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The Mega Dead Celebrity Thread

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Yeah, the charity has been going for a little while, and they are asking that you contribute to it now after Steve's death to show your surport.


The Peter Brock death has been another blow to all us Aussies, the man was a legend of Motor Sport within this country and will never be forgoten.


Can you only imagine what it is like in heaven with those two up there now....chaseing all the crocs at over 200km per hour.


These things seem to happen in threes, so who is next?

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Well with what his job was and everything, I didnt think he was destined to live a very long life! Its a sad thing though, but you have to admit that after all these years of dealing with wildlife the way he did, something like this isnt all that surprising.


Colin C

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^ South Park has always been "tasteless" and the little tiny segment with Irwin in the episode was harmless. I've made worse jokes about Irwin's death than the episode did.


Basically, Satan is having a costume party. A party guest comes up to him and tells him someone is dressed as Steve Irwin and that it's offending the other guests. Satan goes up to the guy dressed as Croc Hunter and tells him that the costume choice was offensive and "too soon", but then the guest turns out to actually BE Steve Irwin. Satan then asks him to leave the party because he didn't have a costume.


That's it.

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^ Yeah, there was scene after scene of the three serial killers ripping people's intestines out, screwing dead bodies, etc., plus showing Ghandi and Princess Di in hell, yet people get offended by a 20 second gag with Irwin that was more of a tribute than a mockery.

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^^^Why? I mean, it's not like waiting longer would really do anything. The only people who are truly in a grieving state right now are his family, his big fans, and his network execs. Most of us said "Wow, that's really sad" and then went on with our lives.



Besides, he wasn't exactly outraged when they did the tumb episode with him, and he was alive then... This was a lot tamer in comparison.

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^^^Why? I mean, it's not like waiting longer would really do anything. The only people who are truly in a grieving state right now are his family, his big fans, and his network execs. Most of us said "Wow, that's really sad" and then went on with our lives.



Besides, he wasn't exactly outraged when they did the tumb episode with him, and he was alive then... This was a lot tamer in comparison.


Maybe out of respect for those people still greiving? Again. just my opinion.

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