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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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I'm still hoping they are going to add some weekdays (besides Good Friday) in between opening weekend and Easter weekend. 2 years ago they opened on the Wednesday and Thursday before Easter and it empty but crowds were still low. If not, I guess I'll stick to my usual plan of trying to get there Sunday of opening weekend since some people have school and work the next day (some schools in suburban Philadelphia have spring break the week of the 26th).

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In case anyone was wondering, the infamous solar panel project begins construction in March.



World’s Ultimate Thrill Park Takes Giant Leap Toward Reducing Its Carbon Footprint While Adding Jobs

Six Flags Great Adventure and its partner KDC Solar today announced that construction will begin soon to make the New Jersey property the world’s first solar-powered theme park.


“This is a proud day for our company. This project represents a giant step toward becoming a net-zero carbon facility,” said Six Flags Great Adventure Park President John Winkler. “We are pleased that we were able to come to a satisfactory agreement with all parties involved. Clean energy is right for the environment and our future, and we look forward to decades of environmental stewardship with our partner, KDC Solar.”


The 23.5-megawatt solar project will include solar carports over select parking lots and 40 acres of ground-mounted solar panels. Six Flags expects construction to begin by March and for the solar facility to be fully operational by the end of 2019.


In addition to the production of clean energy and helping to limit the park’s reliance on harmful fossil fuels, KDC Solar will use more than 99,000 hours of union labor in constructing this project.


As conservationists for nearly 45 years, Six Flags Great Adventure has cared for more than 70 different species of animals, including some that are endangered and even extinct in the wild. The Jackson theme park recycles more than 60 percent of its annual waste, including manure, paper, plastic, wood and mixed garbage. The theme park eliminated the use of paper towels in favor of energy-efficient hand dryers, and is firmly committed to other energy-saving programs. In addition, Six Flags will preserve more than 200 acres of forest, wetlands and wetlands transition areas.


“We are continually searching for new ways to operate more efficiently and enhance our role as good stewards of the environment,” Winkler said.


“We are pleased to move forward with this groundbreaking solar project. Six Flags has been a patient and cooperative partner throughout this process, and we look forward to delivering clean renewable electricity to Six Flags. Once operational, this project will be the largest net metered solar project in the State of New Jersey and very much in line with Governor Murphy’s pledge to support renewable energy,” said Alan Epstein, President and CEO of KDC Solar.

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Really glad to see they managed to figure out the solar farm, seems like a win for all parties.


  • Solar panels over the parking lot
  • Only 40 Acres of trees cut down instead of 90
  • 200 Acres set aside for preservation
  • Solar powered GAdv


Couldn't really think of a much better solution. Yay Compromise!

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Really glad to see they managed to figure out the solar farm, seems like a win for all parties.


  • Solar panels over the parking lot
  • Only 40 Acres of trees cut down instead of 90
  • 200 Acres set aside for preservation
  • Solar powered GAdv


Couldn't really think of a much better solution. Yay Compromise!


Hopefully they will only buy American Solar panels made with American parts thanks to Cheeto Head.

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Glad to see something could still be worked out that doesn't greatly impact what Six Flags initially set out to accomplish in the first place. However, there will be a little more than just a whiff of hypocrisy in the air if these people barely even raise a stink over the construction of the recently approved hotel and sports complex that is scheduled to rip up about 75 acres of trees right next door.

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Is it true that El Toro hasn't been running very well lately. I've heard that the ride has gotten extremely rough and it doesn't provide as much airtime as before because it seems to be running so slow lately. It's sad to see the BEST roller coaster in the entire world, in my opinion, go down hill so quickly by becoming rough and the park slowing the ride down so much. I haven't ridden El Toro since 2013 and in the last few years is when I've heard these reports that El Toro had gotten very rough and doesn't provide as much insane ejector airtime as it used to because the park isn't maintaining it/taking care of it as they should.

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I hope SFGAd won't run in to the same problems that Colossus at Heide Park had where it's shutdown for a few years because the ride has become so rough due to poor maintenance on the ride where the ride could no longer physically run unless the entire track gets replaced. I have a feeling it's only a matter of time that El Toro is closed for a year or two so it can have the entire track rebuilt. Knowing Six Flags though, I doubt they'd do that. They probably won't spend the money to re track the ride so it's just gonna get rougher and rougher over the years to the point nobody likes it anymore

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I've heard that the ride has gotten extremely rough and it doesn't provide as much airtime as before because it seems to be running so slow lately. It's sad to see the BEST roller coaster in the entire world, in my opinion, go down hill so quickly by becoming rough and the park slowing the ride down so much.


Who are these people you speak of? It runs a little slower in the cold, but that's nothing new. To say it's losing its crazy ejector error is absolutely ridiculous. What do you mean the park is slowing it down? Did they increase gravity or add trim brakes since you rode? (spoiler alert: they didn't)


Just search any off-ride video on YouTube from last year and you will see it (and hear it) haul over the airtime hills. That is your proof if you need it.


Edit: I just saw these are his/her only 2 posts on the forums, so I probably shouldn't have gone out of my way to even answer... oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by anonymouscactus
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That's awesome. Haven't seen a compromise that good in American politics in quite some time. Restores my faith in the system just a little....



....And I just saw the latest headline. Back to cynicism.



^^ Go away, troll. Ugggh...several people on here have said that there is nothing wrong with El Toro.


Colossos yes, but Heide is working on it. I am sure that SF does the required maintenance on it...this is the best coaster in the park by far and they know that they would suffer a decline in attendance if they had to tear it down or refurb it for one to two years.

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I hope SFGAd won't run in to the same problems that Colossus at Heide Park had where it's shutdown for a few years because the ride has become so rough due to poor maintenance on the ride where the ride could no longer physically run unless the entire track gets replaced. I have a feeling it's only a matter of time that El Toro is closed for a year or two so it can have the entire track rebuilt. Knowing Six Flags though, I doubt they'd do that. They probably won't spend the money to re track the ride so it's just gonna get rougher and rougher over the years to the point nobody likes it anymore


Colossus at Heide Park was a prototype and with the prototype plug and plays you cant replace sections of track you have to replace the entire track in order to fix the damaged spot. WIth the newer Plug and Plays like El Toro they can replace one section at a time so no El Toro will never suffer the same problems as Colossus

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I hope SFGAd won't run in to the same problems that Colossus at Heide Park had where it's shutdown for a few years because the ride has become so rough due to poor maintenance on the ride where the ride could no longer physically run unless the entire track gets replaced. I have a feeling it's only a matter of time that El Toro is closed for a year or two so it can have the entire track rebuilt. Knowing Six Flags though, I doubt they'd do that. They probably won't spend the money to re track the ride so it's just gonna get rougher and rougher over the years to the point nobody likes it anymore


Is it true that El Toro hasn't been running very well lately. I've heard that the ride has gotten extremely rough and it doesn't provide as much airtime as before because it seems to be running so slow lately. It's sad to see the BEST roller coaster in the entire world, in my opinion, go down hill so quickly by becoming rough and the park slowing the ride down so much. I haven't ridden El Toro since 2013 and in the last few years is when I've heard these reports that El Toro had gotten very rough and doesn't provide as much insane ejector airtime as it used to because the park isn't maintaining it/taking care of it as they should.


Foolishness, Speculation and Mis-information

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I was just there in August. There is only one thing wrong with El Toro, and that's that they make you put everything in a fluffy bunny before you ever get in the line. The ride is fast, smooth, and awesome. If you don't like it, fine, but then roller coasters might not be a good hobby for you.

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Is it true
I've heard
It's sad to see
I haven't ridden El Toro since 2013
when I've heard these reports
the park isn't maintaining it/taking care of it as they should.

This guy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great Adventure launches animal outreach programs


JACKSON ─ Six Flags Great Adventure will unveil new animal outreach programs that bring the safari into classrooms, senior centers, after-school programs and clubs.


Wild Encounters will offer three program options that teach about animals’ characteristics, habitats, history and diets, while showcasing live animals and their caretakers.


“Wild Encounters allows us to bring the fun, excitement and educational aspects of the safari to animal lovers, wherever they are,” said Dr. Bill Rives, director and chief veterinarian of Great Adventure’s safari and animal education programs.


Animal educators will present various exotic birds, reptiles, snakes and mammals. Lesson plans are developed by Six Flags’ state-certified teacher and correspond with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.


Programs include “Fur, Feathers and Scales,” which focuses on the differences among reptiles, mammals and birds for kindergartners through fifth-graders; “Behind the Biology,” which focuses on the importance of animal training through positive reinforcement and its role in animal care for sixth- through eighth-graders; and “Six Flags,” which will design a program to fit specific needs or criteria.


For more information, call 732-928-2000, ext. 2221, or email safariprograms@sixflags.com.

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Oh sweet, that's a really great idea. A lot of zoos have similar programmes (our local zoo has done that for years), and the kids get a kick out of it. Plus, it's basically advertising for the park.


I love that they have a customizable option, because I need their bull brought to my kids' elementary school please. For education.

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Im planning a trip to SFGA and for the life of me I can’t find a decent cheap(er) place to stay. I know people will say to stay with choice but based on the reviews the choice hotels don’t look good. Econo Lodge is usually my go to but the one closest to the park sounds disgusting. Is this one of the times I’m just going to have to fork over a little more cash? Where have you stayed when visiting this park?



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