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IAAPA 2013 Trade Show - TPR's Official Report!

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Watched and liked the video. It was cool to have some "random" questions.

The editing was good, nice to see something fresh compared to previous years.


I like TGG to be "Moon-ready", but the idea to have a Gravity Group wooden at Alton Towers is just something I would really want! I'm also curious about the secret project from Mack...


Thanks for the coverage.

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I would say that my favorite comments were Jeff Pike's Son of Beat comment and Chad Miller's building a coaster on the moon.


I think that I prefer this format of questioning over the previous format. I feel like it flowed a lot better and got straight to the point, plus I liked the additional random questions about Hard Rock and what each company thinks is big in the industry right now. It's interesting to get their perspective on these things.

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I know that Alton have looked into wood on several occasions and it's such a shame that one has never materialised there. If it's done right it could be amazing. My own opinions on the matter is that the public's thoughts on wooden coasters in the UK is that they are all old, loud and rough. They just need to go for it and build something awesome.

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I think everyone was hoping against hope that Walter Bolliger may accidentally let something slip about B&Ms future, but sadly it wasn't so.


Love the video and photo updates! IAAPA is seriously more exciting than Christmas for me - all the announcements and looks into manufacturers' futures.

Edited by australianalex
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^ Thanks. Yeah, I mean, the old format worked well, but I really felt that most of the people were just saying the exact same things year after year after year so I wanted to mix it up a bit this year and talk about things we haven't really asked them before.


I watched just the first five minutes or so this morning (looking forward to viewing the whole video later), and I like the new format, too. All the quick cutting makes it more dynamic and entertaining than the old format, yet without seeming too abrupt.

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RMC + all booked + going to expand because they have to build more rides =


Also I liked the new layout! I agree it keeps it fresh and you had some really good questions this year! Thanks it was awesome!


Also and I know this is a stretch but RMC mentioned looking forward to getting their hands on some longer rides. Please let that be code for a Voyage rehab!

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i'm grateful for all the coverage you do for everyone and the format is great but I really really enjoyed Rick and the new pro-slide models in the video last year and missed that this year as well as the rocky mountain in-depth interview.


I like the new video format, but it seemed more like a survey of random questions asked for fun than actual interviews about the manufacturers. Yes, there were a few industry questions, but it would be interesting to hear more about projects that the companies can talk about.


Then go back and watch last year's videos. Or the year before that. Or the year before that... Seriously. If you look at the videos we did from 2010 - 2012, the answers were almost *EXACTLY* the same. This is an industry filled with "trade secrets" and non-disclosure, so the reality of any of these companies talking about projects far off in the future or getting any more in-depth is just not gonna happen.


I'll be honest. The reason why I did this new format is because I couldn't stomach making the EXACT same set of videos for a fourth time. This is nothing against the people who we interview, it's just the nature of this business. And honestly, I actually think some of the responses we got from the questions asked were FASCINATING! I actually learned a lot more about several different projects and subjects that I had never heard before. In fact, I'd argue to say that I actually learned MORE from my day of interviews yesterday, than if I had spent a day asking about new projects and listening to how the ride companies dance around actually answering the question.


Not joking. If you miss the old format, go watch the old videos. I guarantee you the answers would be exactly the same.


Thanks to everyone who liked the new format! We like it a lot, too, and I think we'll stick with this. The other alternative is that I probably just would stop doing IAAPA videos all together.


--Robb "I had *FUN* with these interviews... isn't that what the amusement park biz is supposed to be about???" Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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Also and I know this is a stretch but RMC mentioned looking forward to getting their hands on some longer rides. Please let that be code for a Voyage rehab!


I found what Alan Schilke said about longer rides to be interesting. I couldn't tell if he was talking about getting his hands on a current ride that was long or a brand new ride being longer. Maybe he wants to get his hands on both? Either way, I'm all for longer/bigger RMC coasters!

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And the other thing... We asked actual ride manufacturers that were involved with Hard Rock Park about why it failed. Has that ever been done before? I found the responses to be fascinating, if not a bit validating to some of the rumors we have heard.


IMO, that kind of information, and stories about "what are the projects you designed, but never got built" to be far more interesting than talking around a "what's coming next year that you can't talk about" question.

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And the other thing... We asked actual ride manufacturers that were involved with Hard Rock Park about why it failed. Has that ever been done before? I found the responses to be fascinating, if not a bit validating to some of the rumors we have heard.


IMO, that kind of information, and stories about "what are the projects you designed, but never got built" to be far more interesting than talking around a "what's coming next year that you can't talk about" question.


Interesting, and encouraging to hear the RMC was fully booked. I agree about B&M though, the interviews are always dull, and he gives absolutely no information away. Questions like the Hard Rock/Freestyle Music Park questions are very interesting. Thanks for the coverage!

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And the other thing... We asked actual ride manufacturers that were involved with Hard Rock Park about why it failed. Has that ever been done before? I found the responses to be fascinating, if not a bit validating to some of the rumors we have heard.


IMO, that kind of information, and stories about "what are the projects you designed, but never got built" to be far more interesting than talking around a "what's coming next year that you can't talk about" question.


Agree!, The best questions to ask at IAAPA most definitely seem to be the more unique questions about stuff in the past and I think Robb has that nailed perfectly this year with questions like "Why did HRP fail" and "Your most interesting project never built.". Please ask more like this, very very interesting.


I would be interested to know things along the line of "How long does it normally take a concept for an element or new vehicle design to get to a full on manufacturing and installation phase?" More questions on things they can answer but things we don't normally get to hear about.


(Maybe add some hints to Intamin to push more Mega-Lites to parks. )

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Thanks for the great video. Bunching together all the answers to the same question really highlights the differences between the manufacturers.


I laughed at Bollinger's Cheetah response. I expected him to find a way not to directly that question either.

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First of all, thanks TPR for all the great IAAPA coverage! Over the past few years I have seen nothing that even comes close to the coverage and information that I have gotten from TPR over the past 24 hours or so. This is awesome! I might find a way to make it down there next year to enjoy the show with my daughter. She is studying engineering and is interested in working in the amusement industry. This seems like a good place to take her so she can get inspiration on what she might want to specialize in.


I loved the video. I think it is edited well and was very informative and entertaining. My favorite answers to the questions were Chad Miller's comments about the craziest idea being his wife asking him to build a deck and that he wants to build a coaster on the moon. I've often wondered how a coaster would work on the moon. It was also very interesting to hear that RMC is fully booked and the answers to the Freestyle/HRP question were certainly interesting.


On a side note regarding the earlier naming debate, peta is a common prefix that you will be seeing more of in the future. I already hear about it at work as we have customers that are outgrowing their terabytes of data and are looking into petabytes of storage space. It is extremely common in data warehousing. Since most of us are familiar with bytes, I'll put it in that context.


1 Kilobyte = 1024 bytes

1 Megabyte = 1024 KB = 1024^2 bytes

1 Gigabyte = 1024^3 bytes

1 Terabyte = 1024^4 bytes

1 Petabyte = 1024^5 bytes = 1.126 X 10^15 bytes = a lot of data


It is common for the prefixes to be associated with the exponents, mega = 2, giga = 3, tera = 4, peta = 5.


Sorry for geeking out on that.

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