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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Okay after re-watching the POV that zero-G stall things looks insane! And the way that it's kind of hidden in the structure is really going to surprise a lot of riders.


Also, the first 1/4 to 1/2 of the layout or so looks just like Goliath at Magic Mountain. Drop, tunnel, turn, air time hill, and then it gets crazy.

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This ride looks incredible. The "inverted zero-g stall" is insane. Congrats to SFGAm for getting a major coaster so soon after X-Flight. But Six Flags sure is fast and loose with the "record breaking" superlatives. Tallest wooden coaster? No way. Fastest wooden coaster? Probably, but debatable. Reminds me of SFMM calling YOLOcoaster the tallest looping coaster. Anyway, I'm not complaining - the ride looks amazing, and the marketing people are doing their job!


The three records they advertise are actually all being broken by this coaster (if all goes according to planned)


-Tallest Wooden Coaster Drop-Previously held by El Toro at 176 feet...this is 180 feet.

-Steepest Drop on a Wooden Coaster-Previously held by Outlaw Run at 81 degrees...this is 85 degrees.

-Fastest Wooden Coaster-Previously held by El Toro at 70 mph....this is 72 mph.


As for Tallest Looping Coaster, yeah that one irritated me. Of course they were talking about the tallest vertical loop, but still, that along with YOLO was just...yeah...

Edited by Coasterguy21
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I think it will be a very fun ride but I feel it is too short it just ends so abruptly.


Outlaw Run is short but that doesn't stop it from being one of the top coasters on the planet.


I've not been on outlaw run but just watching the point of views the way outlaw run ends is no where near as sudden as the one in this video. I'm not saying this will be bad because its short in fact I think it will be incredibly fun it just caught me off guard how quickly it ended.


Edit: rob it wasn't even a real complaint. I look forward to riding the thing. Sue me if the sudden stop surprised me.

Edited by Ape
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It's a great coaster and all, but it could have used a little more cowbell

I simply do not understand all the complaining about this ride. Anyone who thinks the ride is "short" or "needs to do more" really should go ride Outlaw Run.


--Robb "There just never will be a cure for 'dumb' will there?" Alvey

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Okay after re-watching the POV that zero-G stall things looks insane! And the way that it's kind of hidden in the structure is really going to surprise a lot of riders.


Agreed. Favorite part of the layout, by a long shot. Flipping upside down is one thing, but nobody's gonna expect to be held there for a couple seconds!

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Call me stupid, call me unappreciative, call me an old fart, but this does not look like my kind of wooden coaster.


I saw the top-down layout drawing so I expected a loopy-woopy ride like Rocky Mountain has been making as of late, and that's exactly what was revealed. I know that it will be a great wooden coaster that the majority of people will go gaga over and that will be a great addition to Six Flags Great America, but the rolls and inverted stall don't do anything for me.


Also, this opinion is subject to change if I happen to ride it one day and actually like it.

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Anyway to get away from negativity. I haven't been to the park since I was 7-8 years old. I may try and make a trip back up there. Its only 6 hours away for me.

I like how the person who started with the negative comments is now being condescending to the rest of us trying to be positive about the ride. What a jerk.



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It's a great coaster and all, but it could have used a little more cowbell

I simply do not understand all the complaining about this ride. Anyone who thinks the ride is "short" or "needs to do more" really should go ride Outlaw Run.


--Robb "There just never will be a cure for 'dumb' will there?" Alvey


Robb buddy it was just a joke. This ride is frign' fantastic. I don't think i've been more excited in my life

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I suppose it's only fair that if one of the two most intense coasters in the park is sent off, you plant something equally as intense or better in it's place. That first drop looks like it could be in the same realm as Raging Bull's, which I think is the best on a steel coaster. To have the wooden counterpart in the same park would be a nice touch.

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Anyway to get away from negativity. I haven't been to the park since I was 7-8 years old. I may try and make a trip back up there. Its only 6 hours away for me.

I like how the person who started with the negative comments is now being condescending to the rest of us trying to be positive about the ride. What a jerk.





I really wasn't trying to come off as a jerk. I'm not here to go back and forth with people and it started to go that way so I backed off. I'm used to a little more sarcastic forum. I decided to backoff of the original comment and focus on being positive. So my apologies.

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Well, I have decided to officially announce that I am calling off my "hunger strike". I will for sure be hitting up Six Flags next summer so I can hit these. Odds are I will also end my hunger strike on the flash pass there. This ride looks awesome.

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OMFG OMFG OMFG! People seriously! Do you SEE this ride?! This is beyond impressive and sick! If you have ACTUALLY RIDDEN Outlaw Run then you should be nothing but excited for this thing! Seriously RMC! a Inverted Zero-G Stall! How the F*@% do you think of this stuff?! Not only are they doing all of this with wood but they are also creating new and exciting elements! It's like a breath of fresh air in a land of cookie cutter forceless B&M's. I haven't been this excited for the future of the industry in a long time! Don't forget how awesome Medusa looks too! That first drop! OMG! Honestly if this ride isn't enough to excite you and make you go WOW then I think nothing will please you! And seriously the name, WHO CARES! THANK YOU RMC! THANK YOU SIX FLAGS!

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For those concerned about length (hehe), get over it. It's not the length of the layout, but what it throws at you. Having now ridden outlaw run I can tell you that this ride will feel a lot longer riding it in person than it does in the POV.


Outlaw Run just throws everything it can at you from beginning to end and this looks like it will do the same thing. Once you go down that drop all perception of time will drift away and you will just enjoy the ride.


Doug "it's long enough" Mandell

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The POV literally blew my mind. There is a lot going on with this ride for the small space it's going to fit in. That zero-G roll part has me particularly excited as I can just imagine the hang time through it. Glad I'm only seven hours away.


I also like the logo - definitely stands out from the other Goliaths.

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I think it will be a very fun ride but I feel it is too short it just ends so abruptly.

The announcement isn't even 3 hours old and here comes all the complaints.


Wow... I wish my local park had a future 5 star coaster to complain about... After riding Outlaw Run five times on Tuesday, I honestly wouldn't WANT it to be any longer. With elements as extreme as RMC provides, I think short and sweet works best.


Is anyone else really impressed with the SOLID line-up that SFGAm has?

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