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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Great pictures! This ride looks fantastic and I can't wait to check it out next year! In a couple interviews with Alan he mentions that there are almost always tweaks to the layout even after the ride is announced so it'll be exciting to see how the final product lays out.

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Had the GC really become that painful in the last few years?


I rode it for the first time this year 15 days before it closed. I didn’t think it ran to bad. Certainly not the smoothest coaster but it produced some strong air and I liked it enough to ride it a couple times the day of my visit.


I took this the day before they announced Georgia Cyclone was closing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not wanting to let Great Adventure have all the fun, Georgia has decided to punish their B&M collection today in a way that's pretty impressive for Atlanta. It's 28 degrees and dropping fast. Batman, Scorcher and Goliath are all running. All other coasters are closed, including the kiddy coaster (well... except JOKER Chaos Coaster, lol).

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We went for our last visit of the '2017' season as well. As one could imagine, the park was empty with only the three aforementioned coasters operating. Batman actually stopped on the lift hill while we were on it so clearly the plummeting temps were taking their toll on the operation of the rides. Justice League was a walk on too, which was surprising given the warm escape to the frigid outside that ride offered.


In spite of the cold we had a great time. Now the agonizing nine-week wait begins. With the new Twisted Cyclone and the announced transformation of the area (including a remodeled Johnny Rockets) I will be eager to see the progress on March 10th. This winter will seem just a bit longer than usual!

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(well... except JOKER Chaos Coaster, lol).




I need to get to SFOG in the next few years it seems like such a great park. Goliath and Twisted Cyclone will give it a very solid 1-2 punch at the top of its lineup.

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In spite of the cold we had a great time. Now the agonizing nine-week wait begins. With the new Twisted Cyclone and the announced transformation of the area (including a remodeled Johnny Rockets) I will be eager to see the progress on March 10th. This winter will seem just a bit longer than usual!

SFOG is a 6 hour drive from Orlando. Nobody feels bad for you.

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In spite of the cold we had a great time. Now the agonizing nine-week wait begins. With the new Twisted Cyclone and the announced transformation of the area (including a remodeled Johnny Rockets) I will be eager to see the progress on March 10th. This winter will seem just a bit longer than usual!

SFOG is a 6 hour drive from Orlando. Nobody feels bad for you.


Yeah... Sandusky says hi. Home of being closed from November till mid May.

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In spite of the cold we had a great time. Now the agonizing nine-week wait begins. With the new Twisted Cyclone and the announced transformation of the area (including a remodeled Johnny Rockets) I will be eager to see the progress on March 10th. This winter will seem just a bit longer than usual!

SFOG is a 6 hour drive from Orlando. Nobody feels bad for you.


Yeah... Sandusky says hi. Home of being closed from November till mid May.

Who said anything about needing sympathy...geez you guys are negative. I hope your day is amazing. Speaking of amazing, the SFoG app already has the 2018 calendar loaded. They are on top of things this year for sure. Last year the calendar was not filled out until March.

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I thought the whole coaster lineup at SFOG was solid. I would even ride Georgia Scorcher again. I went in with low expectations on that one based on my experience with Vortex at Carowinds. The floater airtime on Goliath was great. Superman UF was probably my least favorite but I would ride it again for sure. We did not ride Daredevil Drop b/c the line was ridiculous.


I expect the 1-2 punch of Goliath and Mindbender will be a 3-hit combo with the addition of Twisted Cyclone.


I plan on a Carowinds>SFOG>Carowinds weekend in March. I am having trouble finding any info on ERT at Six Flags parks. Is there such a thing for season pass holders? It seems like I found a mention a while back for people with certain credit cards and maybe Samsung phone owners.

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I have a feeling the airtime pops on Twisted Cyclone are going to surprise the hell out of people.


just watching the Six Flags animation on it, already has me convinced it's going to be one of my favorites.


(oh, I'm looking forward to the "bigger" RMC coasters too: Steel Vengeance, Twisted Timbers, and Wonder Woman. . but I think Twisted Cyclone is gonna be near the top of my coaster list)

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Oof double posted, sorry! and yes i actually do like Twisted Cyclone but i'm not a sponsor was making a joke.


hmm. . where, ANYWHERE, did I predict Steel Vengeance won't be a hit?.


BTW I'm not a "sponsor" either . . never even been to SFoG, but will go for first time this year.

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Oof double posted, sorry! and yes i actually do like Twisted Cyclone but i'm not a sponsor was making a joke.


hmm. . where, ANYWHERE, did I predict Steel Vengeance won't be a hit?.


BTW I'm not a "sponsor" either . . never even been to SFoG, but will go for first time this year.


No need to explain yourself, bert, none of the guy's posts make any sense (not even to himself). I think SFOG's Twisted Cyclone will be the most overlooked RMC this year and will surprise a lot of people as well. There are some good looking elements on this ride!

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Surprised no major updates on this one lately. Any locals able to swing past the park and get some progress photos? I'd imagine it would be fairly easy to get pretty close to the action seeing as how the ride hangs right over the entrance.

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