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Walibi Holland Discussion Thread

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I keep on forgetting this is happening. Maybe I really can't let go of the green image in my head. I think after a visit next season I'm ready to accept the that its blue. Again I don't hate this color scheme it looks great and it's awesome the park gives the ride some love.

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  TheCoasterKid211 said:
  SharkTums said:
I don't think the new paint looks bad at all. I mean, they're painting it and maintaining it so I'm happy. Now if we can just keep VR off of it...

Shh... quiet, they may hear us!



No, No VR for Goliath


Walibi is opening a new attraction in 2017.

As the story goes in 2017 a new wing of the Clinic (halloween haunted house) will open.

This Wing will be open all year. The attraction is a VR experience like nothing you have seen before.


Today this video was released by the park.


Great offseason Walibi:


- Goliath New paint

- Condor New Paint

- Speed of Sound New Paint

- New boats for El Rio Grande

- New Attraction


advertising of the new attraction

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are certain sections that have to be cut in by hand, but it seems like they might be trying to protect the supports from over spray. I could be wrong, but I don't see why they would spend time (which equals money) on tarping off track.


Baynum for example never does this, because they do everything by hand, even on tall projects like Dragster.

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  • 1 month later...

Has there ever been an instance where adding sexy new trains to SLCs has drastically improved the ride experience? I've heard Great Nor'Easter and T3 still suck, and other ones like Lethal Weapon are just mediocre.


Seriously, it seems like new trains on Boomerangs have been more successful than new trains on SLCs. A+ for effort, I guess.

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  Rollercoaster Rider said:
  SharkTums said:
Can someone please translate the phrase "You can't polish a turd" into Dutch? Thanks.



Je kunt niet poetsen een drol


While that is an almost correct translation, the proverb we use would be 'even if you give a monkey a golden ring, it still is and remains an ugly thing'.



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  hyyyper said:
  Rollercoaster Rider said:
  SharkTums said:
Can someone please translate the phrase "You can't polish a turd" into Dutch? Thanks.



Je kunt niet poetsen een drol


While that is an almost correct translation, the proverb we use would be 'even if you give a monkey a golden ring, it still is and remains an ugly thing'.



Despite being 0% Dutch, I'm totally using that expression at the next available chance to do so. 10/10, love it.

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