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Most intense brake run?

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There are several more accelerators (other than those previously mentioned) that have a layout consisting of more than just one hill.

To name them: Formula Rossa, Rita, Desert Race, Senzafiato, Sky Car, Superman Escape, Speed Monster, and Kanonnen (now defunct/being relocated).


Eurosat and Euromir, but they are intense in a good way

I'm going to second this. A nice and proper slam into the brakes, but not really painful.

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^ For myself, I just was referring to those coasters that have elements, what are called "top hats"?

I know a lot of coasters use a flat launch system, nowadays. But based on Excelerator in Knott's,

this kind of coaster has been limited in it's "after launch & hill" etc. Currently. IMhO.


Stealth, in Thorpe Park, from the (then) train ride. TPR 2006 UK Tour.

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^ Alright, I thought you were talking about Intamin Accelerators (so hydraulic launched) in general, in which case there are certainly more options (like I already said in my last post).

Personally, I think you are narrowing it down a bit too much, like saying "inverted coasters featuring a dive-loop" (Banshee and OzIris), but that might just be me.

Though you do have a point with those coasters (Xcelerator and such) being mostly about the initial launch (and speed) and the big top-hat right after, while the others (Superman Escape, Speed Monster) are more about the entire layout.

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Flitzer at Jenkinson's Boardwalk in Point Pleasant, NJ comes to mind. And Raven at Holiday World features a pretty nasty brake run as well. If you're sitting on the train loading in the station, you can actually feel the ride shifting forward during the stop.

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^ DAMN! I have been banned for a week, and have been waiting to post that, then I saw your name next to the last post, and I thought, "NOOOO! He must have said it!". Oh well, I will re alliterate the point. Shockwave sends a shockwave from your balls right through the rest of your body. Great ride though, and the zero G roll is heaven.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Eurosat and Euro-Mir are both really intense as both coasters brake REALLY abrupt.

But the worst Brake''Run'' (It wasn't a brake run anymore) I ever had to endure was on the Magic Mouse in Didi'land in France. This SBF Visa Spinning Mouse just stood still on the brake all of a sudden.

You could probably drive your car at full speed at a wall and will feel the same feeling I felt when I hit this brake.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm surprised no one said Ride of Steel. You hit the brake run right after an airtime hill. And your coming in at a decent speed.


I always brace myself for that stop and, yes, you are moving quickly at that point looking right at a stopped train in front of you. Whenever I ride a new coaster I watch and listen the people coming into the brake to see if anyone yells UG!.

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The Silver Comet's brake run was like hitting a brick wall. I haven't ridden it recently so I don't know if this is still true.


The Legend at Holiday World used to rock the whole station when it hit the brake run. I remember an ERT session on Legend during which we were offered double rides and politely declined.

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I operate a Schwartzkopf Wildcat, our model's brake run has 7 friction brakes. When a heavier car hits the brakes, it usually makes it to about the 6th or 7th one providing a pretty smooth stop. When a lighter car hits the brakes, it can stop within the first two and absolutely slam, stopping it much faster than i've ever seen CP's do.

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All those wild mouse coasters seems to have very abrupt brake runs. Crazy Mine, the Maurer Wild Mouse at Hansa Park, springs to mind in terms of recent experiences.

Wild mouses for sure, sometimes the spinning mouses too.

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