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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I don't know. There is still to much mystery behind 2017. I am betting on the fact that they are going to go against the grain and save major announcements for halloweekends or Winterfest. They have to announce what they are going to do with Hurler and MS still.


Why are you convinced that they're going to announce what is happening with Mean Streak in the near future?


Why are you convinced they're not? Serious question!


Regarding KD and Hurler, I'm not sure what to expect in terms of announcement, or even what is going to happen to the coaster, but I'll be SHOCKED if we don't know more about what is happening with Mean Streak, by the time Cedar Point closes for the season at the end of October. Maybe I'll be shocked, but based on CP's past precedent, as well as the very visible and significant nature of Mean Streak, its closing, and the curiosity about what is replacing it, I wouldn't bet on it...


Ok, strange idea (VERY UNLIKELY) seeing that CP is going to have this funeral, what if they make a "story" around it some how and that is when KD, CW, and CP all announce the RMC? Just have to go on a creative idea here.





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I don't know. There is still to much mystery behind 2017. I am betting on the fact that they are going to go against the grain and save major announcements for halloweekends or Winterfest. They have to announce what they are going to do with Hurler and MS still.


Why are you convinced that they're going to announce what is happening with Mean Streak in the near future?


Why are you convinced they're not? Serious question!



Regarding KD and Hurler, I'm not sure what to expect in terms of announcement, or even what is going to happen to the coaster, but I'll be SHOCKED if we don't know more about what is happening with Mean Streak, by the time Cedar Point closes for the season at the end of October. Maybe I'll be shocked, but based on CP's past precedent, as well as the very visible and significant nature of Mean Streak, its closing, and the curiosity about what is replacing it, I wouldn't bet on it...


The Kübler-Ross Model, also known as the "five stages of grief" is as follows:


1) Denial

2) Anger

3) Bargaining

4) Depression

5) Acceptance


We are currently in stage 3: Bargaining. At some point well after hitting 5, we'll start on a new hype cycle, perhaps even a very long and extended one like Kings Island's for Mystic Timbers. Then perhaps all with relation to Hurler will be revealed. Or perhaps not, because maybe they have no actual plans for it right now.

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Let me re-state: I don't know if Hurler will be getting anything done to it, or if there will be an announcement still in the next few months. It simply seems odd for them to tease another announcement, that isn't reasonably forthcoming... Also, I have no emotional connection to KD, so believe me, there are no "5 Stages" going on here. I'm simply looking at the situation, all its variables, and coming to conclusions that seem logical, and well-reasoned to me. I'm just surprised by those who are so ardently pushing back against the possibility that there is legitimately more going on here, with regard to KD, that's all.

Edited by DILinator
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I don't know. There is still to much mystery behind 2017. I am betting on the fact that they are going to go against the grain and save major announcements for halloweekends or Winterfest. They have to announce what they are going to do with Hurler and MS still.


Why are you convinced that they're going to announce what is happening with Mean Streak in the near future?


Why are you convinced they're not? Serious question!



Regarding KD and Hurler, I'm not sure what to expect in terms of announcement, or even what is going to happen to the coaster, but I'll be SHOCKED if we don't know more about what is happening with Mean Streak, by the time Cedar Point closes for the season at the end of October. Maybe I'll be shocked, but based on CP's past precedent, as well as the very visible and significant nature of Mean Streak, its closing, and the curiosity about what is replacing it, I wouldn't bet on it...


The Kübler-Ross Model, also known as the "five stages of grief" is as follows:


1) Denial

2) Anger

3) Bargaining

4) Depression

5) Acceptance


We are currently in stage 3: Bargaining. At some point well after hitting 5, we'll start on a new hype cycle, perhaps even a very long and extended one like Kings Island's for Mystic Timbers. Then perhaps all with relation to Hurler will be revealed. Or perhaps not, because maybe they have no actual plans for it right now.


Fine speak the truth. Lol.


Looking at how many S&S free spins may be added to SF line up next year, this could be putting a lot of strain on RMC. I am still waiting to know their other projects are. RMC on Instagram posted saying "it is getting busy in our Idaho shop! More projects to come!" Now this obviously means unannounced, I guess we wait to see what SF announces.



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Looking at how many S&S free spins may be added to SF line up next year, this could be putting a lot of strain on RMC. I am still waiting to know their other projects are. RMC on Instagram posted saying "it is getting busy in our Idaho shop! More projects to come!" Now this obviously means unannounced, I guess we wait to see what SF announces.


Wait. RMC manufactures S&S Sansei's track? Are you sure about that?

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Looking at how many S&S free spins may be added to SF line up next year, this could be putting a lot of strain on RMC. I am still waiting to know their other projects are. RMC on Instagram posted saying "it is getting busy in our Idaho shop! More projects to come!" Now this obviously means unannounced, I guess we wait to see what SF announces.


Wait. RMC manufactures S&S Sansei's track? Are you sure about that?


For the 4D Free Spin track, yes.

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Looking at how many S&S free spins may be added to SF line up next year, this could be putting a lot of strain on RMC. I am still waiting to know their other projects are. RMC on Instagram posted saying "it is getting busy in our Idaho shop! More projects to come!" Now this obviously means unannounced, I guess we wait to see what SF announces.


Wait. RMC manufactures S&S Sansei's track? Are you sure about that?

Yes, 100% sure RMC makes the track for the S&S Free Spins.

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Would any of you take a s&s 4d coaster in place of hurler? (if possible) I think it'll also add a little spice to the lineup. I'm honestly down for anything right about now in place of hurler


I love the 4d coasters. I wish they were longer but other then that I could ride them quite frequently. I would not be mad if we got one.



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Their last addition was useless for those who tend towards motion sickness, so a 4D would be the worst possible choice. I'd just like to see one more ride I can actually enjoy before I'm too old to ride any more (or walk around the place, at least).

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