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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Now to make matters worse for me thunderstorms are in the forecast for Sunday, the day I'm going. Hey there locals, are the weather patterns unpredictable in the area?

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Just out of curiosity but has anyone been on both the Zamperla Giant discovery rides and the Huss Giant Frisbee's like Delirium and MaxAir? Just curious how the two compare, anyone prefer one to the other? I'm not a huge flat ride guy but have always loved the giant frisbee's, so if the experience is similar I'm all for these things popping up all over the place.

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Just out of curiosity but has anyone been on both the Zamperla Giant discovery rides and the Huss Giant Frisbee's like Delirium and MaxAir? Just curious how the two compare, anyone prefer one to the other? I'm not a huge flat ride guy but have always loved the giant frisbee's, so if the experience is similar I'm all for these things popping up all over the place.

I feel like the Zamperla ones are a touch more intense and disorienting than the Maxairs at CP & KI. Delirium at KD is weaker than both. I definitely prefer the Discoveries and am glad to see them getting spread around.

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Now to make matters worse for me thunderstorms are in the forecast for Sunday, the day I'm going. Hey there locals, are the weather patterns unpredictable in the area?
It's summer in the south so popup storms are always possible.


But I think the current forcast is related to the Gulf storm that just came in.

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Just out of curiosity but has anyone been on both the Zamperla Giant discovery rides and the Huss Giant Frisbee's like Delirium and MaxAir? Just curious how the two compare, anyone prefer one to the other? I'm not a huge flat ride guy but have always loved the giant frisbee's, so if the experience is similar I'm all for these things popping up all over the place.

I feel like the Zamperla ones are a touch more intense and disorienting than the Maxairs at CP & KI. Delirium at KD is weaker than both. I definitely prefer the Discoveries and am glad to see them getting spread around.


Thanks, that's kind of what I thought based on the sheer size of the things but good to hear. I'm defiantly looking forward to getting on one some day.

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Now to make matters worse for me thunderstorms are in the forecast for Sunday, the day I'm going. Hey there locals, are the weather patterns unpredictable in the area?


In Georgia we live by the saying "If you don't like the weather in Georgia...wait 5 minutes!" I just checked it again and we are at 50% chance on Sunday. That is good news and a chance at the same time. I've noticed that a weather prediction at 50% or higher keeps the crowds lighter than normal. Which would be a good thing, in your case, because it is a Bring a Friend Free Day at the park. Those days are hell. It is also the weekend after the Labor day flash sale...another busy time. Everyone is excited to get there and process their passes and enjoy their new toy. If I were you I would continue with your plans and hope for a chance of rain. While its raining take cover, enjoy the break and wait for them to open everything back up again with lighter crowds. I'm thinking about heading that way myself on Sunday. Haven't been in a couple of months and could use some coaster therapy.

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It has to be better than Labor Day weekend, though, right? I figured that Sunday would be the best time to go because it's A) after Labor Day and B) Saturday is the Greek Day event which I'm assuming will draw crowds as well.

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Labor Day Saturday was a ghost town. We rode every coaster, Monster Mansion, Flume and Sky Bucket (including 3 re-rides on Twisted Cyclone) in 3 hours without Flash Pass.


Labor Day Sat at SFoT was bat-guano crazy. . but the next day was DEAD. . . .all luck of the draw, I suppose

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Just out of curiosity but has anyone been on both the Zamperla Giant discovery rides and the Huss Giant Frisbee's like Delirium and MaxAir? Just curious how the two compare, anyone prefer one to the other? I'm not a huge flat ride guy but have always loved the giant frisbee's, so if the experience is similar I'm all for these things popping up all over the place.


I rode MaXair (Huss) and Black Widow (Zamperla) a few weeks apart. I thought MaxAir spun more, but Kennywood's Giant Discovery felt much more powerful and intense. Black Widow's one of the crazier rides I've ever been on. I've casually retired from riding these now because they both nauseate me, but I imagine the new Giant Discovery models are really good if you like this kind of ride.

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Hey locals. A few final questions in advance of my weekend visit:


1. How many rides have onride photos and is it worth it to get the all-day photo pass thing?


2. Do they allow single riders on the Sky Buckets?


3. All day lockers are near the entrance/Scorcher, right? $8 for the day? I'm coming from the airport right to the park, are they gonna give me sh*t at the entrance for bringing all that in? Toiletries, etc? I'll just have a small backpack with just enough stuff for 3 days. Packing super light, and I can leave it @ the hotel until check in (staying down the street) but I almost feel better locking it up at Six Flags (I can't believe I just typed that). But yeah its the first time Ive gone to a park with more than just a wallet/phone/sunglasses.


4. Where is everyones fave places to eat? I ate at JBs last time and while the beer selection was good the food was average. Also where has the beer?


5. I know the answer but I'll ask anyway: Is Acro still down?


6. Do you guys think I'll look like a douchebag riding the mine train alone?


Thanks. P.S. I've been to this park before so no need to pile on the suggestions. I plan on having a relaxing day of marathoning Goliath and Mindbender with hopefully a bit of RMC in there as well.

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^ This is a pretty common bit of advice, but make sure you get there early. They usually open Twisted Colossus a half hour before the park's official opening so you can usually get 3-4 rides with almost no wait if you're one of the first ones in the park.


Not sure which hotel you're staying at, but I stayed at the Wingate right down the street from the park 2 years ago and felt perfectly comfortable dropping my luggage off with them while I visited the park. I got everything back.

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That's where I'm staying. I stayed there two years ago as well and I did do that, but I didn't feel right about it. I got all my stuff back so I don't know why I'm suddenly concerned about it... but you raise a good point so maybe I'll just do that. I'll be there early enough to get in there by 9:30 and get a bunch of laps on TC, at least that's the plan. If I cut out dealing with a locker maybe I'll get more than one ride in.

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Labor Day Saturday was a ghost town. We rode every coaster, Monster Mansion, Flume and Sky Bucket (including 3 re-rides on Twisted Cyclone) in 3 hours without Flash Pass. [emoji38]
Yet Sunday was packed. Grr!


Wanted to go Sat but too many other commitments to get there. Now you pour salt in the wound.

Edited by TEDodd
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^ This is a pretty common bit of advice, but make sure you get there early. They usually open Twisted Colossus a half hour before the park's official opening so you can usually get 3-4 rides with almost no wait if you're one of the first ones in the park.

Yep, that's going to be my plan for Sunday, I'm going to pop into the park Saturday late afternoon / evening to process all my membership stuff so I can go right in with no problems for spins on Twisted Cyclone in the morning (when, thankfully, the weather is forecast to still be nice).

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That's where I'm staying. I stayed there two years ago as well and I did do that, but I didn't feel right about it. I got all my stuff back so I don't know why I'm suddenly concerned about it... but you raise a good point so maybe I'll just do that. I'll be there early enough to get in there by 9:30 and get a bunch of laps on TC, at least that's the plan. If I cut out dealing with a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo maybe I'll get more than one ride in.


If you bring your bag into the park, you'll miss the chance at a few walk-ons on Twisted Cyclone while you put your bag in the locker.


^ This is a pretty common bit of advice, but make sure you get there early. They usually open Twisted Colossus a half hour before the park's official opening so you can usually get 3-4 rides with almost no wait if you're one of the first ones in the park.

Yep, that's going to be my plan for Sunday, I'm going to pop into the park Saturday late afternoon / evening to process all my membership stuff so I can go right in with no problems for spins on Twisted Cyclone in the morning (when, thankfully, the weather is forecast to still be nice).


As I found out a few weeks ago, the queue building for Twisted Cyclone is so small that even a full queue could only hold a 40-45 minute wait. I waited in that once since Flash Pass required me to wait 30 minutes per ride and I wanted to double up at the end of the day.

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6. Do you guys think I'll look like a douchebag riding the mine train alone? [emoji38]


Of course not. I've done it before. There is no shame in riding anything they allow you to safely ride...at any park.

Amen. Ride whatever you want.
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^ Are they not allowing even glasses w/ a strap on TC? I just recently got a strap and have been enjoying being able to see on rides again!


We had problems with the Flash Pass. 1h30 min wait in an unprotected line just to buy. .


Whoa whoa whoa was this @ opening? I'll be there this weekend and have full intentions of buying one right @ opening, especially if its a 90 minute wait!


At opening the line looked like 20 min. I went straight to TC and it opened 5 minutes early. I tried to see how lines were going to be for the day and decided it was a FP day around 2 hours after opening, but the line was huge by then.

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Well that settles that. I'll be hitting up FP immediately after early morning RMC action. (I'm actually thinking of going against my own advice and just buying it online tomorrow to save a few bucks)


6. Do you guys think I'll look like a douchebag riding the mine train alone? [emoji38]


Of course not. I've done it before. There is no shame in riding anything they allow you to safely ride...at any park.

Amen. Ride whatever you want.

Guys, that was a trick question. My mine train lovin-ass is definitely taking a spin on Lift Hill: The Ride.

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Well that settles that. I'll be hitting up FP immediately after early morning RMC action. (I'm actually thinking of going against my own advice and just buying it online tomorrow to save a few bucks)


Just buy online while in the park.

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during the day, i was asked to put my glasses in zippered pocket on TC.


not sure if that's standard or not, but they asked me.


They had no problems with my glasses with a atrap on Twisted Cyclone.


The only ride that restricted all glasses was the Joker kiddie coaster.

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They had no problems with my glasses with a strap on Twisted Cyclone.


The only ride that restricted all glasses was the Joker kiddie coaster.


So I'm curious as to what exactly is the reasoning behind this? I'd have thought it'd be the opposite way around.


I wore my sun glasses (with Cedar Point strap) on every coaster including TC and the Joker family coaster. The Flash Pass line attendant on Joker did mention to remove my glasses, but I honestly thought they were joking and the ride attendants didn't say anything. Strange policy.

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