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The Official TPR Video Thread!

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Are we just simply posting because more posts means a Bag-O-Crap will be sent?


Yes, we are.


And there's also Piraten in Djurs Sommerland Park, Denmark. And I am pretty sure, that for most of us on the 2009 Scandi Tour, that Mega Lite was our first one ever, to ride. And it was awesome! I think I rode it nearly a dozen times, which for myself, was quite a lot.


Me and Piraten in Djurs Sommerland, 2009.

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Let's give a Bag-O-Crap to SuperShawn! Send an email to robbalvey@themeparkreview.com with your name and mailing address! Please put "video crap" in the subject! Congrats!


Check out this next video!


What happens when you're in Taiwan and you show up to a park and the coaster is not only closed, but we are told it will soon be demolished? They "hot wire" it to make it work! lol


If we get 25 comments by the time we post the next video, we will randomly select someone to win a BAG-O-CRAP!!!!



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That is both AWESOME and TERRIFYING at the same time.


If I were there, I likely would not have tried it! I'd be worried my fat ass would cause it to collapse.


but WOO-HOO! A new video! (tho I loved watching your iPhoned Expedition Everest yesterday too).

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LOL! It's awesome to see what we do for another credit! The looks of the people in front of you are priceless!! They seem certain that it is about to collapse at any time... I guess you could say that would add another layer to a ride experience.

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WOW! What a BAG-O-CRAP!!!


TPR Back pack

Roller Coasters in the Raw Volume 5

About 12 Park Maps

Insane Coaster Wars magnet

Insane Coaster Wars chap stick (I think)

Instant Cooling Towel

Rain Poncho

Club TPR button

Coasting For Kids sticker

Mystery DVD (haven't watched it yet.

TPR pen

A little note from Robb Alvey.


Thank you Robb and Elissa!!!!

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HOLY CRAP BALLS! This was the Bag O' Crap to end all Bags O' Crap! There's way too much in here to list it all, so I'll let the image do the talking.


Robb, Elissa, you guys have NO idea how perfect your timing was with this arriving to me today. This past week has been a nightmare dealing with a burst water heater destroying half of my apartment, then having to deal with the horrific management work at a snail's pace to get things fixed while also trying to haggle me into paying, etc, etc. Thank you so much for this!


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