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The "Picture Of Me" Thread


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My student cancelled on me, so i have EVEN MORE time to do homework tonight!!! Oh, joy!!


But first...


And now to end this with something a little less dorky, here's another pic of my bass. He doesn't have a name.


Check out that sexy body!! Yes, I am the biggest dork in the world.


Meet Spanky, my clarinet. He is a Buffet R-13 Bb clarinet. I also have an R-13 A clarinet.

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Yay! I got my first letter from my new German pen pal today!


(My German II class is participating in a Europe pen-pal program called "Letter Net."


The note spread out over three slips of paper...choose wisely! =)


Ha! I atempt to make a silly face, and end up looking like the little blue "kissing" smilie!


The "official" envelope contains an info. letter and some postcards.


I seem to have recieved two envelopes from Wuppertal, Deutschland!

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^ Just to let you know how things might work out...


My first real and only penpal was a girl in Poland. We connected in the fall of... 1967!!!


And guess what? Yep. We still send each other brithday cards, christmas cards, know each other's email addy now (lol)...


And yet, we still have never met, face-to-face! After nearly 40 years!


Hmmm. Hope your new friendship works out great!


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^ Just to let you know how things might work out...


My first real and only penpal was a girl in Poland. We connected in the fall of... 1967!!!


And guess what? Yep. We still send each other brithday cards, christmas cards, know each other's email addy now (lol)...


And yet, we still have never met, face-to-face! After nearly 40 years!


Hmmm. Hope your new friendship works out great!



Wow!! Thats really cool!!

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