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IAAPA 2012 - Ask Ride Companies a Question!

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Here's a question for Gravity Group (or any of the design companies), but how much influence do the parks have in the final design of their coasters? Do they request certain elements or a certain type of ride experiences, or do they pretty much leave it up to your professional experience? For example, a ride like the Voyage, would Holiday World say we want a ride that is 160 feet tall and 6,000 feet long with a ton or airtime, or do they approach you and say here's your plot of land show me what you can do?


(I'd be interested to hear the response for this question from other manufactures especially B&M concerning Gatekeeper)

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Gravity Group : Can you give us a preview to the new Fun and Wow things you have planned according to your facebook status on October 25th?


(this is more of a question, if they have not released the information but I am not sure why they would hold anything back at IAAPA)

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I can't believe this hasn't been asked yet!!!!


Timberliners? Voyage?


Exactly what my question was..!


Question to Gravity Group : When designing a dueling, do you design one track then the other ; or both at the same time?

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GG: As we know from your interview with Holiday World in the winter of 2011, you said the new trains for The Voyage would be different from other Timberliners found on your other coasters (Twister at Gröna Lund and Wooden Warrior at Quassy) since we know this, can you explain the differences between these new Timberliners and old Timberliners that the trains will have to be able to withstand the forces of The Voyage.

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Gravity Group - I while ago, when the Timberliners were presented, we saw some renders implying that these trains would allow wooden launched coasters or even wooden shuttle coasters to be built. Can you give a little more insight about this?

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Gravity Group - Would you do a complete renovation (a bit like what Rocky Mountain did with Texas Giant) of a former CCI to make it more Gravity Group-like (as in, awesome and intense!)?

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