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About Robgraves

  • Birthday 09/21/1981

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  1. What would Hard Rock Park be like....ON THE MOON??!?! it depends Wes.... can they prtect it from were-dragons and all the other otherkin on the moon?
  2. happy bday TPR, good to be back in time to celebrate
  3. ive been away too long. and i need to post sooo many TR's.
  4. who the hell would have posted Hobosexual....... OH! HAI!!!!
  5. the best extreme sport is still.... WATERBOARDING!
  6. personally... i can't wait for the rapture......... no one to proselytize anymore, no one to complain about gay marriage, .... anything we can do to hasten this process... a letter writing campaign maybe?
  7. im happy with anything they do that fixes its current rough shape... so long as its not as disappointing as SP:M2 in DLRP.... just rode that yesterday and... wow... fun ride minus the vekoma induced concussion... but the effects left much to be desired in all honesty, especially after Cali's refurb. The supernova was well... underwhelming, considering that it was obviously a Screen next to the track.. rather than something more skillfuly executed, or at least better hidden. Some parts were really cool.. others... well.. They made me like Crush's Coaster even more... but ill go over that in a trip report prolly after i get back to the states in a few weeks or on the boat ride back.
  8. Age: 26 Middle Name: Joseph Pet Peeve: Loudmouthed people who complain a lot. Color of your bathroom: Usually white Best Movie of ALL time: Blade Runner or The Dreamers Best Song of ALL time: Homeward by VNV Nation Best TV Shows: Doctor Who, Scrubs, House, Little Britain, Torchwood Favorite Band/Artist: Pet Shop Boys or VNV Nation Yummiest Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Walt Disney Morning Person or Night Person: Night person Pets: 2 cats and a bunny Favorite Color: white and blue Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Somplace i could either dance or sing. Coke or Pepsi: neither Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Love It, though i love PB&B more. Best Vacation Spot: Someplace with heart. Cook or Go Out: What night is it? Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Fjord
  9. mine has always been spot on, even before the people knew it themselves sometimes.
  10. wow, thanks for that insightful post, it really helps further the conversation. anyhoo.... themaster, level 70 warlock on Area 52, and a few other assorted toons... former raid leader and all that jazz on my old server.
  11. no offense there pal, but wouldn't that be the iPhone just known as iPodOS? not really, the plan would be for it to be more of a fully functional computer product. while yes it would be similar to the iphone it would be more like a melding of an ipod, a mini and an iphone. At least if the designs i saw are legit/what is actually produced.
  12. it will be an ipod that runs a version of MacOS
  13. its tough when you straddle the line too, cause you have both sides pulling you and telling you you have to choose (like its possible). My wife put it best earlier today in a conversation. "it would just be so much easier if i could just choose one or the other, choose which i wanted more, but then i know i would be giving something up and i could never do that.... its in some peoples nature to be gay, its in some peoples nature to be straight, its in our nature to be &%*### greedy."
  14. Then let me be the first. I prefer girls to guys.... in fact i could never imagine myself having a "relationship" with a guy, i just like them for play sometimes... My wife is bi and most times prefers girls, but is also a hound for guys, is married to me,... so... go figure.
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