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You Might Be A Coaster Nerd If....

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You know you're a coaster nerd if your entire calculus project which encompasses the entire school year is entirely related to roller coasters.


You know you're a coaster nerd if you stare at your speedometer, figure out what speed you're going, and try to think of a roller coaster that has that as a max speed.


You know you're a coaster nerd if you scream "TWISTY" any time you go through a twisting inversion or a fast banking transition.

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If you plan trips 2-3-4 Years in Advance:


Per Example


2014- San Antonio, And 7-8 Days around the East Coaster

2015- Europe (Either Spain, Germany, Or Netherlands depending on Prices)

2016- Trip in the South for maybe 7 Days

2017- Europe (1 Of the countries I did not visit in 2015)


And that's the Plan. Europe Every other year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want Vekoma to die a painful death (by their own coasters) (also applies to TOGO)

If you have ever bought a coaster related t-shirt (guilty)

If you noticed that the Intimidator coaster train model was inaccurate, but wanted it anyway (guilty, but got the shirt instead)

If you have argued over coaster stats

If you have developed a "signature move" for on-ride photos

If you have ever wanted (or tried) to sneak into a media day

If you look for survey markers/footers when at a park rumored to get something new

If you look for survey markers/footers when at a park that ISN'T rumored to get something new

If you wonder why "that crane is by that coaster"

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you have made at least 6 RCT3 sandbox parks (guilty)

If you have ever shouted "LET THE AIRTIME BEGIN" at the top of a lift hill

If you understand the meaning of the term "airtime buffet"

If when the new thing announced for a nearby park is not a coaster, you are disappointed.

If you have ever attempted the "ONE MORE TIME" chant when pulling into the station on a coaster.

If you regularly watch POV videos

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You know you're a coaster nerd when you're at a high school football game and you think, "I think a Gerstlauer Eurofighter would fit perfectly here..."


This! My family and I went sledding in the snow last Winter, and while sitting at the top of the hill, I looked at the little grass field in front of me and said "A nice little GCI would fit perfectly in here!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you enjoy driving on hilly roads due to the chance for (actually noticed some on one road the other day)

If you have ever wondered how long your ass has to be out of the seat for it to count as airtime

If you have ever hugged a coaster support (thought of doing this to Goliath at SFOG once, but didn't. will next visit though!)

If you yell "ASSUME THE POSITION!" when the flying coaster you are on is going into flight mode

If you actually thought that last one was funny

If you have ever yelled "YOU'VE TESTED IT ENOUGH, LET ME ON!" while waiting for a ride to reopen

If you cringe at the sight of a TOGO or Vekoma (fliers and rides without OTSRs exempted from the latter)

If you have ever tried to sneak into a tour group (on the off chance you have seen one)

If your favorite 3 letter combination is "ERT"

If you feel retarded when you get coaster stats wrong

If, even after hearing nothing but bad things about a coaster, you still ride it to get the credit

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