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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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^ Edit: beat me to it.

^^ Did you not read the thread before you posted that?

Track piece #75 went up today; #76 and #77 will be put in place first thing Tuesday morning.


My bad, I have to make sure not to skim the posts next time.

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^ Edit: beat me to it.

^^ Did you not read the thread before you posted that?

Track piece #75 went up today; #76 and #77 will be put in place first thing Tuesday morning.


Oops, I accidentally posted it twice, sorry about that.

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So not to be a stupid question, but what all will be in the maintenance building? Most of the storage track areas are just that but this seems to be a two story building with much more to it. Will they be able to do off season work on the trains in this building as well and will it be fully enclosed at parts?

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That's what a lot of maintenance sheds I've seen for B&M coasters use them for. I'd assume since this is the park's only B&M coaster, they wouldn't need to carry the trains off to a separate area of the park to work on them during off-season.

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They announced that Thunderbird was finished today. Wow, it was completed three weeks early!

Christmas Comes Early at Holiday World – Thunderbird Track Complete Three Weeks Early


Santa Claus, Indiana — Christmas arrived early at Holiday World theme park today, as the 77th piece of bright orange steel track was lifted into place, completing the full circuit for Thunderbird, the park’s first major steel roller coaster.

Thunderbird's final track piece


Thunderbird’s final piece of track – signed by construction team members – slides into place.


Holiday World’s Vice President of Development & Maintenance, James Olliver, credits a team of more than three-dozen area construction workers for not only staying on schedule, but working through summer heat and recent snowy weather to complete Thunderbird’s more than 3,000 feet of steel track weeks ahead of schedule.


Before track piece number 77 was lifted into place, Thunderbird’s construction team celebrated by signing it.


Thunderbird, the nation’s first launched wing coaster, will start with a zero-to-60 miles per hour launch in 3.5 seconds, followed by multiple inversions – including a 14-story Immelmann loop, Zero-g roll, barrel roll, and loop. Continuing Holiday World’s tradition of sending roller coasters through thickly wooded and hilly terrain, Thunderbird at first soars and loops high in the air and then hugs the ground, surprising riders with rapid-fire “near misses” such as keyholes, themed elements, other rides, trees, and even the ground. Two additional ride enhancements will be announced in the coming weeks.


Construction of Thunderbird’s themed support buildings will continue throughout the winter.


Some new photo's:








They would have all looked better with snow! ;)

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Wow, all of those pictures are stunning - especially the ones of the zero G. It's really looking great, and I can not wait to be riding this in spring! All of those trees will surely enhance the experience - I didn't really realize how close to the trees it was going to be during the last portion, looks really fun! Great job Holiday World!

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