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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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I'm honestly glad that it'll find a new home. Despite its historical value at the park, its glory days are certainly well behind it. I rode it once in 2005, and I don't remember much about the ride, but it was not my favorite by any stretch of the imagination. If the ride gets any type of rehab (whether it's refurbed trains or new paint) it's a welcome improvement.


It's supose to get new trains if I remember correctly


New trains won't help a mediocre ride one bit.


Most of Iron Wolf's roughness comes from its trains. New trains would help alot

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I remember when Iron Wolf first went up. Me and my 12-year-old buddies couldn't wait to ride the OMG STAND-UP COASTER at SFGAm. It was the hot ticket that year. Sunrise, sunset.


Weirdly, I remember being unimpressed with IW even then. I naively thought we'd really get to stand up in the car with unsupported legs (what if you faint?!) so the ratcheting bicycle seat thingy was a letdown.


This has been Old Person Storytime.

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I still miss Shockwave.. hahah but not as much as I enjoy Ultimate Flight. Still, the news of Iron Wolf being removed and AE running backwards again have pretty much made up my mind about going to Great America this season.


So if it closes Sept. 5th then does that mean we will have no "Predator" branded Iron Wolf at Fright Fest?

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Eagle Blue was running backwards yesterday, and it was such a surprising ride! It wasn't rough at all to me. There is nothing like it that I have been on. The first drop is so funky going backwards!


We just rode it this afternoon (it's been 20 years for me since I last rode backwards). Eagle really isn't rough at all except for the end of the double helix. It's running well this year.

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The SF plot seems to be thickening.


Last year, SF started throwing curveballs left and right with their gifts for the 2011 season. This year seems the same assuming that SF will continue with their "Go Big" additions in 2012.

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Why would SfGam do this? If anything, i would either improve it, or not do anything at all. It's the original B&M stand-up.

No one besides us dorky coaster enthusiasts know that it's an original B&M coaster, they don't even know who B&M is. All they know is that it's a mediocre ride that bangs you around.

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That is probably what they will announce on September first. I rode American Eagle yesterday and the blue side's line was at least 30 minutes longer than the red side's line, so people are really excited to try it backwards. But might I add, I rode the blue side before when it went backwards, and it's not as good as it use to be. It's trimmed to death now and it nearly stalls on the final airtime hill. Still a neat experience though.

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The only true view of the former SWF area is through the smokers area, and Cole and I both could to get a good look unless we either jumped, or stood on the benches, where you could see all the equipment left over from SWF.


And to those that think that the raceway has a chance of re-opening, it doesn't. The park is beginning to remove the run rail.


In other news:



"Welcome to the Demon CLAP CLAP I'm gonna have you screamin' CLAP CLAP I promise."

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