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Which Coaster Gives The Best AIRTIME???

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Nitro at Great Adventure gives a lot of amazing airtime, especially in the back row. I'm pretty sure the other B&M Hypers have this in common.

i had better air in the middle of nitro than the back


the hills were designed that the cresting of them, sans the first drop, seemed to be where the air was, not the dropping down them quite as much?


really though, with a properly loose restraint arrangement, the best airtime ever ever ever i've had is the surprise drop in Ghostrider in the back seat!


its just as good as El toro, but the layout is much more unique.


maybe el Toro is just a bit more intense air,

the thing is Ghostrider seems to ONLY have this air IN THE BACK

if you are even one row up from it, and still in the last car, nope.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Commenting on an earlier post-


DBru- Where on Evel Kneivel did you feel this airtime? SFSTL is my home park, so I have ridden EK many times. The only major air I find on the ride is on the hill coming off the turnaround (after the first drop). I assume you thought the back seat provided the best air?


I do agree air that the air on EK is better than Kentucky Rumbler and maybe Prowler.

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Bizarro in the back had really great airtime! Somehow my q-bot which had been wedged between my thigh and the seat ended up tucked in the waistband of my pants on my back which means it was flying around a lot! Also Phoenix and Boulder Dash have incredible airtime, my feet actually left the floor of the car a few times.

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^^I wouldn't call it major (or extreme, ejector, ect.) airtime, but there were some great moments of negative-g's on many hills when I rode it back in April. I only rode it once, in the back row, but my butt left the seat on the first drop, the hill afterward, the double-down (awesome!), and many small hills that followed.


All three of SFStL's woodies were running smooth, fast, and air-filled during my visit...I love that park!

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The Boss? Airfilled? You must have came on a real good day. Sometimes I wouldn't call the Boss or Screaming Eagle quality woodies depending on roughness.

You picked the best seat for one ride on EK, as the back is definitely the best seat (first drop is great).


And I see you're from Kentucky, so I assume go/have been to SFKK. Based on my July trip to SFKK (very pleasant) Thunder Run has more air than all of EK on that hill after the first turnaround.

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I rode the Voyage, Nitro, El Toro, Maverick, and Fahrenheit in the same trip over a span of about 15 days so I think that I can safely compare them. Granted, these are just my opinions.


Voyage: It had airtime and a lot of it (I loved the hills going underground). However it wasn't as ejector as it was floater. I rode in both the front and the back and found that there really wasn't a 'magic spot' that gave me tons of airtime. A great ride with a lot of floater airtime.


Nitro: Every hill had doses of floater airtime and the best hill was probably the hill coming off of the MCBR. Definitely a front row ride because I found that there was more air in the front then in the back. Another good, floaty ride.


El Toro: If you ride it in the back, your life will never be the same. This is the definition of ejector airtime. By the end of the ride your thighs will be raped from being flung up against the lap bar so hard. The first drop and hill before the tight turns are particularly memorable. Easily the most airtime I've ever experienced.


Maverick?: Why do people say this ride has tons of airtime? The first drop is great, but it's over in about a second. The only other spots that I can think of that really have any air is the bunny hill and the hill coming out of the launch (which is trimmed). When I look at Maverick I don't think 'airtime' I think crazy.


Fahrenheit: The first drop is great, I loved it. The Norwegian loop also creates a bit of floater air. The best part of the ride airtime-wise was the last hill before the turnaround into the breaks, it completely dominated my whole body. The first time I rode it I was not expecting it at all.


Overall I think that El Toro would win a competition for airtime by a decent amount. There's ejector air on every hill and the last hill before the turns is pure insanity.

I'm not taking away from the Voyage, it's a great ride, but I think that El Toro has more, and better, airtime.

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My current favorite single moment is the stand-up air during the 2nd and largest drop on Olympic Bobsled. It's an SDC coaster owned by Butler Amusements; I rode it at the California State Fair on Sunday. Too bad it's too simplistic to be more than mildly interesting otherwise.


Another amazing single moment is the stand-up (or close to it) air on one of the drops on Coaster Thrill Ride. Not the first or the largest, but a later one into a headchopper.


Buzz bars that can literally only lock into one position are a dream come true!


For best overall airtime, my vote still goes to Giant Dipper (SCBB) and Timber Terror.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was really amazed how much butt-out-of-the-seat moments Shockwave has at SFoT. It is certainly another high quality Schwarzy. Mindbender will always be my favorite, but I have to give Shockwave a slight edge in the airtime department...especially at the third drop in the back row.

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Phoenix at Knoebels. 3rd row....that is all



Aside from the free flight epic airtime that is Phoenix, I'd say some of my better pops of air come from the back of Cornball and Screamin Eagle...Blue Streak seems pretty good too from my recent trips to CP this year. Diamondback has consistant pops, but its light and floaty-not wild out of control airtime that just tosses you into the sky and makes you beg for more.

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For me, Boulderdash is the most consistent with airtime, but for single moment, Cyclone at SFNE's first drop in the back row....I've never been on anything more terrifying than that. Bizarro at SFNE is also amazing, and any B&M's drop off the MCBR that doesn't twist is always good.

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This is my first posting so please dont flame me if I mess up..


Since Ive only ever been on 68 roller coasters ever my list is very limited. My 3 favorite Airtime Roller Coasters would be El Toro, Superman RoS SFA and Magnum XL even though i felt it goes slow around the pretzel turn

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