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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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The gravel area in the mid/upper part of the picture is where the wave pool is going. The gravel area to the lower right will be a slide complex.


In other news, they are replacing some track on the return portion of GASM. It appears to be normal off-season wooden coaster maintenance.





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It is always great to see parks like this fixing up their rides. There was a reason that the Water Challenge on Great American Scream Machine at Deep South Bash was so difficult, and it was this very portion that was most often to blame for our cups coming back empty. Maybe our chances will be better next time around thanks to this retracking!

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I've ridden GASM a number of times over the last few years, and never had an issue with it. Sure, GAMS is not top-ten material, but it's a solid, old-fashioned wooden coaster.

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^ Agreed. It's great classic woodie fun. Though I haven't had issues with roughness over the last few years either, I appreciate that GASM is getting the TLC it needs as an older ride.


Anyone else beside myself planning to be at SFOG on opening day this year? Also, I'm curious if the new season pass processing system is going to be implemented and operational. Perhaps I missed something, but I haven't heard anything about it recently in the context of SFOG.

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The GP frequently complain about GASMs roughness( although they will complaon about anything) Im glad its getting some fresh wood. It needed it in my opinion. I also wish they would add a sign or something and make the entrance better looking. Imo it looks kinda bad but maybe its just me.

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"Don't fix what ain't broke."



That's debatable. I rode GASM back in 2003, and one time around the track was all I needed. It was horribly rough.

The words debatable and 2003 at this point should not be in the same sentence, that was almost 11 years ago.

SFOG has done much since then to get GASM back to smoothness, especially after the 2009 flood, and it has worked.

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You know I was pretty upset about this announcement at first, but now I'm actually excited. If anything, Hurricane Harbor will bring in some extra attendance which hopefully will justify a new coaster in a few years. Plus it gets really hot in Georgia so I will probably cool off at the harbor during my visits.

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You know I was pretty upset about this announcement at first, but now I'm actually excited. If anything, Hurricane Harbor will bring in some extra attendance which hopefully will justify a new coaster in a few years. Plus it gets really hot in Georgia so I will probably cool off at the harbor during my visits.

Considering that Hurricane Harbor itself is a part of a multi-year, multi-million investment into the park, it is very possible we could see the next coaster in a few years, hopefully replacing Ninja.

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You know I was pretty upset about this announcement at first, but now I'm actually excited. If anything, Hurricane Harbor will bring in some extra attendance which hopefully will justify a new coaster in a few years. Plus it gets really hot in Georgia so I will probably cool off at the harbor during my visits.


And it'll make the lines for the coasters shorter during the day as all the families head to the water park. This would be great for Dare Devil Dive!

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^I totally agree. I'm personally not a big fan of water parks but I've never been upset about parks adding them, expanding them, upkeeping them, etc. I know I'm in the minority and any park I've been to with an included water park tends to have short lines for the rides I like during the summer days. I figure it draws more of the public and their money into the park (win!) and I can ride more things because of shorter lines (win!) and the average person gets the water park fun they want (win!). I just don't see where there is anything bad in that mix.

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You know I was pretty upset about this announcement at first, but now I'm actually excited. If anything, Hurricane Harbor will bring in some extra attendance which hopefully will justify a new coaster in a few years. Plus it gets really hot in Georgia so I will probably cool off at the harbor during my visits.

Considering that Hurricane Harbor itself is a part of a multi-year, multi-million investment into the park, it is very possible we could see the next coaster in a few years, hopefully replacing Ninja.

I don't know why everyone wants ninja to be replaced, I think it's a fun ride and has improved, although I wish they would add those new vekoma trains to completely eliminate the problem. Plus it looks awesome on that lake and adds to the coaster count .Instead of removing it, they could get rid of the picnic pavilion(and build another one somewhere else). And then use that area for a coaster, and maybe they could take out that play area in whistlestop park that no one uses to have even more room. I just hope we don't end up with another B&M though.

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and maybe they could take out that play area in whistlestop park that no one uses to have even more room.


Back in the day, that was actually where the main entrance to the park was located. From 2001-2007, this was there:




I think I literally was only able to ride it 3 times the entire time it was there because it was closed so often.

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