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Twisted Colossus Hard Hat Tour *Final Tour Before Opening!*

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Now for the trains, we got a preview and they are awesome! There will be 4 trains, orange, purple, green and blue and here are some pictures...



Let's have a look at the trains.


The Official Club TPR car Robb ordered is here!


Club TPR tramp stamp.


And if you've ever had your seat disabled...


Unwrapped and sexy!



I volunteer to ride first and ensure the ride is working properly before any of you ride, it's the least I can do.



Steam punk, put goggles on it!


Nice lap bars, can't quite make out that note.


You can see the totally legit note saving the front seat on the first train for me.


Now, we also got a look at the painting going on over at Scream. Coming up next.

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As a bonus we got to take a closer look at the paint going on Scream. It's been awhile since this coaster has gotten any love, and it looks awesome!



This is primer, and yes they are using rollers. It gives a thicker coat and will actually go faster than spraying.



This is the real color.









So there you have it. No, they didn't give an opening date, but did say "summer". Hopefully they keep up these tours and we can give you some more updates, but until then just drool over these pictures like Bill. Thanks for looking.

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Loving the trains, glad they are different from the Outlaw run ones. Great pics as always Caesar

The only thing different about it is its visual aspect. If you referring to the shin bar, that was changed from a straight bar to the more comfortable version last season.

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Has anyone heard any sort of guess for when Twisted Colossus will be opening? I only see that it will be open in "Spring 2015". I don't suppose there is any chance of it being open for my 50th birthday at the end of March?

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