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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Any tips for the park and where should I sit on I305 for the best first ride?


I don't really have a preference, it's amazing in every seat. The only ride in that park where I have a strong seating preference is Dominator where you ABSOLUTELY need to sit in the back row and on the left (far) side of the train.

Edited by coasterbill
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I hope we can still agree that the BTR zero-g''s are the poo-poo, though.

BTR's Zero G did nothing for me. The only Zero G Roll on a invert that I've ridden that actually provided airtime is the on found on The Hungarian Horntail side of Dragon Challenge.

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Any tips for the park and where should I sit on I305 for the best first ride?


I don't really have a preference, it's amazing in every seat and every seat. The only ride in that park where I have a strong seating preference is Dominator where you ABSOLUTELY need to sit in the back row and on the left (far) side of the train.

Glad I got that seat broken in for you back when it was down the street from me...

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The front is the best but the line for it gets looooooong. Early morning right after Volcano is a good shot at it.


Everywhere on the train is good, the middle is really underrated IMO.


The back seat is great on I305--crazy airtime on that first drop.

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Quick question for anyone familiar with the park.


I'll be heading to the park in early August this year, and I was wondering if one full day (likely a Sunday) with FastLane+ should be plenty to cover everything? We're driving up from Charlotte the day before, and we want to make sure we have two full days for BGW after this park.

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Quick question for anyone familiar with the park.


I'll be heading to the park in early August this year, and I was wondering if one full day (likely a Sunday) with FastLane+ should be plenty to cover everything? We're driving up from Charlotte the day before, and we want to make sure we have two full days for BGW after this park.

Quick answer.



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Quick question for anyone familiar with the park.


I'll be heading to the park in early August this year, and I was wondering if one full day (likely a Sunday) with FastLane+ should be plenty to cover everything? We're driving up from Charlotte the day before, and we want to make sure we have two full days for BGW after this park.

Honestly, if you arrive at opening (on a sunday) and hit volcano first you wont even really need the fast lane.

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Quick question for anyone familiar with the park.


I'll be heading to the park in early August this year, and I was wondering if one full day (likely a Sunday) with FastLane+ should be plenty to cover everything? We're driving up from Charlotte the day before, and we want to make sure we have two full days for BGW after this park.

Honestly, if you arrive at opening (on a sunday) and hit volcano first you wont even really need the fast lane.


Volcano gets the largest crowds. Knockout that one when the park opens and do a couple of runs on I-305. It's feasible to do all the coasters in one day. Intimidator doesn't get crowded until 11am. You could get six rides in. Volcano isn't my favorite coaster in the park. Gets boring after the launch.


Ride Dominator in the afternoon.

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I may be hitting up KD for the first time ever later this summer. Any tips for the park and where should I sit on I305 for the best first ride?


The line is usually short so it's easy to get multiple rides. I usually do the back car for the first ride, the drop is best there. Then I usually do row 2. Stadium seating means it's kinda like the front but with a much shorter wait.

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I may be hitting up KD for the first time ever later this summer. Any tips for the park and where should I sit on I305 for the best first ride?


I305 is great anywhere but I think I prefer the back the best. Front is great too. Click the KD/BGW link in my signature for an indepth report about my visit to the park w/ Coasterbill last fall. It's a great park. I'll echo what he said about the back left of Dominator. Holy crap.

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I'll be heading to the park in early August this year, and I was wondering if one full day (likely a Sunday) with FastLane+ should be plenty to cover everything? We're driving up from Charlotte the day before, and we want to make sure we have two full days for BGW after this park.


I'll be honest, I know you're not out here all that often and it's tempting to buy Fastlane but you probably don't need it.


When you get to the park, go straight to Volcano, then hit Flight of Fear, then Backlot and after that lines will be a complete non issue. If you want to mix in one ride on I305 before Backlot or Flight of Fear even though it never has a line but you want to get it out of your system then that's fine too. lol


PS: Ride the Log Flume.

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A lot of parks don't require fast pass on a decent day (still varies), especially if you can be there at opening and at close, with taking it easy sometime in the middle. But it all depends on how much you're trying to do, how luxurious a day you want vs. how bad it is, and of course how much money you have (left) vs. what it costs to get there.

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I'll be heading to the park in early August this year, and I was wondering if one full day (likely a Sunday) with FastLane+ should be plenty to cover everything? We're driving up from Charlotte the day before, and we want to make sure we have two full days for BGW after this park.


I'll be honest, I know you're not out here all that often and it's tempting to buy Fastlane but you probably don't need it.


When you get to the park, go straight to Volcano, then hit Flight of Fear, then Backlot and after that lines will be a complete non issue. If you want to mix in one ride on I305 before Backlot or Flight of Fear even though it never has a line but you want to get it out of your system then that's fine too. lol


PS: Ride the Log Flume.


Thanks for the feedback. That's really interesting. We're really just going for I305 (obviously) and wanna make sure we get several rides on it. Volcano and Dominator are bonuses. Maybe that money we save could be used for something else. Will look into it.


Also, Crypt is still open right? I love Top Spins and after Riptide closed at Knott's I've been dying to get on one.

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Yup, they still have the Crypt and it's probably my favorite Top Spin.


I305 pretty much never has a line. Getting tons of rides on it won't be a problem. The park has a great coaster lineup beyond I305 though and you should really ride them all, at this point I enjoy every coaster in the park though your mileage may admittedly vary on Anaconda. They also have a superb drop tower, a fun frisbee, solid flyers, the great Top Spin and (as I mentioned) a kick a** flume. I also entirely disagree with some of these contents about Volcano. Volcano is absolutely awesome.


PS: Consult a map to find Grizzly. Without one you'd never know it existed.

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Yup, they still have the Crypt and it's probably my favorite Top Spin.


I305 pretty much never has a line. Getting tons of rides on it won't be a problem. The park has a great coaster lineup beyond I305 though and you should really ride them all, at this point I enjoy every coaster in the park though your mileage may admittedly vary on Anaconda. They also have a superb drop tower, a fun frisbee, solid flyers, the great Top Spin and (as I mentioned) a kick a** flume. I also entirely disagree with some of these contents about Volcano. Volcano is absolutely awesome.


PS: Consult a map to find Grizzly. Without one you'd never know it existed.


Thanks again for the notes. I will absolutely ride all the coasters, but I look at it like this: if the park didn't have I305, we likely wouldn't be making the trek up there from Charlotte. Also, I loved the Drop Tower at KI, so if it's similar at all, good stuff.


That's so interesting that I305 never has a line... even on weekends? That's crazy, but also good to hear!

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Absolutely do not pass up on Grizzly. Definitely the dark horse of the park IMO. You may not want to ride all the way in the back on your first ride though as it likes to throw its riders around and break the more delicate ones. But seriously, it's a great older woodie.


I'm also in the camp of enjoying Anaconda, but really only for those corkscrews. It's worth enduring the rough figure 8 (especially the middle down by the water) for those corkscrews!

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Thanks again for the notes. I will absolutely ride all the coasters, but I look at it like this: if the park didn't have I305, we likely wouldn't be making the trek up there from Charlotte. Also, I loved the Drop Tower at KI, so if it's similar at all, good stuff. That's so interesting that I305 never has a line... even on weekends? That's crazy, but also good to hear!


Are we living opposite lives? We make the trek from Northern Virginia down to Charlotte solely for Fury and the flyers at Carowinds haha. Yes, I305 never has a line. Like, ever. Even on weekends. People line up outside of it to watch it go but not that many people actually go in the queue. Occasionally, and I mean this was only on the actual ride's opening day many years ago, the line will fill the entire queue which is only a 30 (yes, thirty) minute wait to get through. KD's crews are far from the greatness of ride ops at Carowinds but the I305 crew is superb. Make sure you report back after your trip!


Oh and more votes for Volcano (my fav ride in the park), the drop tower and log flume. Berserker aka the looping pirate ship right at the entrance is pretty great as well and you never know which way the ship will go over. If you can find the dino giftshop and make it to Grizzly's entrance, hold on so you don't crack a rib on the ride!

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^Thanks for the feedback! I really am looking forward to visiting. Living in SoCal, it's always difficult to arrange vacations to the East Coast around busy schedules, but for the looks of it, we're doing an 8-day trip in early August that includes Kings Dominion, Busch Gardens, and Carowinds--in that order. Can't wait to ride so many great rides in one trip.

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It has been more than 15 years since I've been to KD, but I remember Grizzly being pretty incredible at night. Not sure if that's still the case, but I imagine it is. Especially when the trees are full. Rode it like 5 times in a row at closing while waiting for the rest of the line to run out.

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It has been more than 15 years since I've been to KD, but I remember Grizzly being pretty incredible at night. Not sure if that's still the case, but I imagine it is. Especially when the trees are full. Rode it like 5 times in a row at closing while waiting for the rest of the line to run out.


Unfortunately the park has removed many of the trees to the left of the lift, but the ride itself is still a very good wooden coaster.


The only time I've ever had to wait for Intimidator is when I've decided to spoil myself with a front row ride, which is definitely worth it just once in my opinion.

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