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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Yeah I know this may sound lame, but what was the queue like. I've seen lots of pictures from the outdoor portion, but was there any special themeing once you got inside the main building?


Yeah, just brick walls and an exit tunnel that ran down between the two launch tracks. It had a mesh covering.


Aha! Some pics from either TR's or other sources. Don't remember, but I'll give proper credit to the owners/photographers.


Anyway, here you go map2.




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^Hehe, Top one if from my friend Tom who runs AmusmentPics. The bottom two are mine, and the middle one was taken the final weekend. I also made a Chiller video here. I do want to point out that there are alot of Chiller videos being made, and alot of them having my pictures and/or videos in it.


-Dainan "I've been Chilled since Opening day 2nd train" Rafferty

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  • 5 weeks later...

I was just thinking, since SFGADV also took out MTWE, now they only have Log Flume and Congo Rapids as their water rides. Maybe they will replace it with a newer water ride in the future. I was thinking something along the lines of Perilous Plunge at KBF. That would be a great addition to the park.

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All I can say is, I am glad I was on the ECC American Trip last year when we visited this park, and got to ride the Chiller(We even rode both sides,oh yes),Batman is Better IMO


I must say though I absolutly loved the Chiller, It was easily one of my favourite rides in the park, Yeah both sides are short, but they pack a nice punch, and they are loads of fun, the launch isnt extreme, but launches you just enough to give you a good buzz, Think I went on both sides twice in the end. It also makes a lot of difference with lap bars(Would have hated to ride it with OTSR) Its really nice and smooth with the lap bars, and rideable too.


RIP Chiller, I will miss you as will many others I guess

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Here are some of the new The Dark Knight construction photos I pulled off from Six Flags Great Adventure home page. Its not all of them (there are more on the website itself). I'll leave no captions just photos. Enjoy!


oh and here is the link for the other photos:





Some drainage pipes or something :/











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