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Walibi Holland Discussion Thread

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Haha, I'd probably ride it just for the experience. I'm not a credit whore by any means and often skip boomerangs/SLC's/wild mice and the like everywhere we go, among other rides (S&S freespins, looking at you!)... BUT... This one intrigues me simply because it's the first. So I may just have to suffer through it 😛

I have ridden T3 and while it was quite the experience, the newer trains on that one did help. I think I actually found the one at Canada's Wonderland worse, probably just due to restraints.

On a side note, we did come up with a "Plan B" if Walibi Belgium is not open the day we need... Simply drive a few hours south and go to Parc Asterix instead (which now we will do anyway as they already have released their operating calendar for 2023 and will be open!). Ideally, we do both though if we can.

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