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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Although I still think that we should get Greezed Lightning back and call it Deja Vu.




He was kidding. Tidal Wave, while fun enough at the time, had little ridership when it left. It was always a walk-on. V2 blows it away, though TW had the loop and was a Schwarzkopf.


We were both kidding around.

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We were both kidding around.


Oh. Sorry. Carry on, then. Like me, I'm sure you've seen the GP comments asking for that over and over. I thought I was on the SF Facebook page for a second Well, then, I want Shockwave back! And Davey Jones' Dinghies! I mean, flying boats! Who wouldn't love those again?

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^Yeah I've seen the GP comments and I have no idea if they were ever on the FB page or not. I really don't go on there that much. Honestly, the SFGAm FB page sort of grinds my gears. Everything everybody says on there is stupid, but then again this is the GP.


Davey Jones' Dinghies? That was before my time. I started going in 86 (wow just dated myself there). BTW, I'd just like to mention that I've seen the Screams and Dreams show at the Pictorium (with other TPR members) and if anyone does go to the park check it out. It's very well put together and I'm hoping next season they'll have a part two. Part one is from 76-84 I believe (please correct me if I'm wrong though).

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No, I dated myself with the Davey Jones' Dinghies allusion! That must have been '79 or '80 when I first rode them. I try not to look at comments on the FB page too, because they just make me mad with their stupidity. I can separate the enthusiasts from the GP on there easily.

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Although I still think that we should get Greezed Lightning back and call it Deja Vu.




He was kidding. Tidal Wave, while fun enough at the time, had little ridership when it left. It was always a walk-on. V2 blows it away, though TW had the loop and was a Schwarzkopf.


I was???


(I'm one of those weird, Obsessive, hard-core, go out of my way to ride it, Schwarzkopf fans. You know, one of the nutjobs.)

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There was a rumor that the seats on the drop of The Swarm would rotate so you go down the first drop head first. This could be more evidence towards a wing rider...


So, we know that whatever this puzzle will reveal is not only concept art, but hints at a vertical/headfirst element to the ride.


EDIT: http://bizhost.headfirstconcept.netdna-cdn.com/ga2/facebook-buy-tickets-bar.jpg


Proof that "headfirstconcept" isn't a fluke.

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I really want to see SFGAm get an awesome coaster like a B&M wingrider, but I'm afraid it's too good to be true. Hopefully I'm wrong.


Any chance the "headfirstconcept" (if it has anything to do with the ride), is referring to the spinning seats on a ZacSpin? Just a thought...


I'm still hoping for something thrilling... this park deserves it after years of family-friendly additions.

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I wouldn't dig too much into the domain.


CDN domains have the following format “zone.company.netdna-cdn.com”



Headfirstconepts is a marketing firm:



If you go to some of their client's facebook pages you can see the bizhost prefix in their domains.

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Went to SFGAm for the first time since BTR was brand new a few weeks ago (8/6).


It was insanely crowded. I got there at 2:30pm and didn't find a parking place until nearly 3:30.

I found it to be a well-rounded park with a large collection of mostly-average coasters.


BTR: didn't ride, since the line was massive, I had done it before and I was short on time (yes, I had a flash pass)

Whizzer: still enjoy this ride. Very nice

Eagle: I usually don't like backward woodies, but this one was nice. Braked to death, though.

Little Dipper: what an absolute treasure.

Spacely's Rockets: credit whoring. Longest wait of the day.

Dark Knight: enjoyable

Ragin Cajun: OMFG. Maybe it was just a good day, but the thing was spinning out of control. Couldn't even raise my head from the seatbacks. Amazing.

V2: love these, and this one delivered

Raging Bull: I'm sorry to say, but I'm bored with over-engineered B&M big coasters. The sensation of big drops don't thrill me much anymore and B&Ms tend to be very predictable. Going up into an element, you can say "yep, [coaster] also has one of these elements" and it will feel pretty much the same. It's a nice layout, but anywhere other than the front seat is sorta meh.

Viper: a family-friendly Cyclone? Really? Having just ridden Coney's Cyclone again in June, it really hit home how rampy and shallow these drops are. There's little or none of the famous cyclone intensity here... but it's fun as all hell. There's airtime to be had in the second half of the ride and it was giving nice, smooth rides each time I rode it. Pleasant surprise.

Superman: just rode the SFGAd version in June. This one is pretty much the same.

Iron Wolf: Loved it in '92 and was disappointed to be brutalized by it this year. Was almost like a stand-up Goudurix.

Demon: didn't ride. Rode it in '92 and not a fan.

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Raging Bull: I'm sorry to say, but I'm bored with over-engineered B&M big coasters. The sensation of big drops don't thrill me much anymore and B&Ms tend to be very predictable. Going up into an element, you can say "yep, [coaster] also has one of these elements" and it will feel pretty much the same. It's a nice layout, but anywhere other than the front seat is sorta meh.

Back row is the way to go simply because of the massive airtime you get on that first drop, rest of the ride is pretty meh. Sounds like you had a fun day though!

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Raging Bull: I'm sorry to say, but I'm bored with over-engineered B&M big coasters. The sensation of big drops don't thrill me much anymore and B&Ms tend to be very predictable. Going up into an element, you can say "yep, [coaster] also has one of these elements" and it will feel pretty much the same. It's a nice layout, but anywhere other than the front seat is sorta meh.


I rode Raging Bull the year it opened but haven't gotten back to ride since. I still remember my ride and don't understand how you can say it's predictable. It has a fantastic layout and the figure 8 before the final brakes I remember has being quite forceful. Of course this is coming from a beemer fanboy but RB is their first and only attempt at a hyper twister. Personally I think they need to make more of them.

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V2: love these, and this one delivered

Raging Bull: I'm sorry to say, but I'm bored with over-engineered B&M big coasters. The sensation of big drops don't thrill me much anymore and B&Ms tend to be very predictable. Going up into an element, you can say "yep, [coaster] also has one of these elements" and it will feel pretty much the same. It's a nice layout, but anywhere other than the front seat is sorta meh.


I couldn't agree more. It's just one of those rides at Great America that I don't mind skipping. Once you've ridden it, you've ridden it. Not much else it does and it just feels very "meh" after you've ridden it X amount of times. Although I have to say, when I do ride it, I go for the back rather than the front, just for the airtime on the first hill.

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V2: love these, and this one delivered

Raging Bull: I'm sorry to say, but I'm bored with over-engineered B&M big coasters. The sensation of big drops don't thrill me much anymore and B&Ms tend to be very predictable. Going up into an element, you can say "yep, [coaster] also has one of these elements" and it will feel pretty much the same. It's a nice layout, but anywhere other than the front seat is sorta meh.


I couldn't agree more. It's just one of those rides at Great America that I don't mind skipping. Once you've ridden it, you've ridden it. Not much else it does and it just feels very "meh" after you've ridden it X amount of times. Although I have to say, when I do ride it, I go for the back rather than the front, just for the airtime on the first hill.


I actually disagree as far as "meh" goes. While, yes, it is no where near a top 10 coaster, or a force machine, it's just so dang fun. It's one of those coasters that you just can't help smiling and laughing the entire way through. No bumps, shaking, just a good smooth ride.


I love it

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I don't know what it is about Ragin' Cajun, but it's easily the most intense spinner I've encountered. Love it!


Raging Bull is one of only a couple B&M hypers I really enjoy. But it was my first, so I fear I might like it a lot less if I rode it now. I liked the twisty layout and the bits of mild airtime throughout, and the first drop airtime in the very back is intense, although my front seat rides were way too tame for me.

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^^ My ride in the middle yesterday was pretty shaky through out the whole ride. My first ride a little closer to the front was much better though, same train both times. I will say that as a whole, I've liked Raging Bull better this year. It seems my rides, for the most part, have been pretty smooth with more floater air than I noticed last year. I think it still has potential to be better, but how it's been this year hasn't been too bad either.


Edit: I've also been noticing more Dark Knight effects not working. My last ride had no Joker voice, no lights on the "Department of Sanitation" sign, and no car horn at the end.

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^^ My ride in the middle yesterday was pretty shaky through out the whole ride. My first ride a little closer to the front was much better though, same train both times. I will say that as a whole, I've liked Raging Bull better this year. It seems my rides, for the most part, have been pretty smooth with more floater air than I noticed last year. I think it still has potential to be better, but how it's been this year hasn't been too bad either.



Dominator is doing the SAME thing no matter which train you ride with the rattle & vibrations becoming more & more progressive the further into the ride you go but seems to be smoother toward the front,granted I havn't had any front seat rides in over a year now due to the wait times being so long......Carowind's intimidator on the otherhand was smooth from start to finish both times I rode it earlier in the month

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