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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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You think Six Flags would have done this if they still owned Kentucky Kingdom? Of corse not

Honestly, I absolutely think that Six Flags would have had Rocky Mountain redo the coaster, albeit Twisted Colossus-style or still two separate tracks.

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Of course they wouldn't. It's not like Six Flags has already done five other RMC conversions and is already working on a sixth one! Oh wait...

I think people are overestimating how high KK would be on Six Flags' priority list if they still kept the park. This is the chain that removed the park's star attraction for a water park expansion (that never happened anyway but whatever) and left Twisted Twins to rot for two years. They would have more likely just torn TT down before they even thought of giving it the RMC treatment.

Edited by cookiex
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...and left Twisted Twins to rot for two years. They would have more likely just torn TT down before they even thought of giving it the RMC treatment.

I mean, they let Rattler rot for...twenty years?

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^If Six Flags still owned Kentucky Kingdom it would be called Hurricane Harbor Kentucky by now.


I still think given the ownership structure (with the fair board), that will still eventually end up being the case. I just can't see the fair board not messing it up again....

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