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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Georgia's Batman hauls. They all do, but that one seems like it's especially nuts.

Just wait 'til Holiday in the Park! When the temps really drop, it feels like my shoes are going to fly off into the parking lot!

I have been on seven copies of this ride and I have to believe ours may be the fastest...

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Stopped at the park a little before closing last Saturday on the way home from a NC trip that involved a certain giga coaster (and some more important stuff, but a giga coaster too). Ended up only having time for one coaster, but I think I chose wisely.


Twisted Cyclone (x1): I love RMC. This thing is hilariously fun, smooth, and comfortable with crazy airtime and other weird sensations that don't make total sense. On paper it looks short but it kinda just kept going with absolutely flawless pacing. No dead space at all. Great ride here.

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Georgia's Batman hauls. They all do, but that one seems like it's especially nuts.

My goodness, yes. It's very aggressive and barely gives you any time to catch your breath.

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1. Acrophobia is up and running again!!!


Didn't realize it had not been mentioned.


It was running the last Sat in Sep.

I made a last-minute trip that day to activate a pass.


I was checking this topic every weekend waiting on someone to announce that it was back open and no one said a word. Then Sunday morning I was watching a live stream on FB of the Coffin Challenge and I heard that familiar high pitched ‘hum’ in the background. I opened a new tab and came back to this topic to double check and found nothing. But my face lit up when I saw the gondola at the top of the tower as I got off the bus. That’s how I knew it was going to be a great day!

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1. Acrophobia is up and running again!!!


Didn't realize it had not been mentioned.

It was running the last Sat in Sep.


I was checking this topic every weekend waiting on someone to announce that it was back open and no one said a word.


Sorry. I don't check it often.


With the last-minute nature (got an email while out of the country that I had to go activate that pass as sion as I git back.) I wasn't there long and didn't even think about posting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know how packed it’s going to be on the weekend of Thanksgiving? I’m on our annual family trip to Dollywood and wanted to visit the park for the first time. My priotrities are are the main coasters and haunted mansion. Also if anyone knows any good local food places around that they can recommend, that would be great!

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Does anyone know how packed it’s going to be on the weekend of Thanksgiving? I’m on our annual family trip to Dollywood and wanted to visit the park for the first time. My priotrities are are the main coasters and haunted mansion. Also if anyone knows any good local food places around that they can recommend, that would be great!


It's going to be quite packed. I normally avoid that place like the plague on weekends, no matter what time of year. I'm actually going on a week night before Thanksgiving...lol


Also, be aware that the back of the park where Superman, Justice League, Great American Scream Machine and Blue Hawk aren't open for Holiday In The Park (this year).

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Does anyone know how packed it’s going to be on the weekend of Thanksgiving? I’m on our annual family trip to Dollywood and wanted to visit the park for the first time. My priotrities are are the main coasters and haunted mansion. Also if anyone knows any good local food places around that they can recommend, that would be great!

We go every year on Black Friday & Saturday and it's never really crowded at all, it's one of the most peaceful times to go in my opinion.

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Also, be aware that the back of the park where Superman, Justice League, Great American Scream Machine and Blue Hawk aren't open for Holiday In The Park (this year).

Metropolis Park should be open - it was operating during last year's HitP and furthermore, they have already installed the bases for the multicolor crystal holiday decorations in front of Justice League. Blue and white Christmas lights are also now installed on some of the buildings in that area.


Scream machine, Blue Hawk, and all of Lickskillet will be closed. In fact, as soon as Fright Fest is over they will likely begin site work on Pandemonium and the new Screampunk District where Camp Slasher is currently located.

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Also, be aware that the back of the park where Superman, Justice League, Great American Scream Machine and Blue Hawk aren't open for Holiday In The Park (this year).

Metropolis Park should be open - it was operating during last year's HitP and furthermore, they have already installed the bases for the multicolor crystal holiday decorations in front of Justice League. Blue and white Christmas lights are also now installed on some of the buildings in that area.


Scream machine, Blue Hawk, and all of Lickskillet will be closed. In fact, as soon as Fright Fest is over they will likely begin site work on Pandemonium and the new Screampunk District where Camp Slasher is currently located.


I was just going by the rides listed to be open on the park's website/event page:


Superman and Justice League aren't listed to be open on there. I knew they were open last year since JL was new, but this year they have Twisted Cyclone open. Perhaps it was left off if it indeed will be open?

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Six Flags is the only company I've ever seen that has their web team build websites as they're live (allowing incorrect information to be seen by potential guests and indexed by search engines). They also like to take old verbiage and re-use it. Since Superman wasn't advertised for the first few Holiday in the Park events even though it ended up running I would bet that they just copied and pasted some old stuff, deleted the text about Georgia Cyclone and wrote the new thing for Twisted Cyclone up top without even thinking about Justice League and Superman.


Don't read into the website too much. If they're putting up Christmas lights by Justice League then that's your answer. If you listened to the Six Flags website about Holiday in the Park then Six Flags Great America (the one in Chicago, that's not a typo) is running Mind Eraser, Houdini, Thunderbolt, Wild One and a bunch of water slides for Christmas and Six Flags New England is breaking out Mayor Slayer and a bunch of demons for Holiday in the Park (oh, and they're bringing back Buzzsaw). Great Adventure's Christmas sea lion show should be fun too...

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Was at the park last night. Surprisingly light crowds. Most coasters were walk-on.


Only Batman and DDD had much of a line and that was late, after 8.


The performers were not out like they were back in late Sep either. Lots of closed food stalls as well.


I know it was Tue, but expected it to be busier the night be fore Halloween.


It was nice not having to wait much and rode all coasters except Scorcher. Could gave done a lot more but we just took out time and looked around the shops a lot.


Longest wait was for funnel cake up front (only one open) at 9:00.

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Visited this past Sunday - it was a great day for rides as the park was fairly empty. With no seasonal events or shows to distract us, we concentrated on rides and using our dining pass. Interestingly, the park is wasting no time removing all Fright Fest props and decorations and swapping them out for Holiday in the Park. Last year on this same weekend, the park looked like "The Nightmare Before Christmas" but this year the park seems way ahead of the curve as HitP begins in less than 2 weeks.


There has been some confusion as to what sections of the park will be closed off for 'Holiday' and furthermore whether Metropolis Park near the back, including Justice League and Superman would be operating. This map confirms that only Lickskillet, including Blue Hawk and Scream Machine will be closed off but nothing else. The website is incredibly inaccurate as pointed out in earlier posts.


Another oddity: the Lickskillet area is open this weekend and next before it closes for the season as HitP begins. The park map signs in these areas have been updated with this same HitP map (pictured below) with the Lickskillet area omitted. There were a few confused guests staring at the map, trying to navigate this area with no mention of the area in which they were standing!


Anyway, the zombies have returned underground as Santa's elves have taken over. I can't wait for the fun to begin on November 17th - my birthday too!


The official 2018 SFoG Holiday in the Park map!

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Weird enough, Screamscape has received interesting info that the park has responded well to twisted cyclone this summer and that the park is looking at adding a coaster in both 2020 and 2021!!! What in the Uber heck?! Sources tell them that we could be looking at an S&S free spin near Superman and a possible launched coaster from S&S or Premier (comparison was to Maxx Force coming to SFGA)! If all signs point to yes I wonder how they will get past the whole SFOG not being able to support a launched coaster due to power related issues or whatever have you? Interesting.....

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I don't even know where to begin.


I think a Free Spin is a great fit for that rotting boat ride area (which I guess is near Superman) just because like... what else would you really put there? That said, everything else about that rumor is dumb and I have no idea what you're talking about with power related issues but that's dumb too. If that's even a thing (which is a big "if") then I assure you they'll figure it out.

Edited by coasterbill
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I don't even know where to begin.


I think a Free Spin is a great fit for that rotting boat ride area (which I guess is near Superman) just because like... what else would you really put there? That said, everything else about that rumor is dumb and I have no idea what you're talking about with power related issues but that's dumb too. If that's even a thing (which is a big "if") then I assure you they'll figure it out.


First of all, I think it was clear where I stated the rumor was from. I didn’t create the rumor “Billy.” If you were to thoroughly do your research then you’d know that SFOG did have a power grid issue which is why they could not add a power launched coaster. It’s really sad when you try to share something positive with other “enthusiasts” it has to be dumb. You sound like the typical GP. I don’t recall personally asking for your opinion. Are you that bored you have nothing better to do? I’m sure your life is not that intense. Please find someone else to play with.

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what just happened?


Unless you’re secretly the dude from Screamscape I’m not sure why you took anything I said personally. Relax. My post was not to be taken personally unless you’re with Screamscape (in which case I’m starting to become concerned about what’s going on over there. It’s been a downward spiral since that “we have great sources telling us that Kings Dominion is getting a launcher B&M flyer through the woods” thing).


Can’t we all just get along?

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I have no idea what you're talking about with power related issues but that's dumb too. If that's even a thing (which is a big "if") then I assure you they'll figure it out.


I do recall such an issue at DW.

They used a newly developed bank of "ultra capacitors" from Velocity Magnetics that charges at 200 amps but can discharge at 6000 amps. https://patents.justia.com/patent/10046644

And it has a smaller footprint than flywheel generators, important for lightning Rod as there wasn't much room.


That said I'd be surprised if there was a power issue in Atlanta. It's a lot different than the rural mountains of TN.

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I used to work for a park and a concern was raised of putting a strain on the local grid when adding a few new water attractions due to having to run several new pumps and other filtration equipment. The park ended up adding their own sub-station and that was that. Costly, but was all done and everything converted within about 3-4 months in the off season. If that's even a problem at SFOG. Considering their size, they probably already have one, and if it had strain on it, they could just expand it next year when they add their Free Spin and do the launch coaster the following year.


Or Screamscape is just at it with the pipe dreams. Billy.


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If there is any truth to Six Flags wanting to put a launch coaster in at SFOG I’m in favor. I feel like all parks should have a launch coaster in there lineup if there isn’t one it feels like something is missing but luckily I still have fun because I’m at an amusement park.

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