Hmm. I'm at the end of year 7, and have 1888 guests. 112 more isn't too much, but I don't have room for any more rides and the growth in guests has almost flattened out. It seems like it will go, but only marginally so. I also have quite a few other thins to do in my park, with only one hour left of game time. This is going to be a tight one!
Anyway, here is a small teaser from my park. The top picture shows my main coaster, a dueling wooden coaster. This is the reason I ran out of space, as it takes a lot of space (probably around half the park)! The second picture show the pretzel loop at the end of my flying coaster. It has a smooth three train operation, and I really like the lay out. The last picture shows the reason I'm so pressed on time. I started building this elaborate structures, until I found at year four or so that it was no way I was going to be able to finish everything I wanted. Since then I've mainly focused on reaching the goal, and finishing the whole park