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The "Picture Of Me" Thread


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VD at work!


"Well, that concludes my boring day at work. Remember, VD is to be shared with the ones you love!"


"We don't get to eat, so we feast on unexpecting nurses frequently. Today I was feeling in a Philippino mood"


"This is the chemo hood, where I mix chemo. Its like biohazardous and stuff, so don't eat popsicles in here."


"Hi, I'm Dr. Ruth, and I'll take you on a tour of my chemo room"

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Okay this has got to be the WORST picture of me ever! Heres a backround story for this picture: At my old school they have annual auction, and of course my mom is the one who puts it on so I had to work that night. Well I didnt get to go to sleep till about 2:15, so here I am at 2:00 am reppin my TPR hoodie. And oh yeah, its a mirror shot, and that white stuff is toothpaste not what all of you think it is...you sick people.


Also, it was pretty windy here in Sarasota last weekend, so of course I had to venture outside to fight the huge amounts of wind, and like most weathermen, I lost... But that explains the second picture.


Colin C


I was doing good for a while....then I ate it real hard...


Its toothpaste! I dont sin like that!

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Haha how do you know about ODA?!?! No it was New Gate School, and MAN I love that place. Im at a military school right now and I will be going back to New Gate next year for the rest of my high school years.. But yeah I have some friends who went to ODA, do the names Ross or Alec ring a bell?


Colin C

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Haha how do you know about ODA?!?! No it was New Gate School, and MAN I love that place. Im at a military school right now and I will be going back to New Gate next year for the rest of my high school years.. But yeah I have some friends who went to ODA, do the names Ross or Alec ring a bell?


Colin C


No, my Grandparents used to have a house on Siesta Key before Sarasota Real-Estate exploded and became millionare candy. I went to summer camp at ODA when I was little. I know some people in Sarasota, but all of them are swimmers.

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^^Oh that is one HOTT foot!



No, my Grandparents used to have a house on Siesta Key before Sarasota Real-Estate exploded and became millionare candy. I went to summer camp at ODA when I was little. I know some people in Sarasota, but all of them are swimmers.


Wow I live on Siesta Key! Yeah Sarasota is a pretty cool place, I really like it here. Its a really rich city, but Im not rich by any means, but its still a cool place. It's suprising how many people know about Sarasota even though its such smaller sized town.


Colin C

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This is a bit old now.. But I just got my hands on it last night...

Its me in my 'skycoaster bag' at IN Beach back in June.


Hair and "total free-falling look' Look tres tres FaaaBu!



(Would love to have seen you streaking up there, thru the sky, lol.)

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