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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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I’m really excited for this! It’s exactly what I wanted and expected to see in that spot (or a 4D) but I didn’t expect it this year!


Not that it makes a noticeable difference but I wonder why they are getting the 150 foot version when the other parks are getting the 170 footer.


Could be the height restriction of the nearby Brown Field airport. Even at 170 stories, the ride disk would swing higher than that. But - even at only 15 stories, this is a fantastic ride!

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Yea as long as we don't lose Acrophobia for this ride. Three rides have been done almost all summer, Acrophobia, the Joker and Splash falls. More room to put on Acrophobia hill with a greater height experience and near Twisted Cyclone. Real tight in the Splash Falls area an alot of tress would need to be cut down or trimmed. Don't think enough room or correct theme where Joker located.


The ride is going where Whistlestop Park is/was (former Deja Vu location).

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I have to admit that I am thrilled I no longer have to drive to Texas for a Giant Discovery. These are great rides and I do not mind one bit SF cloning these at every park someday. Having said that, I am even more thrilled that our park will be getting a "ScreamPunk District" themed area. This is by far one of the coolest themes any SF park has used and to date has only appeared at Magic Mountain. While the centerpiece of the SFMM version is Twisted Colossus (and to a lesser extent SCREAM!), I can see this area being home to additional rides and/or a coaster in the future.


I was not expecting a huge addition after having just received a coaster, but this far exceeded my expectation


ScreamPunk District at SF Magic Mountain, June 2017

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I rode by the park earlier today and Acrophobia's hook/catch car/lift was not at the top of the tower. I'm hoping that this means that it will be back in operation soon.


Sorry still listed closed on Six Flags website.


the entire park is still closed - it's just barely 10am.


the catch car moving is the first sign of anything in many weeks. . no reason to crap on his hope it will open "soon"

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Park was busy yesterday. But ride ops seemed really slow. For that matter everything seemed slow.


Granted I haven't been to SFoG in 30 years, but compared to other places I have been it felt really slow.


Debating a second pass and dining now.

If yesterday is indicative if normal ops, I'm far less likely to make the 3hr drive often.


That said, really enjoyed Twisted Cyclone and Goliath. Superman really needs some maintenance on the restraints which slowed loading/unloading to a crawl.


I also wish they'd bring back the faster access for single riders. Some times you can use fast line, but not consistent.

I seldom ever saw the single rider queue in use. A few years back at SFoT it was much easier to access and was used.


Sucks waiting for an hour+ watching so many empty seats go by.

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Visited for the first time yesterday on a very busy and hot Sunday. SFOG is one of the last major parks I have not visted. We had to splurge for Gold FP, but had an overall great time.


Twisted Cyclone was a hit. Lots of extreme elements jammed into a tight circuit. Only because of its length, I would rank it around the bottom as far as RMC's go, but aside from Steel Vengeance, a lot of these I-box creations are becoming a confusing mess in my mind.


The surprise of the trip was Goliath. I heard good things, but it looks like a not very steep, lower height, boring hyper. This ride delivered multiple huge floater air in the back seat and some ejector near the end. It became my top Hyper beating Mako, Diamond Back, and Behemoth.


The Joker family coaster was really good. The Monster Mansion boat ride was unique and enjoyable. The double loop Mind Bender was an easily recognized classic.


We had problems with the Flash Pass. 1h30 min wait in an unprotected line just to buy. Got to be a better way, at least with shade. One person in line actually fainted! The watch is not as efficient as the "Tamagotchi like" unit at other parks. It works, but can be cumbersome and frustrating to select a ride. Most of the selections didn't change time during the day and didn't reflect the true lineups, which turned out good and bad (7 min for a packed, 1 train Blue Hawk and 45 min for a station wait Georgia Schorcher) On numerous coasters, we didn't even get scanned, allowing us to re-ride if we wanted. We got on everything, including multiples of Goliath and TC, so $60 well spent.

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The surprise of the trip was Goliath.


Agree, pleasant surprise. My daughter loved the copious floater air.


Wish I could have splurged for FP, but with 2 of us it was out of budget. But in hind site even the $45 version would have been worth it for shade.

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The surprise of the trip was Goliath.


Agree, pleasant surprise. My daughter loved the copious floater air.


Wish I could have splurged for FP, but with 2 of us it was out of budget. But in hind site even the $45 version would have been worth it for shade.


It funny how I have been on almost every other Hyper and my favourite ends up being one of the earliest creations!


It was a Schorcher! Considering how unreliable the FP is at this park (incorrect times, no checking or clearing unit), the $45 regular version probably would have been sufficient.

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It was a Schorcher! Considering how unreliable the FP is at this park (incorrect times, no checking or clearing unit), the $45 regular version probably would have been sufficient.


It was certainly summer in the south. I've done Dollywood on similar days but they have fans and misters all over. Not to mention shade and seldom lines like that. (Missed DW food too. I could sit down in AC for all you want buffet. And do it faster than getting a burger at SF)


$45 x2. She got in free (on my pass), we spit the daily meal just to control costs.


Another $100 wasn't doable. Couldn't count on the lax checking to get 2 in on one FP.


But without the effective single rider options FP is looking like a must to do much.



Hope to go back in the fall/spring and find lighter crowd.

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I was thinking about getting a diamond elite membership... do all of the perks here transfer to other parks? If I add a dining pass, would that only be for 2019? Is there any early entry or perks with the membership at SFoG?


Yes! Once you fully process your membership, the perks are valid at all U.S. parks (some limitations on Mexico and Canada parks). We bought Diamond Elite this past spring and enjoyed the benefits at four different parks. Of all the perks, the preferred parking has been the biggest one for us.


For the dining pass, If you buy a membership, you would likely add on membership dining, which like the membership itself, does not expire but continually renews until you terminate the membership.


As for early entry and other perks, there are many such bonuses. Once you process your membership, you'll be able to view a comprehensive list on the member portal. Until then, the park website should have a list. Of note, DE memberships will receive full access to all Fright Fest haunts included, and this means all SF parks!


If you visit SF often, it only makes sense to buy the best membership level you can. We have gotten our money's worth, although admittedly there were a few early glitches and a learning curve with using some of the benefits like the parking and reserved waterpark seating. I hope you enjoy your membership!

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Hey friends, which coasters are glasses-safe? I've been looking over the park policies and they're very strict on loose articles for Twisted Cyclone, Georgia Scorcher, Goliath and Superman. I've resigned to the fact that I'm going to have to pay $15 for an all day you-know what for my phone and wallet but I'd really like to keep my glasses on for everything except Superman if possible.

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Hey friends, which coasters are glasses-safe? I've been looking over the park policies and they're very strict on loose articles for Twisted Cyclone, Georgia Scorcher, Goliath and Superman. I've resigned to the fact that I'm going to have to pay $15 for an all day you-know what for my phone and wallet but I'd really like to keep my glasses on for everything except Superman if possible.


hey AJ, I wore my sunglasses (with strap) on everything except Twisted Cyclone.


Scorcher, and Goliath both had rental "you know what's" at the ride entrances tho.. so I wouldn't bother with all day, unless you absolutely WANT to rent one.

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^ Are they not allowing even glasses w/ a strap on TC? I just recently got a strap and have been enjoying being able to see on rides again!


We had problems with the Flash Pass. 1h30 min wait in an unprotected line just to buy. .


Whoa whoa whoa was this @ opening? I'll be there this weekend and have full intentions of buying one right @ opening, especially if its a 90 minute wait!

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^ But they let you on the platform with them. That's okay then, I can put them in my case and zippered pocket for Twisted Cyclone so long as I can keep them with me.

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^ But they let you on the platform with them. That's okay then, I can put them in my case and zippered pocket for Twisted Cyclone so long as I can keep them with me.


correct. . was asked to remove them while in the train queue up on the station.

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I've resigned to the fact that I'm going to have to pay $15 for an all day you-know what for my phone and wallet.


FWIW, I only paid $5 and moved the rental around all day.


Strange how different the parks are about stuff. SFNE I just set stuff on the platform/in bins all day (phone, battery pack, vape, shades, etc.) Same a few years back at SFoT.


At least Universal offers free storage whee they don't allow stuff.

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