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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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I pray that is not just a great photoshop or sped up video. Cause that thing is haulin' a$$! My reasoning behind that is the weird audio clip that sounds like a woman is saying, "s'that down." twice. It gives me a sense of alteration to the video or audio as it's too similar in both spots.


If it's not chopped vid, then this ride is gonna give the mother of ejector air on every camelback! Please! please! please! let this be real.

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Never expected so much going on in such a short amount of time. Suddenly track finished, suddenly electrical work, suddenly trains, and then suddenly test runs?! We're still over a month from the park opening! Well done, KK, well done!


Also, holy typhoon, batman, that thing seriously hauls-a$$!

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What did you guys think was going on when there was that 3 week stretch when there was no track going up? They got ahead on everything else done so they could start testing once the last piece of track went up and the trains were put on the track. I say one of the reasons this thing looks so fast already is that this is the first I-Box coaster where they stripped the paint on the running rails where the wheels run. There is no break-in period where they're waiting for the wheels to tear the paint off the track.

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So it was sped up. You can hear their voices at the end and they sound like chipmunks.


How much was it sped up is the question. Still looks awesome.


Still pissed their launch works better. Did they use a different company than Dollywood hired for theirs?


At the :57 mark you can see a guy in a white shirt waking by the crane in the middle of the ride. He looks to be moving at a normal pace. Not sped up.


Also Storm doesn't have a launch. You see that big hill in the background? Lift hill.


And Dollywood didn't hire the launcher company, RMC, did

Edited by gbioryl
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Still pissed their launch works better. Did they use a different company than Dollywood hired for theirs?


So it was sped up. You can hear their voices at the end and they sound like chipmunks.


How much was it sped up is the question. Still looks awesome.

That's probably correct. I listened to it closer, and even brought it into an editor (I won't re upload it since I don't have permission). After slowing it to 80%, everything seemed correct. The pacing looked more realistic, the guys sounded like actual guys, and even the cheering in the station sounded more human. It didn't haul as much a$$ as I had thought, but the coaster still looks pretty sweet!


Of course, I could be way off and be digging into this too much, and the pitch of the audio on the video was the only thing affected.

Edited by Midgetman82
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