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The Off-Season Survival Thread

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So, based on all the skiers I see here, It sounds like skiing would be a good offseason alternative to roller coasters, am I right? Does skiing have a lot of the same sensations as roller coasters? If so, I may just have to try it out this winter.

Skiing/Snowboarding does indeed offer some of the same sensations that we all love feeling while on our thrill rides... That is one of the exact reasons I love running SnowboardCross so much... On a good SBX course you will have High-G turns, Airtime (ejector air is possible if your timing is off on certain elements... Don't ask how I know ), massive gravitational acceleration, and several other awesome feelings while running a course...


Just be aware that this is something that will come over time... Obviously you won't be flying down the hill at 30+ mph on your first day... But as you learn, you will feel the accelerations and they will be great... If you can get into it, take up ski/snowboard racing... You won't look back once you do...

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The off season for those of us still working at a park can be interesting... I need to get to a closet at the end of this hall.[attachment=0]ImageUploadedByTapatalk1416859511.748549.jpg[/attachment]


Just climb over... What could possibly go wrong with that

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I've pretty much adapted to the off-season by now, but May still needs to get here, pronto. Fortunately, I'm probably going to Nickelodeon Universe in January or February, which should hold me off until May .

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I recently went mountain biking at a park about 20 mins from my house in Middle Tennessee. MTB is one of my favorite activities that can substitute coaster riding (even though I'm not that good at it ).

In fact, one of the trails at the park was called Wabash Cannonball in homage to Opryland. It was a really great freeflow trail that had a lot of hills, tabletops, berms etc. It really felt a lot like a coaster!

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Avoiding coaster trip planning until Spring unless a trip to a non-seasonal park is in the works. An early start in planning last year made everything drag at a snail's pace until things actually got underway in mid-April. This year I do not want to think of any official plans until mid-April. Besides, I got good at last minute hotel booking in the queue line last May, so who needs plans in advance?


In other words, I'm not going to procrastinate, but I'm not going to sit on my hands for four months with a trip already planned in detail. Do things when the time is appropriate.

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  • 8 months later...

My off-season has already started . It's too bad this season had to end, although it was a pretty good year for me. I went to three new parks (Adventureland, Kings Island, Cedar Point) and gained 32 new credits.


College will be keeping me busy during most the offseason. I'll also be focusing on my other hobbies more than coasters. There will be plenty of football, basketball, and hockey to watch during the next several months. Winter weather is just around the corner, and since I'm a weather buff, I'm looking forward to some good Minnesota snowstorms and blizzards. There are also plenty of new movies coming out soon that I'm looking forward to seeing (especially Star Wars Episode VII).


I'll still visit TPR daily to stay up to date with industry happenings, and I'll probably make a trip or two to Nickelodeon Universe in January/February, but life won't be too coaster-heavy until spring arrives.

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For most of us, the end of October marks the end of the Theme Park season. So, how do you spend those cold months without coasters or theme parks?


So who else loves the fact that now we can just answer this question with... "riding Nitro"? February should be the only month with no operating days at local parks. ... gotta love it.

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