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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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^Why not a better layout? Raptor kinda looks really dull...


Re-read my post. Raptor and it's lack of forces would remain in Gardaland if it were up to me. Every review I've read of Raptor emphasized the fact that it was nothing special, and in fact, lame (aside from theme). Thats what Disney parks are for.

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^Why not a better layout? Raptor kinda looks really dull...


Re-read my post. Raptor and it's lack of forces would remain in Gardaland if it were up to me. Every review I've read of Raptor emphasized the fact that it was nothing special, and in fact, lame (aside from theme). Thats what Disney parks are for.

My mistake, I must've skimmed over it too fast!


But it looks like both parts of my post on the top page were wrong! It'll be cool to see more wing riders pop up.

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I see the jagged edge star swirly things there that you would see on a Zacspin car that are between the inner seat and track, and you can clearly see the Zacspin track and those look exactly like Zacspin restraints.


Um so yeah....Zacspin!

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I see the jagged edge star swirly things there that you would see on a Zacspin car that are between the inner seat and track, and you can clearly see the Zacspin track and those look exactly like Zacspin restraints.


Um so yeah....Zacspin!


I see neither the star nor the track.

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All they're giving us is edge pieces...and I want a middle piece!


But yeah it looks like a WingRider on a really strange angle.


It definitely looks like the bottom of a Wingrider seat, though that black portion at the bottom of the puzzle almost looks like a footrest, while on Raptor that portion supports the rider's thighs. Maybe just bad placement of the rider in the concept art.

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I'm going with wingrider, as you can see the corner of the seat in the new piece removed. The edge of the seat seat has a sharp angle which matches the B&M wingrider, compared to the zac-spin which has higher and more curved seat edges.



Edit: Forgot about the watermark, it's covering the edge I'm referring to.


Edited by Airtime&Gravity
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^Why not a better layout? Raptor kinda looks really dull...


Re-read my post. Raptor and it's lack of forces would remain in Gardaland if it were up to me. Every review I've read of Raptor emphasized the fact that it was nothing special, and in fact, lame (aside from theme). Thats what Disney parks are for.



I forgive B&M On that. Keep in mind it was a Prototype designed to WORK, not be Intense. (Anyone remember The Bat at Kings Island?)

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Why should MM be the only SF park with a Zacspin when one would fit perfectly here?


Because..it wouldn't? The SWF spot can hold something much bigger than a Zac-Spin, and Great America needs a people eater. Our last three coasters, while fun rides, don't have good capacity. We need something new that will keep lines moving, and a Zac-Spin certainly won't. I don't get why you keep saying we're getting a Zac Spin when it's obvious that we're not...

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Why should MM be the only SF park with a Zacspin when one would fit perfectly here?

Because magic mountain has a great collection of coasters and is chasing the precious coaster title. And because Great America hasnt got a thrilling coaster since Superman in 2003. And taking up such big space with a coaster thats nothing but a glorified flt ride would be dumb.

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