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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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The super-bright colors also pop against the supports, fencing, and the entire area surrounding the outer-perimeter of the ride and park, which is a plus. It makes the ride very photogenic, and like what was mentioned earlier, the ride will be very visible from the front of the park (especially from FearFall)!


Now, about that second train for T3...?

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I like how they literally got the best ride they could afford, and did not waste a penny more on things like fancy custom trains or announcement videos. I'm glad they spent all their money on the ride itself.

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I had a bit of a laugh at some of the memes popping up from the coaster's design!



This coaster can never get a break. :-P

It almost does look like a large toy thanks to its colors, but the bright red, blue, purple, and yellow colors are featured all over the park.

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So at first I really didn't care for a lot of the color choices KK has been making, but they're really starting to grow on me. All the new rides/ slides are painted a very BRIGHT shades of primary and secondary colors. It really gives KK almost a signature look. I feel like when I visit the park is painted just like the park map which is really cool. I think it is a good choice, especially given the drab, industrial area of town the park is in.


It's also looking like this might actually be my first RMC since Lightning Rod doesn't look like its opening any time soon :/ I hope Storm Chaser doesn't have any unforeseen issues.

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So at first I really didn't care for a lot of the color choices KK has been making, but they're really starting to grow on me. All the new rides/ slides are painted a very BRIGHT shades of primary and secondary colors. It really gives KK almost a signature look. I feel like when I visit the park is painted just like the park map which is really cool. I think it is a good choice, especially given the drab, industrial area of town the park is in.


It's also looking like this might actually be my first RMC since Lightning Rod doesn't look like its opening any time soon :/ I hope Storm Chaser doesn't have any unforeseen issues.


I was thinking that too, that they're going for a pretty consistent bright, flat, kindergarten classroom kind of aesthetic. I like it, for the same reason you said, that it contrasts with the surrounding urban environment. Definitely no missing that you're at an amusement park at Kentucky Kingdom.

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