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Roughest coaster

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^Haha well said.


The roughest I've encountered is a tie between The Grizzly at PGA and Psyclone at SFMM. Grizzly has always been really jerky and the seats aren't the most comfortable...Same said for Psyclone.


However, this year the Grizzly go re-profiled, and Psyclone got 1000 feet of new track. I could have ridden Grizzly this weekend but the line was insane, and I haven't had a shot to ride Psyclone yet. However pre re-tracking, both rides were terrible...

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To me, the worst coasters and the most painful are pretty much the same. In my opinion, a rough coaster makes it a lot worse than something with the exact same design but smooth. That said, Hercules, Son of Beast, Rattler, and Gouderix are among the worst coasters I've ever been on.

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Psychlone at 6FMM is a real spine snapper, Cyclone at SFNE was pretty rough. That is out of the ones I have been on.


Out of the one's I haven't been based on POV'a and other people's opinions Son of Beast looks like it could send the Man of Steel into traction.

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Roughest for me was the back seat ride on SFNE's Cyclone during Superhero Celebration 3 ('04). Hardly the WORST ride I've ever been on, but obviously this was before the recent retracking, so it was pretty painful. Despite that, it was then (and is more so now) one of my favorite woodies.

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Rattler at SFFT is in a whole nother league of roughness compared to Psyclone, Mean Streak, and Son of Beast. I held my hands up on the first drop and ended up knocking heads with the guy next to me. It didn't just feel rough, it felt like the cars were practically jumping around from rail to rail.

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I'm sure most all of us here probably never experienced this, but I would add Crystal Beach Cyclone (Traver?)


The drop, the ride layout, the nurse at the unloading platform. The reports of people having severe neck injuries, passing out and so on must have been a site to see. I believe many people went to the park just to "LOOK" at the ride, rather than ride it..lol


I have seen some videos from National Geographic and other publications and those trains going around the course just shouted "Ouch"!

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Big Dipper at Blackpool is very rough, but its very fun.




Errr... You sure you've been on the right ride? Big Dipper isn't rough..


The corkscrew at Flamingoland is just painful. All you can hear from people going round is people shouting "OW"

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