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Golden Ticket Awards 2016

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Personally, I would pick Monster over Valravn.

If we're speaking on behalf of our own opinions, I would pick KI's relocated funnel cake stand over Valravn.



X2, for example, is one of the most thrilling coasters on the planet and the only one of its type in North America. Probably should regularly be near the Top Ten.



First of all, Riddler's Revenge is a terrible coaster.

Even if Riddler's Revenge was a great coaster I'd still be inclined to avoid it for its station alone. Mother of God, that was one of the most miserable 20 minutes I've ever spent in my life. I've never been so thrilled to get my nuts stapled into a train just to get out of that packed station. Which reminds me... Showering and applying an adequate amount of deodorant can't be that hard, can it?

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I think they need two different categories for food: 1) park food (Knoebels would deserve this one) and 2) sit-down dining (where Epcot would rule).

But would it? Again this is the issue I have. Don't get me wrong, I love LOVE Knoebel's "quick service" food options. Damn, it's good. But when it comes to quick-service offerings please don't make me have to choose between Cesari's pizza and Japan's Chicken Katsu Curry. Or an order of Perogies and China's Mongolian Beef Noodles. Or a funnel cake and a German pretzel w/ Grapefruit beer. Or an ice cream sandwich and France's Croque Glace. Or a Rib-B-Q and Morocco's Falafel Wrap.


There is simply so much good food, either restaurant or quick-serve at Epcot, that it *DOES* put it at an unfair advantage over other parks. So you either have to automatically call it #1 or just not include Epcot at all. But the fact that it's not #1 is not right either. And this doesn't even take the Food & Wine or Flower & Garden festivals into consideration which now run almost 6 months out of the year at Epcot.


The only way to eliminate Epcot from winning is if you labeled the category "Traditional Amusement Park/Carnival Food."


Ride/coaster enthusiasts don't go to Epcot in droves but pretty much every major enthusiast has been there once. I make fun of EPCOT, referring to it as a shopping mall although I also enjoy certain aspects of it, especially the food. Personally, I just think a lot of enthusiasts who are willing to complete the GTA survey are most concerned about maximizing ride time, and sitting at a great restaurant at EPCOT is counter to this strategy. Also, many enthusiasts try to stretch their travel budget, they tend to look at airfare and park admission as the cost of entry into this hobby, but sometimes try to skimp on lodging and food. This is clear just reading the threads here.


And this right here is really the problem with the Golden Ticket awards. It's one thing if you're going to poll "roller coaster enthusiasts" to rank the roller coasters. Fine. While I might not agree with the silly and sponsored results, at least the people voting have an area of expertise in the field.


But the people voting "best food" are *NOT* culinary experts. The majority of them inherently are going to have about enough culinary intelligence to eat a funnel cake or cheese on the stick. I'll bet 90% of the people voting for the Golden Ticket awards aren't even smart enough to know what "Chicken Katsu Curry" or "Croque Glace" is even after Googling it and reading the description!


So why are they voting on "best food" when they aren't qualified to do so? They shouldn't be. And THIS is why the Golden Ticket awards are flawed and completely stupid.

Edited by robbalvey
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I think they're great. In addition to the awesome "how the hell did Intimidator make it in the to #8" moments, the awards have also provided us with 13 pages of quality TPR entertainment. Here's to looking forward to next year!

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I'm wondering when TPR is gonna finally get there and ride it!?


I've actually been strangely curious to hear their thoughts on it once they get up there. I know their thoughts on Leviathan and the B&M hypers (fun but nothing amazing) and while I don't expect Fury to be their new #1, it really is a totally different type of ride than anything else B&M has ever built.


Obviously my opinion of the ride is that it's fantastic and nothing can or should change that opinion but it's always interesting to hear feedback from seasoned riders with tons of coasters under their belts.


To be fair, Fury is like at least two rides that B&M has built before: Shambhala and Leviathan. So, really, nothing new with the exception of being taller and faster. It's a lot of fun, but after riding i305 the next day, it just blew Fury out of the water for me. To an extent, I even thought Volcano is more fun than some B&Ms hypers out there. But then, I just prefer that type of ride, with Maverick and GeForce being my top steels. I can completely understand that Fury, even though it is like some other B&Ms, is popular. Like MF, it is a lot of fun, even though it lacks the amazing surroundings of MF in comparison.


Just wondering how the GTA categories work? Is it split between theme park and amusement park for each category with a "Best in Show" for top winners? Do they split up by region to be fair, as I'm sure most on the panel are not well travelled? Just asking as GTAs to me seem to be primarily a North American thing from my limited understanding/ knowledge, which throw in some worldwide stuff as an after thought.

Edited by rollin_n_coastin
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Even if Riddler's Revenge was a great coaster I'd still be inclined to avoid it for its station alone. Mother of God, that was one of the most miserable 20 minutes I've ever spent in my life. I've never been so thrilled to get my nuts stapled into a train just to get out of that packed station. Which reminds me... Showering and applying an adequate amount of deodorant can't be that hard, can it?


Oh god I forgot about that awful station. This is one of the only coasters out there that legitimately needs a grouper since lines get progressively longer towards the front of the train, which makes sense for row 1 but not for any other row. The station is the 7th layer of hell and I'm pretty sure the ride is the 8th.


To be fair, Fury is like at least two rides that B&M has built before: Shambhala and Leviathan.


I don't agree with this at all personally. I found Leviathan fun, but it rides like any other B&M hyper, it's just larger. Fury has a ton of low to the ground speed elements that make it pretty unique. It doesn't feel like a B&M to me at all.

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To be fair, Fury is like at least two rides that B&M has built before: Shambhala and Leviathan.


I don't agree with this at all personally. I found Leviathan fun, but it rides like any other B&M hyper, it's just larger. Fury has a ton of low to the ground speed elements.


That's fair but I think Leviathan rides unlike any other B&M before it with a focus on speed rather than multiple hills and floater. So Leviathan has a hill in place of low ground stuff, but it's still the first B&M speed coaster. I still feel that Fury rides like a combo of other B&M megas I've been on, including Leviathan and Shambhala (speed plus some cool maneuvers). That's not a bad thing at all. All fun. The best, not to me but that's me.

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Finally reading the Golden Ticket Awards. I agree they are becoming more of a joke each year. They almost got their wood list right though. I haven't ridden Boulder Dash but I agree with their #2 and #3 as they are my #1 and #2 respectively.


Their steel list is a total mess. How are they NO RMCs in the top 10??? Does not compute. Twisted Colossus doesn't even crack the top 25? Both Skyrush and Storm Runner from Hersheypark are absent from the top 50, but Steel Force at Dorney Park made the top 50? Does not compute. Intimidator at Carowinds ranked above Intimidator 305 at Kings Dominion? Did people accidently vote for the wrong Intimidator? It wouldn't surprise me as people voted for the wrong guy in Florida in the 2000 Presidental election. I know its a very US-centric list so I shouldn't be surprised, but nothing from Japan in the top 50? I've been on five different coasters in Japan that should be on this list, so at least one of them should have made an appearance.


For best parks, how Tokyo DisneySea isn't in the top three, especially when it should be #1 baffles me. How the top ten list isn't at least 50% Disney parks makes no sense. The dark ride category is messed up too. The wrong Haunted mansion is on the list, and Journey to the Center of the Earth isn't #1 (or even on the list). Radiator Springs Racer is a great ride, but does it count as a dark ride being half outdoor? I have no idea how Black Diamond made the top five indoor coasters, as its barely a coaster. Also, isn't Escape from Gringotts a coaster? It may be a dark ride too, but I feel it's a more worthy indoor coaster than Black Diamond.


I visited both Dollywood and Knoebels this year, and while Knoebels has some good food options, I liked Dollywood's food better overall. I haven't been to Epcot, but I believe it has the best food. I would put Disneyland's food above Knoebels (I'm not trying to bash Knoebels), as with several parks I went to in Japan. While Knoebels has good theme park food and is very reasonably priced, I feel it is a bit overrated. On my most recent visit to Knoebels, one of my Cesari's pizza slices was cold in the middle and I had to ask them to heat it twice. When it was nice and hot, the flavors were very good, but it was kind of annoying to have to bite into a partially cold pizza.


I could see Lightning Rod winning best new park ride this year if it was actually open, but that wasn't the case for most of this year. It should have won for next year (assuming its fully open by then) - what's going to win next year, a S&S 4D Free Spin? You and I both know that most of the people voting didn't even ride Lightning Rod. Props for Storm Chaser though for getting second place, that ride is awesome!


I feel there should be a certain criteria to vote in this poll, like visiting a certain amount of parks and having visited at least one other country. I haven't voted in this poll in the past because I felt I hadn't been on enough coasters or parks, but now I feel I have (especially after this year). Better criteria for voting would make this poll more than a step above an USA Today poll or an About.com list. Take the Golden Ticket Awards with a grain of salt like a lot of things in life.

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This was my 5th year in a row attending the event. There may be complaints about the rankings and the winners every year, but I have to say, Gary Slade and Amusement Today, as well as the host park(s) always put on one hell of a show for everyone. It is a tremendous event and I look forward to it every year.

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I have to say, Gary Slade and Amusement Today, as well as the host park(s) always put on one hell of a show for everyone.

And that's all it is... "A SHOW"'


Beyond that, the rest of it is "A JOKE"

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I have to say, Gary Slade and Amusement Today, as well as the host park(s) always put on one hell of a show for everyone.

And that's all it is... "A SHOW"'


Beyond that, the rest of it is "A JOKE"


I completely respect your opinion and I completely agree. But it is a great way to get a lot of important people in the industry together, and business gets done at the event every year between the attending parks and suppliers, so it is a great thing in that sense.

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Here is a fun challenge to take! How many have you ridden?


While I do think the GTA is extremely inaccurate at ranking the "Best" roller coasters in the world, I think it's fun to see how many you've been on!


I've been on 59/100. Not too bad, but I'm still pretty far off from riding them all!

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48%, and when I was going through it and I had forgotten about how terrible this list was and the fact that Steel Force beat Kumba and that Flying Turns, Hades 360, Blue Streak, decrepit Blue Streak, White Lightning and Wooden Warrior beat the Knoebels Twister and so when I came across that I laughed just as hard as I did when I saw it for the first time. Thanks for that.

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