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You Might Be A Coaster Nerd If....

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You may consider yourself a coaster nerd/geek if:


The only vacations you plan involve a theme park, or if you don't plan the trip you somehow manage to get a a park(eg going to grona lun spontaneously when in Stockholm)


Roller coaster tycoon stole hours and hours of your time.



Note to self: add a minimum temperature when planning trips for outdoor parks

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  • 3 months later...

-If when you hear the word Bizarre it reminds you of Bizarro at SFNE or SFGA


-You know every coaster that won the golden ticket award in first place


-You know what type every coaster is (Bizarro SFNE is an Intamin steel hypercoaster)



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You're a nerd when you see "YOLO" and think of Full Throttle at SFMM

Also when you think of LSMs running when you do a light throttle on your RC Car (running on a brushless motor, makes a high-pitched noise). Yes, I'm guilty of visioning a coaster taking off when I pull the throttle gradually to full throttle.

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You Might Be A Coaster Nerd If....

  • You know the base of operations for at least three engineering firms
  • You seem to be the only one capable of distinguishing a Dive Loop from an Immelmann
  • You go to Penn State for the engineering program
  • You know the best row for airtime, forces, and sense of speed for at least ten coasters
  • You know that the launch systems on Intamin Impulse coasters aren't recorded screams

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You're a nerd when you see "YOLO" and think of YOLOcoaster at SFMM

Also when you think of LSMs running when you do a light throttle on your RC Car (running on a brushless motor, makes a high-pitched noise). Yes, I'm guilty of visioning a coaster taking off when I pull the throttle gradually to YOLOcoaster.


Word filter strikes yet again.


On topic:

1.you need to catch yourself when when talking about YOLOcoaster not to say YOLOcoaster.

2.You say YOLOcoaster anyway

3.You explain what YOLOcoaster means, how it started, and mention the ride's true name

4.Your "normal" friends are still confused

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1. You draw roller coaster sketches when bored with paper in front of you.


2. You get excited when you see a coaster on a tv commercial, movie, etc.


3. You wonder how people can survive in the world from some of their stupid comments in line for rides or on park's Facebook pages.

For Example, praising SFSTL for staying with current technology for adding a "new" boomerang( no joke), or thinking a lime green and orange boomerang looks like SheiKra( really???).

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You might be a coaster nerd if...


Math class always makes you zone out thinking about roller coasters

When you finish your quiz early you draw roller coasters and their logos on the back of the quiz

You plan a few extra days to hit amusement parks on your family vacations

You wanted to do your architecture project on amusement parks and roller coasters

When someone says YOLO you think of YOLOcoaster

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You might be a coaster nerd if ...


... you go to a club and talk about slow lift speeds on coasters with a japanese girl.


Oh, and if she also likes rollercoasters, you sir are on the right path! (happened this weekend)

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...you believe that park observation towers are intended solely for people to take ride construction photos and post them on TPR


Guilty of that...to add onto that, you know you're a nerd when your park's observation tower is down and you still have a craving to see the aerial view of the coaster being built anyway. In turn, you shell out the $18 to ride the Sky Coaster adjacent to the construction site just to catch a quick view of it (and live with it in memories only) before it's time to pull the ripcord.

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I love this thread!! I relate to too many things posted here.

I can think of a lot.


...if you can write a 1500+ word thesis on what makes a good roller coaster.

...if your career plan involves working at a park or ride company.

...if you have ever discussed the idea of roller coasters as a mode of regular transportation.

...if you think of Flight of Fear when you're at a subway station seeing a train depart.

...if you met your mate working at a park, or better yet, attending a coaster enthusiast event.

...if you plan on taking a cross-country theme park road trip after you graduate college.

...if you raise your hands and say "weeee" or "woohoo" when taking off on an airplane.

This last one is probably my favorite, maybe because I'm guilty of it.

...if, when you were a kid, you took a Power Wheels jeep, placed it inches away from your big-screen TV, put in your favorite coaster video, strapped yourself in with the seatbelt, and went for a virtual ride!!

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Lol.. That ride is how I discovered Aerosmith!


Also if you hear in the hall of mountain king and instantly think Alton Towers... Or, if the first thing that comes to mind when hearing any song is how it relates to coasters in some way (the lyrics, heard it while at a park etc.)

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Well, more theme park than just coaster but here goes...


- When you ride the swings at the playground to seek the tummy tingle sensation

- When you ride the swings so high at the playground your chains slack and you then 'snap' much like on the flyers

- When you ride the swings at the playground and as you swing down, you drop something to watch it 'float' as you fall at the same speed as it.

Yes I'm guilty of all 3 of these.

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