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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Im glad to see it go. As a taller person (6'2"), the ride was incredibly uncomfortable and very rough. The projectors were long due for replacements, and looking around, id say only 2 vehicles in the whole ride had a working smoke effect. The ride has seen better days, and its time to move on to something much more entertaining.

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I remember the first and Best Time we ever had on BTTF, was literally the first couple of months it was open in 1991!


We lucked out and timed a week's stay in the Orlando area - Universal wasn't even a full year old yet, and we got to try this one out, fresh as it was. And I remember it being quite the ride it was.


Always loved the 'launch' out of the garage, too. That was great!



Ahhh - and it closes on me birthday too, dagnabit!


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Gutted Can't believe its closing. OK, its not a great ride by modern standards, but as a big BTTF fan I've always loved and try and get at least a couple of rides on it everytime we go to Universal. I'll be a shame to see it go, but will be interesting to see what has been built in its place if we manage to get to Orlando in 2008.

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Awwwww. I can't work it out exactly, but I'm thinking it must be close to a decade since I've ridden BTTF, but as a kid, I LOVED it because of its tie-in with the movie, and it has a lot of cool memories for me. Sad to see it go. I'm sure they'll replace it with something great.... *sigh*

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I wish I still had my annual pass so I can truly ride this baby one last time. I rode it sometime last year (before my passes expired) not knowing it would've been the last time! I think I found out shortly afterward it was closing.


My son loves the movies and loves this ride too...sad to see it go!

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I got my last ride last year. I'm going again soon but I don't think it'll be this month. For old time sakes.


Last time I went it was great except for the sound system. I didn't get to see the cup though but I did see the other ride vehicles which kinda ruins the effect. My favorite parts are raising out of the room and the smoke.

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I shed a tear for this ride and in a way, good riddance. As much as I liked BTTF, the ride was really starting to show its age in more ways than one. Aside from the roughness and Hill Valley 2015 [where's Mr. Fusion, dammit!?], BTTF had a nice run at the park and I'll miss it just as much as I miss the airtime on Python's first drop.


I still hope a Simpsons ride gets installed though...

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I say good riddance! Me no likey BTTF.


All those big screen simulator things give me a headache! Hopefully, they'll put something new and awesome in it's place. I think Fantazyland might have some rides they'd like to sell...



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i rode it for the first time last year, guess it was my last time. i honestly didn't enjoy it though. it was painful and i had to close my eyes halfway through it because it gave me motion sickness. i've always had problems with big movie screens doing that to me though. i can ride any kind of ride there is but watching motion on a screen like that gets to me every time just like reading a book while riding in a car. i was looking pretty green when i got off.


didn't universal get the rights to harry potter? perhaps they're planning a harry potter ride for the space? or was that just IOA.

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Finallly we get an official answer!

I am bummed to see it go, but then again, we finally don't have to see that queue video for the 21436464354th time!

But, one thing that majorly makes me bummed, it closes on the 30th, and I'm going to Universal the 31st!


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I only rode BTTF once, and that was way back in 1993, during my first trip to Orlando. I found it too rough, even back then. The back of my head was slamming against the headrest the whole time. Ouch. Never rode it again because of that.


But, for its innovative (at the time) technology, it will definitely be missed.


EDIT: 200th post...I officially have little to no life.

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Wow, I knew it was coming, but I didn't think it would be so soon, especially since I just rode it earlier this week. I remember when it first opened, that was the ONLY reason I dragged my family to Universal, just to ride that (and it had like a 3 hour line and kept breaking down) I'm glad I got to enjoy it and its outdatedness and pick up some souvs and pictures on my most recent trip. RIP, BTTF, you were a good ride for your time, but you've become outdated.


Now...when will Disney get rid of Star Tours???

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It is a shame that the attraction is going, but its time has come. The ride had become rough and somewhat nauseating (on the scale of Body Wars during its run this past year). Since they are keeping the ride system, I hope that they put a good theme with the system. I am really skeptical about the idea of the Simpsons taking the place of Back to the Future. I see the Fast and the Furious taking its place in a much better fashion, but I could be wrong.


I have made four return visits to Universal since I first found out that the attraction was closing, just to try to catch it before the attraction closed forever. Each time I went, I was told that they weren't sure when it would close permanently. At least now we know when it will end. I plan on making my way back to the park to say my farwell one last time on March 30th, so if anyone else is going to be there, I would be happy to meet up with you.

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