just so they can read it uninterrupted? Besides that the franchise is practically a license to print money. I can't blame anyone for wanting in on the gravy train.

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Wow, some people got bugged in the a$$ about this annoucement (j/k)


I can see how folks will be mad about HP coming in and taking over, but honestly think of the long term effects this addition will have. It could around something good for Universal some day.


Like it was said before, people who don't like the series, don't turn this thread into a flame war. It's the last thing we need. I'm not pointing fingers, but I don't need another headache....(bad day today, sorry)

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