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The "Picture Of Me" Thread


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^^^ Hehe, it'd probably cost more to mail them then it would to buy new one's.


Well then, throw in some Canuck Candy for him and he'll probably love you foreverrrrrrrr!


Anything by Neilsen is good I hear - Areo, Mr. Big, Caramilk, Coffee Crisp, Crispy Crunch......


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I decided to harass one of the cats. (I have two)


I remember something cool involving an "E", an "R", and a "T", and I'm not angry about the fur anymore.


Darn it, now I have cat fur all over my shirt!!!!


Say "Give me a kiss!" and she'll lick your fingers.


After the UK story thread, I will never be able to call her Stumpy again!


Aww, Claudia is camera shy!

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The first one reminds me of a cross between a Mob goon as depicted in several comic books and movies and something you'd find in Lord of the Rings. The second one reminds me of some movie from the 80's with Cher(!!) in it as the mom and her kid looked like that. Normal Wes is goofy looking enough, but alter him at all, and it just rocks hard!

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