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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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AM I the only one who misses the days when there were no animated on ride videos or layout pictures with the official announcement? Just some statistics and little concept art to wet your imagination? I mean It feels like I've already been to Busch Gardens and ridden this thing before construction has even been completed. I cant remember the last new coaster that came out that didn't have a full POV video or layout released with the official announcement. Maybe Everest, and I guess some of Mystery Mine, but before that who knows. It would have been really cool if Busch had only released the details of 1 launch had no POV video, then the second two launches were a surprise to everyone on opening day.

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^ I actually totally agree with everything you just said!


It's like if we were making a video game, and we released the layouts and enemies of EVERY SINGLE LEVEL in the game prior to release.


Part of the fun should be the element of surprise.


Case in point, I never bothered to read up on iSpeed at all before we went to Mirabilandia - OMG! What a giant surprise that ride was! Had I watched a POV or seen a picture of the full layout before hand, I probably wouldn't have been so "WOW!" about it.



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Yeah, I remember when Goliath at SFMM came out in early 2000. I hadn't seen any POV's yet and there were no layout pics, just the height and speed stats and the concept art (the one showing what looked like a 500 foot drop behind the GOLIATH letters). When I finally rode the ride a few months later I had no idea what to expect and totally loved the ride because of it.

Every other major new coaster I've been on since then has been somewhat of a disappointment regardless of how good the new coaster really was.

I guess even though Thirteen at Alton Towers turned out to be a bit of a let down of sorts, they didn't release any details or layout pics or POVs and it really added a lot of excitement to the project all the way up until opening day. I really wish more parks would try approach sometime Instead of leaking every single detail and secret and POV video before the official announcement even happens.

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I remember when Millennium Force was being built, the almost cartoonish drawing that went with it. I loved it and couldn't wait to see it. I would rather not know what the ride experience was like before its built. Maybe some teasers to tempt me. But on the other hand the way that new coaster construction coverage by all the fansites is now, you basically know what the experience is like even without the video.

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AM I the only one who misses the days when there were no animated on ride videos or layout pictures with the official announcement? Just some statistics and little concept art to wet your imagination? I mean It feels like I've already been to Busch Gardens and ridden this thing before construction has even been completed. I cant remember the last new coaster that came out that didn't have a full POV video or layout released with the official announcement. Maybe Everest, and I guess some of Mystery Mine, but before that who knows. It would have been really cool if Busch had only released the details of 1 launch had no POV video, then the second two launches were a surprise to everyone on opening day.



I'd much rather just have a banner put up at the park, and let coaster dorks take it from there. It'd be much more entertaining to speculate as new track arrives, elements begin to take shape, and a name is announced. I mean, I'm still excited to ride a good new coaster after seeing the animation; but through a long, cold off-season, it'd be a nice change of pace to leave some things to our imagination.


With that said, I understand that the internet is now a crucial way of getting people excited for new attractions early, and in turn, that helps many people plan trips in advance. Hmm, now I've managed to convince myself that I'm basically on the fence about it all.

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Maybe if the parks would release segments of off-ride animation almost like a teaser or trailer for a movie instead of the full out on ride animated POV video. The same way the internet is used to get people excited about new attractions it could be used to keep people in suspense until opening day. Slowly release facts and concept artwork and chunks of pov or off-ride video. Similar to how Universal slowly releases info about Horror Nights every year until they finally release the full details, but they don't give away all the secretes of every house just give you the names and general theme.

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Cheetah chasing its prey.


New name! Hungry Cheetah ... and you get free Cheetos on the exit ramp. Problem solved.


This discussion, as yet another example, proves the world really is coming to an end. Cheetahs will be the only survivors. Smile!


BTW: Original Superman hypers have straight stretches of track; great coasters and fun.

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In reply to all the animation discussion, I completely agree, but at the same time I love the way parks have been building up their viral campaigns. I think Busch has been doing a fantastic job with this coaster. I've really been invested in what is coming out. At the same time, I really liked how tight lipped Universal was with Harry Potter, up until the end. It's a lot like my favorite bands now-a-days. There are some CD's that I just can't wait for and will download a pirated copy, but then there are some where it's totally better to wait.

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Not gonna lie, I thought "hunting cheetahs" at first instead of "cheetahs hunting." As in, in my best Australian accent, "We're goin' on the hunt for the woild cheet'." We're pretty intelligent people, really - it doesn't take much to misinterpreting the name. Now, of course, it's easy to see when you look at the train that you're assuming the personality of the cheetah, but beforehand, it's a little bit misleading at first glance.


I'm sure I'll get jumped at and called stupid and whatnot, but that's cool. The name just kind of sucks a little bit - not the ride though!

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I read threads, I'm a pretty good reader, and I already saw you posted that. And of course I think that they could have come up with a name for it, if only for announcement's sake. But at least that name's only temporary. Plus, I wouldn't really be surprised if that came from Six Flags or Cedar Fair. But Busch's names are typically so much more inspired and creative, so I guess that's my point. Again, the ride looks fantastic, and the name's just a name, I get that. It's just not what you'd expect from them.

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I love the idea of adding a 's to the name. Simple and effective. Cheetah's Hunt; there is no misinterpretation there. I also like the name "Cheetah Charge", I find that to be just as effective to describe the experience (plus I love alliteration).


Really though, if a name is just a name (which I don't believe is true), then why not change it?

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I looked at the park's facebook page as well, and the only rude comments I found are from the name supporters. There are people calling others stupid, and telling them that they are wasting their time, and that this argument is pointless-- that is rude! No one should be made to feel like something that they are passionate about is a waste of time.


Now that I have seen the facebook page I have to say that I find the parks response to this issue disappointing- and very un-Busch like. They will not directly address the real concern that fans have about the insensitivity of the word HUNT. Instead they have only stated that they can't believe anyone would think that it refers to hunting cheetahs, and how they are disappointed that this is the attention they are getting from the ride. That is NOT a response- that is DENIAL! Clearly people have been offended, and the park should directly address those fans! A good response should be something like this...


'We would like to apologize to our fans that have been offended by the title of our new attraction Cheetah Hunt. We value your opinion, and our creative team has spent a lot of time re-evaluating this new, one of a kind attraction. At this time we have decided to keep Cheetah Hunt as announced, as we feel it best describes the thrill that our guests will encounter. We hope that fans will come out to experience this new attraction first hand. After becoming immersed in the detailed themeing, seeing amazing animals up-close, and feeling the rush of speed; we are confident there will be no confusion of the ride's intention. Thank you for your support!'


^That is the type of response I would expect from a 'world class' park. It shows empathy for unintentionally offending some guests without admitting fault-- it makes them feel that their voice was heard, and opinion considered--- and even though in this pretend responce the parks does not make a change, they still go out of their way to encourage the offended guests to visit the park to check out the attraction, and assures them that the intention of the ride will be clear.

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I looked at the park's facebook page as well, and the only rude comments I found are from the name supporters. There are people calling others stupid, and telling them that they are wasting their time, and that this argument is pointless-- that is rude! No one should be made to feel like something that they are passionate about is a waste of time.


Ruder than those who post a link to an Internet petition against the ride's name to the park's Facebook wall multiple times? This is like spraying graffiti on your neighbor's house.


Frankly, I doubt that any sort of response along the lines of the one you suggest would satisfy critics of the ride's name. My best advice is this: If you are so offended by the ride's name, then vote with your wallet and stay away from the park.


I commend you for stating your case reasonably--but take care that you don't beat it to death.

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I know some of you feel that this whole argument has been blown out of proportion, and I understand that. However, I'm still somewhat fascinated by their choice. Sure, at the core, it's just a name, and most people can decipher the difference between the initial perception and the reality of the intended point of view of a cheetah hunting its prey. BUT, from a marketing standpoint of a park known for conservation, it still remains curious.


For arguments sake, what would your initial reaction be if they had themed it to foxes and called it "Fox Hunt." Or let's say Sea World had themed Manta to sharks instead, and called it "Shark Hunt." The initial perception and knee jerk reaction to a name is still important. A crowd will always be divided, but given the park's reputation, and the products they're selling, it makes it all the more interesting to me that the creative team didn't give stronger consideration to a possible backlash from animal lovers/conservationists.


It's certainly not the end of the world to me, and you're not gonna find me out there picketing or anything, but I find it a very interesting decision nonetheless.



Scott "still thinks it should've been 'Shinga'" B.

Edited by BeemerBoy
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Or let's say Sea World had themed Manta to sharks instead, and called it "Shark Hunt."


This would have been the greatest thing ever. Someone steal this idea.


I think a lot of the Facebook complaining is not because of the name, but because the name that was "leaked" was not used, thereby denying enthusiasses the opportunity to gloat over how they were right about the name on their forums that are read by like three other people. Because remember everything is about being "right" about things these days.


And I'm sure that internet petition will work, since they've been so successful in the past. Look at how well it worked for Big Bad Wolf. Oh wait...



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I think a lot of the Facebook complaining is not because of the name, but because the name that was "leaked" was not used, thereby denying enthusiasses the opportunity to gloat over how they were right about the name on their forums that are read by like three other people. Because remember everything is about being "right" about things these days.

I made that point on facebook and nobody seems to be responding to it. I honestly think that's the bottom line. They were wrong and now are throwing an e-tantrum.

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