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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Also, Iron Wolf. Togo death machines are bad. This isn't that. Today, IW was't anywhere close to the pile I expected after reading cries and lamentations earlier in this thread and elsewhere.



Truth. It's just typical enthusiass whining. Iron Wolf is Exhibit A in the display for "intense and forceful", and for that reason the other two early B&M standups are at the very top of my must-ride list.


As for Raging Bull's trim- I do believe it has been in use since it opened.

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I didn't notice any rattling on Raging Bull when I rode it earlier this month. I think I rode 6 or 7 times and probably rode all 3 trains that they were running. Front/Back/Middle.


For those of you that aren't sure if you've felt the B&M rattle before, you have if you have ridden a sitdown/floorless. I have yet to ride one that didn't have it. Raging Bull started rattling around 06. Before that it was glass smooth. It is really noticeable on the downward side of the turning hill over the station. (3rd hill). Batman and Superman do not have the rattle. For whatever reason the inverts are less likely to. The rattle doesn't make the ride horrible, but it certainly decreases the ride quality.


I have ridden PLENTY of B&M Sit-Downs/floorless coasters. Scream at SFMM is the worst offender of this, and has (IMO) become downright rough the past few years.


I'm just saying I didn't notice it on Raging Bull. Not saying it wasn't there, I just didn't notice it. And if it was there, it's NOWHERE near as bad as some other B&M's I've ridden.

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I didn't notice any rattling on Raging Bull when I rode it earlier this month. I think I rode 6 or 7 times and probably rode all 3 trains that they were running. Front/Back/Middle.


For those of you that aren't sure if you've felt the B&M rattle before, you have if you have ridden a sitdown/floorless. I have yet to ride one that didn't have it. Raging Bull started rattling around 06. Before that it was glass smooth. It is really noticeable on the downward side of the turning hill over the station. (3rd hill). Batman and Superman do not have the rattle. For whatever reason the inverts are less likely to. The rattle doesn't make the ride horrible, but it certainly decreases the ride quality.


I have ridden PLENTY of B&M Sit-Downs/floorless coasters. Scream at SFMM is the worst offender of this, and has (IMO) become downright rough the past few years.


I'm just saying I didn't notice it on Raging Bull. Not saying it wasn't there, I just didn't notice it. And if it was there, it's NOWHERE near as bad as some other B&M's I've ridden.


I've ridden Raging Bull 100's of times since it opened and to me it's ride quality clearly changed, I believe in 06'. It used to have the smoothness more along the likes of Sheikra/ Griffon, Tatsu, or Silver Bullet. It's not terrible. It's still my favorite ride there, but I can certainly tell it's not like it used to be.

Scream felt pretty good when I rode it back in March at the WCB. Best ride I ever had on it.

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Looking forward to a wingrider. Guess we have a true destination park once again! Now, we have to see if Dollywood's coaster is indeed a wingrider and if they'll have theirs open in March. We will have first announced for North America, anyway.

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You don't really hold your hands up on a ZacSpin either.


That's why it's only concept art.


I know, he's enjoying himself too much too if he's riding a ZacSpin. (I know it's concept art)

Edited by Schotcher
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No but they are a "Waste of space." You could fit at least 2 flat rides/a boomerang in a ZacSpins place. With and 8 person train, you'd be better off capacity wise and satisfaction wise if you just put in a couple flat rides in it's place. You'd also save a ton of money.

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^Why in the name of baby Jesus would you want to build a Boomerang over ANYTHING Intamin?


That was a subtle attack at SFMM for building a ZacSpin instead of moving Deja Vu to it's plot. (Even though it would be a bit pointless, but if everybody likes it so much then they could have easily kept it).


EDIT: lolz "baby Jesus"


But anyway I think SFGA needs to replace a Beemer with a Beemer. I mean losing the first Beemer? Even though it seems like it hurts, it's still a trophy.

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From what I've heard people are a bit disappointed to say the least to see Deja Vu leaving. It is very pointless to move it. But it could've been done. Just sayin. It's pointless but it could've been done if they wanted to. But would you rather a ZacSpin or a Wingrider?

Edited by Schotcher
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^Why in the name of baby Jesus would you want to build a Boomerang over ANYTHING Intamin?


That was a subtle attack at SFMM for building a ZacSpin instead of moving Deja Vu to it's plot. (Even though it would be a bit pointless, but if everybody likes it so much then they could have easily kept it).


EDIT: lolz "baby Jesus"


But anyway I think SFGA needs to replace a Beemer with a Beemer. I mean losing the first Beemer? Even though it seems like it hurts, it's still a trophy.


Umm, what..? For one thing, Deja Vu is being moved to SFNE.


From what's been revealed so far, it's definately a floorless/inverted type of ride, it's hard to tell if it's actually a coaster yet, although I have high hopes that it is. I wouldn't mind if it was a Zacspin OR a wingrider, both are rare coasters (in the US even more so.) and one of either at SFGAM would put one in driving distance for me.

Edited by CoasterCreator9
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Umm, what..? For one thing, Deja Vu is being moved to SFNE.


I know it is.


But anyone find it interesting that there is one definite Wingrider and 2 possible Wingriders being built for next year (And Raptor from this year) and B&M doesn't even have Wingrider's on it's product list?



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