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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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Although I never met him, he seemed to be a very open and genuine person, especially in a time when many owners of different companies are not, or have little interest in their customers personally. My thoughts are with his family, and best wishes to everyone at Holiday World, and I am sure many have lost a great friend.



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This is just unbelievable. His enthusiasm, compassion, sense of humor and smile will always be remembered. Our hearts are heavy for the people of Santa Claus, IN today.


What Kara says is exactly what I was thinking. Thoughts are with the Koch family today. I can not believe this and the fact that HWN was just a week ago and I saw him walking around all over the 2 parks with a big smile on his face. What a horrible loss to the amusement industry.

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This is so depressing. I just saw him a few weeks ago at HWN and he looked fine! I never would have suspected he was suffering from Diabetes and that he was so close to kicking it. My concollences to Will and all of the Koch family. Truly, one of the greatest park presidents has left us today. RIP, Will.

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Here is a little news clip from WTHR in Indianapolis.




This is so sad, Will Koch was a great person& he made Holiday World one of the best parks out there! I would have never guessed opening my texts this morning i would find that message!


Incredibly sad, RIP.

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Our thoughts and prayers are with the Koch family on the passing of a wonderful man. Out of everyone I've met in my life, Will had one of the biggest and most caring sincere hearts of anybody. He only wanted to spread joy to all the families that came into Holiday World, and this truly is a sad day. I can't even imagine a fitting tribute to such a great guy, but I hope his memory and commitment to Holiday World will live on in others. Will would have wanted it that way.

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This is absolutely eerie. I was at HW yesterday and talked to Will around 1:30 in Splashin' Safari. He told me the TLs were getting very close to being ready. He looked great and was his usual cheerful self. Who could have guessed that just a few hours later...


RIP Will. It's a sad day indeed.


Edit: Expanded Article: http://www.courierpress.com/news/2010/jun/14/holiday-world-owner-will-koch-dies/

Edited by Emiroo
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This is really sad news to hear. Will was a one-of-a-kind person with a very original park that you don't see too often nowadays. He really knew how to put the guests first and at the same time build a great theme park. I'll certainly be praying for the family.

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Without question, Will Koch personified class. While I only met the man on two different occasions, the fact that I've never heard of, or read of a bad encounter with him is true testament to the man's character. His faith, personality, outgoing nature, pride in his park, and youthful exuberance will be incredibly difficult to replace, and truly missed.


I honestly don't think it's a stretch when I say the one thing I always admired about Will was that he seemed like the closest thing to Walt Disney that the industry has seen, and may ever see again.


My prayers are with the Koch family, and his extended Holiday World family as well.

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I was just sitting down at my desk, and Amusement Today was the first email I got through to my email. When I opened it up, I had no idea this was going to be at the top of it. I was totally taken aback. This is very sad news for the industry, Holiday World, and obvious anyone close to Will Koch. I wish everyone involved the best.

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Wow I am in total shock My prayers are with the Koch family, Pat I'm dropping tears with you, we will all miss this wonderful man that brought happiness to so many people. I feel as sad if this was one of my own family members this is horrible news to wake up too. I would of never in a million years thought Will was sick this is just crazy and shows just how precious this thing called life is.


I just can't believe this I'm still waiting for this to be some sick mean joke

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This is very sad news. My heart goes out to the Koch family and Holiday World family.


Will was a one in a million owner. Pat and Will were always walking around the park and you could talk to them at any time. When we got off our ride on Wildebeest, during Holiwood Nights, Will was there asking us how we liked the ride. There wasn't anyone like him.


RIP Will Koch

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Wow, very surreal and legitimately sad. Nothing I can say that doesn't echo what everyone else has put. A very somber reminder that life is fragile and to enjoy what you have.


This was very well put and sums up my feels quite perfectly. Mr Koch, from all accounts, was a great person who will be remembered for giving the people all they wanted and more.

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Oh man, this is just terrible.


Death is a terrible thing no matter who or what age you are, but for someone as nice and young as Will to pass away is just awful. Thoughts go out to all of his family and friends today.

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