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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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Finally got to spin the Blue Eggs again, and got 300 Gold Eggs. Finally got to spin the Golden Eggs for the first time and I won a stupid fence! Then I spun the pink eggs, got a tree! This is crap.


Exactly! Exact same thing happened couple days ago. Fences, eggs and a couple trees, nothing else so far.

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I thought it was because my town was over ran with bunnies so I always did a sweep over the whole town with my taser before tapping the carrots. I always got them after that, but it must have been coincidence.

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Anyone else getting worried about not finishing this event!?


I probably only average hitting everyone's towns every other day, but still I'm tapping a lot, setting all of my egg people on egg tasks, and I just keep getting fences and ponds!!!!

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Anyone else getting worried about not finishing this event!?


I probably only average hitting everyone's towns every other day, but still I'm tapping a lot, setting all of my egg people on egg tasks, and I just keep getting fences and ponds!!!!


I am worried, but I know that I'll just buy eggs and hopefully get all the things I really want.

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Anyone else getting worried about not finishing this event!?


I probably only average hitting everyone's towns every other day, but still I'm tapping a lot, setting all of my egg people on egg tasks, and I just keep getting fences and ponds!!!!


I will probably end up buying eggs before it is over. Just got my biggest prize of this event, Chirpy and Bart Jr. Cool, but not even close to all the buildings that I want.

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Just completed the pink box. Got the lizards the other day, and the Blocko store this morning. Now on to the blue box, which I have only received fences from. The gold box will probably be nothing more than a dream for me.

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Is anyone else experiencing lag when visiting friend's towns? I seem to be able to tap two eggs then it "freezes." The animations will still run smoothly, but I can't tap anything else and the screen doesn't move for a few seconds.

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Yeah, totally feel like I'm not going to complete this. I don't seem to be gathering eggs fast enough (a lot of people on my friends list don't play any more), and when I do get a box, it's some stupid decoration. Bah.




Has been the same for me, only decent prize I've picked up so far is Johnny Fiesta's.

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WOW! I actually finished getting everything out of the blue box! I only have like 2 more things out of the pink one, but I'm pretty screwed on the gold one. I keep getting fences from there.

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While I seriously doubt that I'll get everything before the Easter event ends, I feel that I've done reasonably well so far. (at least by my free-player standards) I've got all the possible prizes from the pink box, but nothing other than decorations so far from the blue box. I got Hugs Bunny fairly early in the event from the gold box. Since then I've also received Bunny #24601, a few pastel picket fences, and the Easter gate. I could have sworn that I also got one of the alien topiaries, but I just looked around in my Springfield and I cant seem to find it. Maybe I just thought I won it? My biggest surprise was getting one of the naturally occurring Faberge' eggs very shortly after completing the tasks that unlocked the possibility of receiving them. From what I've read, the chance of getting those from the egg drops is pretty low. (about .7% from what I gather) Although it's not really much to look at, and doesn't "do" anything as far as I can tell, I feel fairly lucky to have received one so soon. Since I have spent a grand total of $0.00 on this game, I figure I'm doing okay. Hopefully I'll get a few more decent prizes between now and when the event ends.

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