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"The worst experience I ever had the worker refused to let me I aftrr I paid n refused me a refund they said I was intoxicated I told them to be drug tested n blow for Rui test I would pass both was refused mind u I have a kid n a pregnant girlfriend we drove 2 hourshighway as a small family vacationg"

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"The worst experience I ever had the worker refused to let me I aftrr I paid n refused me a refund they said I was intoxicated I told them to be drug tested n blow for Rui test I would pass both was refused mind u I have a kid n a pregnant girlfriend we drove 2 hourshighway as a small family vacationg"

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"The worst experience I ever had the worker refused to let me I aftrr I paid n refused me a refund they said I was intoxicated I told them to be drug tested n blow for Rui test I would pass both was refused mind u I have a kid n a pregnant girlfriend we drove 2 hourshighway as a small family vacationg"

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That's what I was wondering! Was he intoxicated when he wrote it???

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"The worst experience I ever had the worker refused to let me I aftrr I paid n refused me a refund they said I was intoxicated I told them to be drug tested n blow for Rui test I would pass both was refused mind u I have a kid n a pregnant girlfriend we drove 2 hourshighway as a small family vacationg"

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That's what I was wondering! Was he intoxicated when he wrote it???

I guess he was. Getting drunk at an amusement park seems like a really bad idea.

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"The worst experience I ever had the worker refused to let me I aftrr I paid n refused me a refund they said I was intoxicated I told them to be drug tested n blow for Rui test I would pass both was refused mind u I have a kid n a pregnant girlfriend we drove 2 hourshighway as a small family vacationg"

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That's what I was wondering! Was he intoxicated when he wrote it???

I guess he was. Getting drunk at an amusement park seems like a really bad idea.


Getting a little buzz on before going on a coaster is fun! But getting drunk? Definitely a poor choice, I would think!

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"The worst experience I ever had the worker refused to let me I aftrr I paid n refused me a refund they said I was intoxicated I told them to be drug tested n blow for Rui test I would pass both was refused mind u I have a kid n a pregnant girlfriend we drove 2 hourshighway as a small family vacationg"

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That's what I was wondering! Was he intoxicated when he wrote it???

I guess he was. Getting drunk at an amusement park seems like a really bad idea.


Getting a little buzz on before going on a coaster is fun! But getting drunk? Definitely a poor choice, I would think!

I mean if you got drunk enough you could probably ride the local SLC with no pain.

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From Dollywood's Facebook:

from a source that works at dollywood, they have to take the coaster down. the company that provided the metal gurters that hold up the track have recalled the metal.

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An employee at Knott's tried to tell me that post-refurb Ghostrider has a new top speed of 67 mph (instead of 56), despite not having any height added to the first drop. After a brief "that doesn't sound possible", I decided to drop it and not make things weird.


Plenty of other rides have gotten new trains, and none of them have ever added 20% to their top speed.

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^Some billboards in Wild One's queue at SFA claim the ride reaches 60mph after a reprofile to increase the first drop length but the ride physically isn't tall enough to reach such speeds.

Something I've learned is that most people have a very poor understanding of basic physics but even more important is that it doesn't really matter and there's no reason to correct anyone.

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