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You Might Be A Coaster Nerd If....

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You know you're a coaster nerd if you look at every city skyline and wish Stratosphere Tower was in every single one of them! (well, maybe theme park nerd then, since High Roller is gone ).

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You know you're a nerd when...


Earlier at work, I was wearing one of my Gold Striker shirts. One of my regular customers comes in to drop off some work when he sees the shirt and asks if I've been riding the coaster anymore (knew that I was excited for the promo shoot months back). He then told me that each time he sees the commercial, first thing that comes to mind is me and my countless laps on the coaster. So I guess I've made a name for myself


You also know you're a theme park nerd when you find things in video games that make you think coasters...an example would be in my Zelda Oracle of Ages game. There's a 6-sided colored block you push around. One of the colors are blue. When you push the block onto a special pad, a flame pops up from a torch, based on the color panel that's face down on the pad...so yea, seeing a blue flame immediately made me think of Blue Fire at EP... On LoZ Link's Awaking DX, there's a dungeon that is known as the "World of Color" dungeon...this should be a no-brainer (This dungeon was exclusive to the Game Boy Color)


Lastly, these mine cart levels in my Donkey Kong Country Returns game immediately make me think of Gold Striker...you have mine carts, moles wearing hardhats with little head lights on them (I have a Gold Striker hardhat with a head light), throwing pick axes (kind of like the axe that the prospector is holding in the logo), the carts are able to jump (airtime), and there are literally head-choppers that will kill off DK and Diddy.

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You know you're a coaster nerd when you're at a high school football game and you think, "I think a Gerstlauer Eurofighter would fit perfectly here..."

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Also, you know you're a coaster nerd if your photo of your wife in your wallet is an on-ride photo on a roller coaster.

You know you're a coaster nerd if, when in a van, ride with the armrests down in order to simulate riding in a B&M hypercoaster.

You know you're a coaster nerd if you've download stereotypical roller coaster screams and sit in your room for 2 hours looping them on your Boombox while you imagine you're on a roller coaster.

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..... you brag that you live 20 minutes from the US factory that produces B&M coasters.


.... you buckle all the belts in your vehicle.


.... imitate the sounds of coaster brakes when slowing down in your vehicle.


.... you have ever shifted your vehicle into neutral, and proceeded to coast down a hill.


..... you work at McDonald's and see the Filet O Fish button. It is labeled "FOF", you automatically think Flight of Fear.


.... while visiting Jungle Jim's, you point out everything you recognize from KI, starting with the monorail as you pull onto the lot.


..... can recite safety spiels word for word with the recording.


...... can recite ride event dialog with the ride.


..... have used said dialog while speaking to someone about something unrelated.. "I say, you're going the wrong way."

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Relying on the knowledge that your math and physics courses will help you one day work for a coaster company to keep you from failing school... Hey, they said COASTER nerd, not nerd I anything else lol

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^ ha GASM


You know you're a coaster nerd if you know the roller coasters featured in your Physics and math books and memorize the page number they are on so you can look at the when you do your homework.

You know you're a coaster nerd if you know why "roller coaster" in Spanish translates to "La Montaña Rusa."

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You know you're a coaster nerd if you are at a shopping mall at Christmas and you see Santa and say, "Hey that's not the real Santa, the real one's at Holiday World!"

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You know you're a coaster nerd if you're in the basement and you hear an amusement park commercial on TV in the attic, and you immediately run up to the attic just to watch the commercial, then you go back down to the basement to do whatever you were doing.

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Not really nerdy but this qualifies for the thread. You can say I was still in theme park mode when this happened. Last Sunday I was at CGA with friends, and there were a total of 5 of us including myself. At the ride station platform they always ask "how many to your group?" and we were answering them. I had also bought lunch and stuff where I pull out my gold pass for my discount.


After CGA, one of the friends heads back home, the 4 of us go to grab dinner. At the restaurant, the guy at the counter asks us the same..."How many to your group?" Answering "5" all day, I almost told him "5." I quickly caught myself. Paying for my food at the end, I pull out my debit card, as well as getting ready to pull out my CGA pass...thinking I would get my 20% off discount on the meal.


On the trip home from the park and having Gold Striker fresh in my blood, every little undulating motion on the freeway gave me that sensation of getting airtime...getting that floaty feeling in the body.

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if you go out of your way to ride EVERY coaster when you visit an amusement park (did this at Carowinds and SFOG)


If your dream vacation involves roller coasters as a main attraction (guilty)


If the first thing you would add to most theme parks would be MORE COASTERS!


If you ever rode a coaster you knew was awful so you could snag the credit (pretty much every time I have been seen boarding a Vekoma)

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  • 3 weeks later...

You might be a coaster nerd if y ou re going to get up at 4:30 in the morning on Aug 29 (after a night of tons of homework) to see what Six Flags parks will open in 2014 - that's what I'm going to do!

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You know you're a coaster nerd if you have a 102° fever and you've been sick all day, and you're up right now at 10 PM at night just because of the Banshee's annoucement!

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You might be a coaster nerd if you gave serious thought as to if the weird thing on top of Outlaw Run's second hill is an inversion or not

You might be a coaster nerd if you know the meaning of the and emoticons

You might be a coaster nerd if you wish SFOG would stop saying Mindbender has 3 loops (it has 2 loops and a weird element that doesn't even count as an inversion. either way, one of the best coasters I have ridden)

You might be a coaster nerd if you look for the footers after a park announces a new coaster

You might be a coaster nerd if you correct people when they say Gemini/NTAG/Iron Rattler is a wooden coaster

You might be a coaster nerd if you have developed an effective Vekoma brace position (head out in front of OTSRs works pretty well for me)

You might be a coaster nerd if, after exiting a ride, you have thought "does this count as a credit?"

You might be a coaster nerd if you know the track styles certain manufacturers use

you might be a coaster nerd if you plan on yelling "YOLO" during the launch (or launches) on Full Throttle

you might be a coaster nerd if you count credits (40 for me, with 9 more credits planned)

you might be a coaster nerd if you visit this sight frequently

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