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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Did you see the video though? Fine, use No Limits, but at least get a computer that will run it with decent graphics and a better frame rate. No video would've been better than what we got.

It could be anything, from low screen resolution contributing to the 480p video to bad compression when exporting the video from whichever editor they used to make the titles. I use Premiere and After Effects and I always export my videos at the absolute highest quality (which results in 1 GB+ for even a couple of minutes of video) and then compress them down using Media Encoder. Sometimes, though, if you're not sure what you're doing, reducing the video resolution and frame rate will get the file size down to something more manageable.

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Did you see the video though? Fine, use No Limits, but at least get a computer that will run it with decent graphics and a better frame rate. No video would've been better than what we got.

It could be anything, from low screen resolution contributing to the 480p video to bad compression when exporting the video from whichever editor they used to make the titles. I use Premiere and After Effects and I always export my videos at the absolute highest quality (which results in 1 GB+ for even a couple of minutes of video) and then compress them down using Media Encoder. Sometimes, though, if you're not sure what you're doing, reducing the video resolution and frame rate will get the file size down to something more manageable.


Right, well, whatever the reason, it was pretty awful. I wouldn't say they've "learned their lesson" but considering it was so strange to have happened in the first place, I doubt it will happen again. The video only got 9,000 views, as opposed to, say, Lightning Rod's first video which got 117,000 (and wasn't even a full pov).

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Seems crazy that this little park will have a 1-2 punch of coasters better than lots of much bigger parks. Great news for people in the area.


That's exactly right. And it's bringing them my new business this year. If they only reopened the park with the same attractions it had as SFKK, I would never had visited, but in 2016, it is a MUST for me as an enthusiast! I hope this coasters brings them even more success!

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