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Nagashima Spa Land Discussion Thread

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  robbalvey said:
  cal1br3tto said:
Also, I'd forgotten all about Screamscape until earlier today when I saw them quoted in the NYT.

It's funny you mention that as we were just talking recently how Screamscape seems to come up less and less in conversation lately. Not sure if it's just that not as much is happening industry wide right now, or that so much of it gets posted to social media before you see it on that site.


While Screamscape rumors were always sort of a joke among enthusiasts they actually used to be right more than they ever had any right to be considering they were always going on hearsay / questionable sources. I think you're on to something by bringing up social media. I feel like now they're pushing out rumors a lot faster with less interest in checking their sources so they can still be ahead of the curve in the age of social media and it's led to them posting some really stupid rumors and losing a little credibility (like the one about Kings Dominion replacing the Log Flume with a launched B&M flyer a few years ago).


As for White Cyclone, that would be awesome. With a ride that huge the possibilities of what they could do are virtually endless. Obviously we have no way of knowing how credible this is but that coaster really does seem to be begging for the RMC treatment.

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  Apollo von Sol said:
  Superbatboy said:
Nice, first Iron Horse outside of North America!


I'm guessing you never heard of Wildfire at Kolmarden Zoo, Sweden...


And I'm guessing you don't know the difference between an iron horse and ground up woodie

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  Superbatboy said:
  Apollo von Sol said:
  Superbatboy said:
Nice, first Iron Horse outside of North America!


I'm guessing you never heard of Wildfire at Kolmarden Zoo, Sweden...


And I'm guessing you don't know the difference between an iron horse and ground up woodie



This is awesome news. Nagashima really is the foreign "Cedar Point." White Cyclone's layout also has a lot of potential--I can't wait to see what happens when RMC works their magic.

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The park posted something about it on their Instagram two weeks ago and I saw it on the bus ride back to Nagoya. Didn't get the chance to ride it as they had it closed for inspection. I plan to go back in winter 2019, but I may consider pushing it off until this thing opens depending on the layout.

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And another wooden mega coaster bites the dust, which is hardly surprising anymore. I guess there is only so much the traditional wooden coaster track can handle.


I'm super curious to see what they will do with the layout!

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I can't help but think this is going to be another time that NSL fires a shot across CP's bow, and snipes their records from them, a-la Steel Dragon and MF back in the day. I could see them turning White Cyclone into a hybrid coaster just enough to best Steel Vengeance in all major categories: height, speed, inversions, length, airtime, while maintaining the 90 degree drop. Just a thought. The timing of the announcement seems to scream that to me as well... I guess we shall see!

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  Apollo von Sol said:
  Superbatboy said:
Nice, first Iron Horse outside of North America!

I'm guessing you never heard of Wildfire at Kolmarden Zoo, Sweden...

To respond with a little more clarity, Wildfire is a "topper track" wooden coaster like Outlaw Run, Lightning Rod and Goliath, so [insert SUPER AWESOME MARKETING ADJECTIVE HERE] Cyclone will indeed be the first I-Box renovation outside North America (unless one opens before it in the 2019 season).

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I'm mixed about this. Unlike Mean Streak, White Cyclone is an icon and really is an awesome journey throughout its unique structure. I rode that more than Steel Dragon on our TPR trip. I get that huge mega wooden coasters were a trendy thing at one point, probably way too costly to maintain compared to just sticking steel railings on them, but losing a decent wooden coaster kinda sucks. I think RMC should do some stand alone steel coasters instead (Raptor track or ibox). I totally get Mean Streak and Hurler changes, though .

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I doubt it will be long before standalone coasters make up the vast majority of RMC's output. So many of the mediocre, maintenance-draining wooden coasters ideal for i-box conversion are already gone. White Cyclone is possibly one of the last few that offers potential of this scale so I'm excited to see what they do with it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

What would be really great is if they re-did it in Topper Track, and made it a more exciting version of itself. No inversions. Just a Lightning Rod-style double drop, steeper/extra hills, a first helix more like the one here:


...Hide an overbank in the huge fan curve under the first helix, and heck, add an LSM launch or at least a superfast lift. Call it "Turbo Typhoon".

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^ Please no... Not another launched "lift" hill!


Also, the first half seems way too... "blah" to be an RMC... You need about 30 outward banked turns... and a few inversions! However, you did nail the finish! Just like most RMC coasters, you FLEW into the brake run when you could have completed another lap around the coaster!

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