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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Wouldn't a dark ride like Darkastle be too close to IOA with Spiderman and Universal with Transformers? I know they are already right next to each other but 3 that close would be a surprise.


I don't think this would be an issue. Tampa and Orlando are not "right next to each other," so I doubt that proximity would matter.


Sorry, I meant IOA and USF as right next to each other not Tampa and Orlando. I've made the drive before just meant relatively close. My brothers didn't like Darkastle because it was too similar to Spiderman. Everyone's different though so I really don't feel people would complain if one was added to BGT.

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I've never been to Busch Gardens Tampa, but I am planning on going this summer. Good to hear that Gwazi won't be taken down quite yet, although it will be sad to see Florida become nearly destitute of wooden coasters. Maybe a RMC Hybrid will come to that park or another nearby in the future. Also, the 3D dark rides may all be very similar, but I would not necessarily oppose another one in that area. I'd rather they make an indoor coaster, however.

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Not a Gwazi fan, haven't ridden it in years since the last time I did it tried to take my spine from me, so I wouldn't miss it. Not exactly excited about another forceless B&M, though. I like the idea of a new land with a dark ride or panda exhibit or Angeline Jolie breeding center or whatever. Would just like to see them use this area of the park for something more than a generic coaster.



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Wouldn't a dark ride like Darkastle be too close to IOA with Spiderman and Universal with Transformers? I know they are already right next to each other but 3 that close would be a surprise. I could see another large coaster down the road if Gwazi was removed.


People have also claimed that Universal Studios Florida would never get a Spiderman-style ride because Spiderman was in the park just next door, and yet Transformers: The Ride (an entirely similar attraction) is set to open very soon.


At the end of the day, if guest demand is there and the park wants to go for it, they will.


I'm guessing we'll either see a brand new, highly themed environ with an integrated coaster (like Egypt with Montu) or we'll get some kind of major dark ride/family thrill attraction with a good deal of theming. Either of which I'd be totally happy with!

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Well it looks like things are not looking good for Gwazi, rumor has it it will be removed very soon. Screamscape reports that during a behind the scenes tour a visitor was told by the park Gwazi will be removed to make way for a speed coaster to be built around 2015/2016. The trains for Gwazi are said to be shipped to the Williamsburg park for a future wooden coaster going in there in the near future. I'm quite sad Busch never considered trying the Rocky Mountain treatment to make this ride rideable.


Source: http://www.screamscape.com/html/busch_gardens_tampa.htm

(4/8/13) While Busch Gardens has still not been willing to make any comments or answer my questions about the future of Gwazi in the park, one reader claims to have seen what appeared to them to be one of Gwazi’s inactive trains taken apart and the cars mounted to wooden platforms and set alongside one of the park’s backroads, as if they were being shipped out somewhere.


There is an interesting rumor claiming that if Gwazi’s was shut down at some point in the future, the trains (which are only a couple of years old) would be shipped to Busch Gardens Williamsburg. This would be a very intriguing move since that park has no wooden coaster at all, but has long been rumored to be interested in building one on the former site of Drachen Fire, possibly as part of a whole new land themed to Spain, or part of an expansion of the existing German themed Oktoberfest area. For more on what the future of BGW may hold… make the jump over to that page.


As for the future of Gwazi, a reader took the early morning Roller Coaster Experience tour at the park not long ago and during the Gwazi portion of the tour, did ask a few questions about the future of the ride. According to the mechanic who talked to the group at that portion of the tour, the Tiger side is closed permanently. They also told the group that the coaster was expected to be removed in the next year or two to make way for a new “Speed Coaster” that would open in 2015 or 2016.




I think that since Busch Gardens is still refusing to say anything about what is going to happen to Gwazi, they don't even know what's going to happen with it. I do not know for sure but I would think that since Gwazi seems to be a hot topic to talk about at the park, some ideas have been thrown out there just to see if they would work. This is where all the rumors come from. I refuse to believe that the park is going to give up on Gwazi because it's honestly not THAT bad of a ride. Yeah it's pretty dang shaky but still rideable for sure in my opinion. RMC would do wonders for this ride, it can be improved and they can put a "Speed Coaster" somewhere else if they really wanted to. There has to be more space in the park for better theming other than the Gwazi plot that sits right beside the service roads...

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I'm lucky to have gotten on both sides in 2011, just after the Millennium Flyer trains were put in. I can't say it was a favorite (in a park with three outstanding B&Ms), but the quality of the ride wasn't back-breaking. Obviously, the reports from 2012 and 2013 have not been nearly as kind.

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I remember riding it right before they changed the trains and then again right after with the new trains,with the old trains the ride was easily in the top three roughest rides I've ever ridden,I felt lucky i didn't break a rib on it.After the switch I really enjoyed the ride as it felt rickety but not rough just like when it opened.I went to the park last month and didn't ride it so I don't know if it's gotten bad again, but I loved my rides on it when it was newer and again after riding it with the new trains,it would have to be something very good to replace it for me not to be upset if it were to get removed.

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I don't mind in Gwazi is taken out, but I'd love to see a dark ride in its place. A Yak and Yeti style restaurant would be great as well! It was a bit rough last time I rode it. Nothing terrible, but not very enjoyable.

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I'm wondering if the climate had anything to do with this. Or was it the long operating hours, or the trains? Anyways, it is horrible that the ride is closing. How come Florida is losing all the good coasters( Gwazi and the Daina Beach Hurricane)?

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For those that have ridden both Gwazi and Georgia Cyclone, which one is worse.

Georgia Cyclone was way more painful to me when I rode it back in 08'

I honestly still ride gwazi even though it's a punishment. I wouldn't ride Georgia Cyclone again.

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The first time I rode Gwazi was in 2008, on the lion side. It was a "ok" experience. I rode the Tiger side last year and it was very painful... Gwazi gave me a terrible headache. It's not a good attraction for BGT of course, but Central Florida would lose one more wooden coaster if it get removed. That's lead us to Coastersaurus or White Lightning.

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The first time I rode Gwazi was in 2008, on the lion side. It was an "ok" experience. I rode the Tiger side last year and it was very painful... Gwazi gave me a terrible headache. It's not a good attraction for BGT of course, but Central Florida would lose one more headache-inducing pain machine if it got removed.



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For those that have ridden both Gwazi and Georgia Cyclone, which one is worse.


I feared for my physical safety on Georgia Cyclone in 2011 (pre re-track)... it was THAT rough during my ride... and while Gwazi is certainly moody, and often a jarring ride, I never felt unsafe riding it! And Gwazi had spectacular moments... after/during a rain storm... night rides when its cooler out... I know that is a sign of a troubled coaster when I base my good rides on certain weather conditions... however, I still love and have always defended this ride! I know I will miss Gwazi IF it gets removed... remember, its still speculation at this point (I have a glimmer of hope it can be saved...)

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